RPGM - Peasant's Quest [v3.55] [Tinkerer]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Poor visuals, weak storyline, and puzzles that completely disrupt what little atmosphere there is. The barebones RPG Maker combat system is boring, I really don't get why people enjoy it, as it’s literally just the default RPG Maker setup.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    nice game, have be playing it since years and its development after the years are great. Yeah sure if you want to see everything you need to play it for a long time, i have at the moment 68h and must say, its really nice. I would recommanded it to play it. Just hope this game wouldnt be abandom.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, I tried to play it years ago but I couldn't continue because my English was not good enough. Now I decided to give it a chance again and the result is amazing,

    As for the renders, the old renders look like 360p but the majority of them are very good, some of the renders have been updated as I remember from playing before but some of them still look the same.

    The story is very good, there are really high quality missions, and what I like most about it is that it has been receiving updates steadily for a long time, I was constantly seeing it on the “Last Updates” channel and I am very happy to finally be able to play it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    İt's a fantastic game it's like A Struggle With Sin (another porn game) with less ntr scenes but it makes up for it in other departments character models as i said are more detailed there is a way to view old scenes that is a nice thing that most other games dont have
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I would say the game is good having come back from not playing it for two years a decent amount was added the story and characters are interesting and most of the cgs are good except some of the earlier ones that look really crispy that could use a rework
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best of it's kind. It has not only very diverse characters but is also a decent RPG. The main weakness of the game is the very old renders but the further you get the better the renders get. I hope the game will receive a good remake in the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A lovely concept. A lovely art, it's very nice see 3D style on a RPGM game. Simple, but ok story. Likeble characters, and pretty much every woman is fuckable, even a...Ogre... I never imagined that someday I would can fuck a ogre.
    The quests are cool, the gameplay flow is very well done, and the sex scenes are hot.
    It's raining stars here!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    I 180'd on this game, probably twice, I haven't tried it up until now because it's an RPGM game and all RPGM games are at least a 25% bad, This might be kind of an exception but we'll get there. I decided to check it out because of the 3D art and well I mean it does speak for itself I'd argue, but lets get into it.

    The art is very fucking good, at least I think so, lots of variety in women, lots of scenes and clear effort is on display. One thing that is very much a small nitpick, and it's not one I would generally expect just because it's so hard to implement especially with this kind of 3D art is more dynamic movement in scenes. I'm not allowed to give you examples of games that do this well but they are often anime style games with lower poly models, and the dynamic movement is usually to hide the low fidelity, I just think the combination of high fidelity models and that movement would slap. Regardless this is some top tier 3D art.

    Sound is standard RPGM sounds for the most part with some sampled porn moans for sex scenes. Probably one of the weaker areas of the game honestly, especially when the sound intefears with the gameplay in fights where a zombie MUST play the full 1.5 second long moan before attacking, making you want to fucking die. On the flip side half the games I've played have had no sound at all so it ends up evening out.

    The story is weird, I am interested in seeing it culminate if it ever does because as it stands the MC is both the bringer of eminent doom and the hero of our time. He'll fuck a goddess to get her blessing then father the anti-christ. He doesn't really have a moral compass at all and I legitamatly find it difficult to actually try and consider his actions within this game and i'm not even at the end of the content yet. Pretty sure he's a textbook narssacist.

    Okay so I am inherently biased in that I utterly dispise RPGM and have a pretty baseline hatred of JRPG's, most RPGM games, porn or otherwise, get severely bogged down by the slow and tedious movement, combat, and dialouge system. If someone put me in front of a computer, put a gun to my head and told me to play this game without auto-dash and with no cheats, I would destroy the computer so they have no choice but to kill me. No sane person wants to spend 20 minutes slowly meandering from one end of the map to the other, getting into fights and dealing with that combat system.

    To be fair, Tinkerer has done a lot to make the gameplay in some way engaging, and did some clever ass design, and some less than clever design and I MUST give them credit. There are no fully random ecounters every enemy is present on the map and you need to run into them to fight meaning it's possible somtimes to avoid fighting altogether. There are a lot of areas and a lot of avenues for sexy scenes and overtime you unlock the ability to fast travel and it's the most important ability in the game probably more than having sex. As you progress in stories the state of the game progresses too, there are several characters you have to knock-up in order to progress there scenes, the further in you get the more these changes of state occure, suddenly you go from being homeless, to renting, to having like 12 different houses and 20 kids. One thing I argue is impereative to porn games is for scenes to change dialouge as you do them, should be different from the second time, and even the third, peasants quest is overall good about doing this, because changes of state occur frequently.

    All that being said it's still an RPGM game, and there is no easy quick combat option so until you get high enough level fighting shit can take forever and feel obnoxious, you have the classic bullshit RPGM shit, can't move out of an in game cutscenes until the other model's have left the scene, when you get a status effect durring combat the game must fully stop you, and just you, to go through the dialouge causing an enemy to run up on you, obnoxious ass menues. The classic RPGM bullshit.

    So with the good and the bad laid out my verdict is this, This is one of the better RPGM games out there and I would even argue it's only 22% bad, if the art is to your liking I'd give it a try and if the RPGM shit just gets to you enough you can always cheat, I certinly do, everytime, without fail, fuck RPGM.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I used to love this game, mainly for bringing in a majority of women with bushes and because I found interesting the story of Qetesh and Nergal.

    On the plus side the game does have a lot of content and caters to many fetishes, some of the women are very hot and exciting (Victoria, Erevi, Alice, Frida and Ziva are my favourites). I'm not a big fan of monster girls except if they look very human but each to their own.
    And also to be noted is the dev is still consistent with update releases and his communication after 7 years which is quite rare in adult games.

    However, over time the main story has just been stalling and all the new updates only bring new side women that bring nothing to the story and follow the same typical path of quest & grind > sex > pregnancy > birth and repeat. I don't care about pregnancy and babies and it becomes in fact a source of grind as some quests require some of the women to give birth to get started and it takes 20 in game days to do so.
    Women in the game are now just shown as breeding animals and the MC is becoming more and more of an asshole as time goes.

    On a personal note the recent women added to the game are completely shaved (Beth lost most of her bush in the last update) so the main fetish that brought me to the game isn't there anymore.

    The grind and combat gets very annoying as with many rpgm games. I had to cheat my stats and inventory to help speed things up.

    I feel like the Dev just like many others (Oni for example) just don't want to conclude their games because they're not sure they'll be able to create another that can bring them the same level of income. So they just keep bringing new characters with the same type of story or create new useless quests just to extend the game without trying to bring any conclusion to their story. Sadly many players seem to be content with that.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fantastic game. Probably has the most content out of any game in this site and covers so many different fetishes. I think it would be improved by making it easier in places. Like how your affection degrades with girls if you don't speak to them. That would work in some games but there's a million different girls here impossible to keep up with them all!
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    For a game 7 years in development it looks very simple. After 30 minutes of playing I lost all interest, the combat was bad and the story was bland. The interface and text fonts are also very bad.

    The tags say it's animated, but the blowjob scenes with the town hooker were all pictures. At least for a game that has been in development for so long, the sex scenes should have been fully animated.

    There is also no tutorial in the game. There are a lot of PDFs in a folder called "Walkthroughs", but the pages of text written there only serve to confuse more.

    If you've never played this kind of game before, Peasant's Quest literally never tells you what to do. Even if you get used to the gameplay, sooner or later you'll get stuck on quests and progress will come to a complete stop due to the lack of a proper walkthrough.

    If I'm going to grind for tens of hours, the game had to grab my attention from the beginning. But unfortunately, Peasant's Quest didn't make it. I've been trying RPGM games on this site for a long time, but I still haven't found one worth my time.

    It's an engine that can do a lot of interesting things, but when it comes to gameplay, it makes you ignore all the other good things. A lot of effort but a poor reward system that is never satisfying in return. Even if you have nothing to do, it's not worth your time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this a while ago but back then it already was a 5/5. One of the best games on the site. Lots and i mean LOTS of content with every girl introduced. Two bad design choices in my opinion if they are still a thing in the current state of the game is affection degradation, with more girls being introduced it just feels like a chore to keep them all happy (just makes the game worse). And the combat would be better if RNG is completely removed from it (missing for example). But really great job to the creator(s).
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game had some real potential at first it seemed interesting in characters and story and the art as ok even the dev was trying to improve his animations.
    However that is mostly gone now and this has kind of gone from a real game to just a fetish simulator for those with unique tastes.
    The quest mostly don't really add anything to game and a lot of them are just really basic. And the girls lately are just kind of the same (type/story) with just slightly different looks. The quality of the game has sadly gone down if your new you might find a few fun scenes in what there is but don't get your hopes up for some new quality content
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    The Lewd Gamer

    I just can't wait for the game to be done to give it a well-deserved 5-star rating!
    Update after update the dev will not let you down. Also, women in this game are so fucking hot. I'll say I did need a guide to go through every quest, but that's just probably me, the game usually gives clear hints as to what to do next, but I did get lost some times and had to resort to using the walkthrough someone posted.
    So yeah. 5 stars.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    . lots of pregnancy
    . incest
    . very ugly girls
    . very hot girls
    . rpgm :(
    . lots of gameplay, lots of girls
    . femdom, a lot of it
    . maledom too
    . lots of stealing wives

    There area couple of problems I have with this game. The biggest one is that there are so many girls that are just ugly, but you need to work to get them to unlock more scenes with other characters. It's so easy to make a character look good, so I don't understand why they don't. I guess someone must like it, or they wouldn't do it, but it definitely isn't for me.

    Some scenes you get stuck in an animation and need to press buttons on the keyboard to get out of it. This isn't that big of a deal on its own, but sometimes you need to have sex multiple times for a quest, and you have to keep going through this animation trouble, that isn't completely solved by using a keyboard.

    Perhaps my biggest annoyance with this game is that from knocking someone up to the baby being born, it takes 20 in game days. This isn't that bad when you have other things to do, but sometimes I wouldn't really have other quests to do atm, or I would be hunting a character's scenes, and I'd have to get them to 4 children, so I just have to spam sleep 60 times in a row.

    Also has the problem that every rpgm game has, such as taking many hours to get the content and having boring game play.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    His Bastardlyness

    The game suffers from what too many RPGM games suffer from; poor balance. I imagine the initial idea was to make it 'challenging', however I will say the developer doesn't actually know what challenging actually is.

    The entire combat system is an entire monotony of constantly attacking until the opponents are dead. At which point you are required to heal massively after every battle. While some enjoy using the excuse of RNG for things such as miss and evade rates, they ignore the overall performance that shows a distinct lack of any actions aside from making combat into an even greater headache. For those in the RNG camp, keep in mind that computers are not actually capable of true RNG, thus when you have an overarching display after several hours then it is a core problem with the system as it has been set up.

    Any skills that you receive as part of some quest are underwhelming and offer no real change in strategy. The 'Magic' abilities are tied to a far too small mana pool to be useful unless the player has spent hours grinding up potions to constantly replenish it. And you still require to heal one's self after every encounter.

    As for the grind... there is a difference between grind and mind-numbing uselessness. Most items that you spend hours grinding out and then convert over to other items serve little purpose other than being a resource that the developer is determined to burn through. Need a particular potion to offset poisons? You have to kill a mountain of poisoning enemies to get to a point of being able to craft them. The glorious 100% heal? You'll grind even more to have enough to even be noticeable compared to less powerful resources.

    The renders are alight, but the general scenes are rather mundane. Nothing original or even interesting. In terms of power-dynamics you have light FemDom actions that are a bit weak, and you can tell this is one of the creator's personal fetishes. Which is fine, it the developer could actually keep them interesting.

    In the end I will say this game is probably like others that had a FemDom focus that were in production at the time; poorly designed, lazy writing, and meant to be little more than a masochistic activity.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v3.22

    I played this game a year ago and I was frustrating and gave it 1 star early game and left it, a year later I saw it again while looking for a pregnancy tag game, and I was like you know what? I will fucking get that pregnancy shit for real. And I was not disappointed.

    Story 4.5/5: You are a peasant. There is nothing special about you, yet. You will later become great things with your effort, but this will take time. But when it happens, you will truly feel accomplished. This is if you do not make mistakes in the dialogues and some path gets locked. This is what really bothers me. Half of the game’s content may not be available to you unless you follow the walkthrough step by step.

    If you want to enjoy the game without a walkthrough, here I summarize some critical points to enjoy access to all the scenes in the game (as far as I remember):

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    Gameplay 4/5: I'm fan of soulslike games but this was too much for me because I wanted quick fap not to kill all lords of cinder. But this hardship only in the beginning and I advise you to use the in-game cheat to jump into the mid-game where all the fun begins. Because good things like fast teleport don't come until later, so whoever said the game is a walking simulator is not half wrong.

    Art and sex scenes 5/5: You will get little to none scenes until you reach mid-game (about 10 hours gameplay). If you do not get tired of killing goblins, you will be rewarded with huge quantity of animated scenes that I guarantee you will be satisfied with.

    TL/DR; The game is hard. But if you endure it and reach half the game, you will really enjoy it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Is more than a Game +18, just look the type of interactions with the caracters, they don't are a simple machines walking random, not, they can Lost afection while time run, ando if You don't give atention, they angry, or sad, or lustted, if you do something or not, even the animation are very good, every scene is feel than the creator realy like the work that he do, so in general is a perfect Game if you want to have a complete experience.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Best erotic fantasy RPG out there currently.
    Also one to supply a good quest arc, goblin porn (among others), enticing artwork and pregnancy.
    Frequent, regular updates with constant improvement and progress.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best porn game out there IMO, if the emphasis is on both 'porn' and 'game'. People who complain about the grind must have hated Link/Zelda as children or are too young to know about them. It's fine. For those of us a certain age, it tickles that nostalgia. The porn is also fun, plenty of depraved fun but never mean spirited.