VN - Ren'Py - Pecker PI [v0.4] [MrPocketRocket]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a real gem of a game so far. Love the setting and I've always been a sucker for detective noirs. I like the grounding of the setting taking place around the early Vietnam War 60's (accounting for the M1 Garands). I feel it should have been set earlier like after WWII or Korea to better fit the actual design motifs used in the game, but we're nitpicking at that point. Great work and eager to see where the story goes!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Bruce F. Lee

    This is surprisingly good. It's a film noir (think Maltese Falcon) set sometime in the 1960s or very early 70s but with a modern sensibility toward race and gender. The mashup works well, in part because the timeframe is not emphasized. It appears the developer made an intentional choice to blur the era. Playing with the timeline seems like a smart move for an adult VN as it allows the developer to include a greater variety of love interests than a purely historical approach would realistically accommodate and reduces the need to stick with period appropriate apparel and objects.

    Like most film noir, the MC is a man's man : a former boxer that doesn't have to take shit from anyone. He's less certain of himself with the ladies, presumably because he has recently returned from
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    The mystery is actually interesting. The immediate investigation seems simple, but it also appears to be part of a larger conspiracy.

    Regarding the ladies, there are plenty of hotties to choose from, including the obligatory femme fatale. Unfortunately, it's a slow burn with most of them at this point. The renders are very nice, the animation is okay.

    It's worthy of five stars and I'm very much looking forward to more.

    Review is for V0.4.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I would say that some of the outfits don't quite fit in with the period (I guess the 30s). That's the only criticism I could make. From my point of view, it's a great game with a lot of atmosphere. The story texts are also really good for me. I'm really looking forward to the sequel ....
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for V0.3
    "Pecker PI" stands out with a very unique story that sets it apart from other games in the genre. The plot has an intriguing premise that initially draws you in.

    One thing that stood out to me was the inconsistency in clothing and interactions relative to the time and setting of the story. Some outfits just don't fit the period, and certain interactions feel out of place, breaking the immersion.

    The graphics in "Pecker PI" are average. They're not bad, but they don't particularly stand out either. They do the job but don't add much to the overall experience.

    Another issue is the unrealistic forwardness of some of the female characters. Their behavior and the dialogue in these moments often don't make sense, making it hard to stay engaged with the story. It feels forced and detracts from the narrative flow.

    Overall, "Pecker PI" has a unique and interesting story, but it falls short in several areas. The inconsistent clothing and interactions, average graphics, and unrealistic forwardness of some characters all detract from what could be a much better game. There's potential here, but it needs more polish and coherence to fully realize it.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The kid has moxie. I appreciate the setting and there's the foundations of something good here, but it needs a good deal more polish in the writing department before I can throw my considerable weight behind a wholehearted recommendation.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    MrPocketRocket You have created something truly amazing, marvelous and beyond praise. Since very long time I was wanting a game like this that matches my niche., this is something i've always wanted. more mystery games please. best of luck
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most promising AVNs in development right now for me and here is why:

    - charming detective noir theme (somewhat reminiscent of Phillip Marlowe books or Tex Murphy), fitting music, good athmosphere
    - hand in hand with the previous point is, of course, sense of humour and sarcasm. There is effort (and for my sensibilities largely successful) to make even what would normally be mundane narration an entertaining and enjoyable read.
    - story and characters are just getting started, but plenty of potential
    - MC who doesn't take himself seriously and actually pulls it off decently IMHO
    - if you're in it just for the scenes, you should probably look elsewhere (at least at this point - v0.3)

    Eagerly awaiting the next update..
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the setting and the idea behind it. The main character and those around him don't seem generic and appear really charismatic or dubious and they look good, too. Also it is comfortable for me to play as this MC, he doesn't look ridiculous or out of place.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    ONE OF THE BEST OUT THERE! GREAT STORYLINE, PLOT, TWISTS, CHARACTERS, HUMOUR! Feels like you are living the character of some mysterious novel. The Sherlock Holmes theme added is really good. What is the best part is it is a perfect blend of all the great things: intimacy, humour, theme, storyline, everything! LOVED IT!!!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The dialogue is generally quite good. It fits the setting of the game perfectly, and I love noirs/neo-noirs, so it is right up my alley.

    The plotting could use some work. Some scenes really could use a bit more time to breath. The party the MC attends is one. There was a lot of opportunity to potentially talk to different characters and flesh the world out a bit, but it was just a quick overview, one convo, an unskippable handjob and that was it. Overall some scenes are a bit too quick, and others are unnecessary.

    The overall visual quality is fine. Some positives and some negatives.

    I generally like the characters. There are the classic noir-tropes represented, along with some others. The one boxing girl was a bit inconsistent though. She hates us, then we go for dinner and she's playful, and then 5 slides later hates us again. I like the friends sister, and hope we get to see more of the crime bosses daughter as well, that is always a fun trope.

    Overall had fun with it. It's lighthearted and has a lot of potential, but not super polished.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Based on 0.3
    There is forced sex content, both: not involving MC and involving MC. To make it worse, you're at party with one of girls you're interested in and you can't refuse handjob from some other NPC.
    What a refined gentleman we play as, indeed.
    When it comes to characters, MC ic cliche 13 years old horny kiddo in adult body - "i'd like to fuck", "wish I stick my cock into her" etc kind of thoughts.
    Other than that, writing is not utterly bad, but not great either. Story might be even interesting, if it wasn't ruined by unfortunate events mentioned above.
    When it comes to visuals, some of the models looks really nice and appealing, and that's might be the only strong positive thing about this game.
    If you don't mind playing mandatory sex-fest, than go for it, otherwise stay away,
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Pecker PI [v0.3]

    Really enjoyed this one funny detective story takes places in 1950s. Pretty girls too. Writing is good and enjoyed Holmes reference. If you enjoy playing visual novels with humor you can definitely try this one. We don't have many detective stories here another plus is MC is funny. There is fair amount of content now.

    Overall I enjoyed the game. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for [v0.3]

    One of the most interesting and unique VNs I've seen on this site. Pecker PI nails the 1950s vibe with its noir aesthetic, historically-fitting lingo, and the attention to detail in its environments.

    It's a detective/mystery story with engaging dialogue, lots of humor, a flawed chad MC, and adult scenes that feel organic. There's also a wide variety of attractive LIs with distinct personalities (Valerie and Turis are my faves).

    Definitely looking forward to future releases, as you can tell the dev is getting better and better at the craft with each one.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    really enjoying this one. the film noir style is really fun to play. loved the Sherlock lines in dealing with the pawn shop guy. the music is really great too, though it should be playing throughout the game instead of here and there. the gym trainers daughters are both hot as fuck. i love seeing white guys getting it on with black girls. since many games feature black guys trying to cuck white guys and steal their girls, i think more games should feature the same with white guys and stealing the black guys girls..only fair right? although, in this game, we don't know if the girls have bf's or not. but would love to see them have some and eventually have mc knock them out one by one when they try to get in his face after he steals their girls away.
    hm, kind of rambling here. anyway, i highly recommend this game to anyone that wants more than just a story about fucking. this is a great story so far and i am really enjoying it.
    can't wait for the next chapter. keep on punching Pecker P.I.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Saint Blackmoor

    Great game. I like the noir style, and the dialogue fits the atmosphere.
    Currently [v0.3], The art is great, with beautiful and good-looking characters. The story is believable. I would say it is one of the best on F95. I'm curious how the game will develop. For now, it takes a decent amount of time to do a playthrough. I would highly recommend this game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2 (Edited)

    This game is essentially just comedic noir. Now I don't necessarily have a problem with a game taking a more humorous approach, but for me the humor is very bland I suppose. I don't hate it, but I'm not sitting here laughing my ass off either. So now I'm looking for anything else that might make we want to keep playing, and that "thing" just doesn't exist for me.

    To put it simply, I'm not very hooked. In the hour or so I played there was not a single second I was really immersed within the game. Pecker PI tries hard to create this noir setting, and actually does accomplish it to a certain extent. The environments themselves do well for that. However, there's also this sort of forced/fabricated feeling with how tropey it is at the same time.

    The real problem though is just how all over the place this is. It doesn't let itself breathe. There's no sense of depth to any of this because it doesn't really build anything up. You're just being blasted left and right with info and events with little nuance or really any element that might intrigue you into wanting to learn more. Then when the game occasionally does try to have more serious moments it becomes such an abrupt shift in tone that I find it hard to take it seriously.

    I originally had a harsher critique on the music, but talking with the dev a bit clued me in more on how difficult it can be to find even decent music that fits the theme. I will still say it doesn't exactly work for me, but it's not as if it doesn't match the noir theme.

    The renders and character models do look nice, but that isn't enough for me personally. I don't have much desire to play more of this, but I do think if you're into less serious AVNs or don't place as much value on writing as I do you'll get more enjoyment out of the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Be a little... unpredictable! Right now you are like a murder mystery with two characters, and the dead guy didn't do it!
    [Chapter 2 review] MC is a pervy veteran turned private investigator, currently on his first job. He is eager, but not very good, which he decides to resolve by... reading Sherlock Holmes. He smokes and drinks a lot. Fairly standard noir comedy protagonist, really. His best friend Mike is a draft-dodging lawyer with a hot sister, who is also a lawyer. MC has minor PTSD and hallucinates his former sergeant, much to his chagrin. Very similar to The Unbroken's Davis.

    It's a fairly horny game with ogling camera angles, sultry looks and such, but that fits well with the mood. The humour is more hits than misses, and it has a few gems like:
    Ringo: Fuck! Ok, you know, checking out the ladies. 'Gus' wasn’t too interested, but there was a lot of beauties present. Shit was going to be like shooting fish in a barrel.
    Ringo: Me and Gus dove right into it.
    Detective Turis: "Gus and I"
    Ringo: No, I’m pretty sure it was me and Gus, I was there, remember?
    What's notable is that all the major characters are just so much fun. MC, Mike, various LIs, and a few suspects are all witty, intelligent and charming. The actual investigation is interesting on its own, but it's used more as a backdrop for all the lively character interaction.

    Give it a shot, maybe? :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, this is brilliant!
    How can you turn down the witty story of a private eye in Chicago 30s Rackham City?
    Well, maybe not the thirties, because the bar sells alcohol freely, it's more like the fifties, but still vintage style. Radio, vintage cars, elegant suits, mafia is everywhere, background jazz, war flashbacks... Dunno about you, guys, but I like this setting.
    The game really resembles a good detective movie with a lot of humor and a perk of an adult game.
    Excellent renderings and work with angles and perspective make the images very stylish and hide the flaws inherent in images created using computer graphics, even city streets look very alive.
    All in all, another valuable find for my small collection of story-focused adult games, I highly recommend it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Ali ibn Hassan

    Fuckin' brilliant!
    Gorgeous ladies, some even more than that!
    Slap stick humour!
    Fist fights!

    I really appreciate the good work you've accomplished with this excellent production!
    Wouldn't even have minded if it'd been in B&W like a classic gangster movie!
    Composition and "camera work" like a movie in stills.

    Could do, though, with a little proof reading of the dialogue. Not much, but still, to perfect what's already very good!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Revised at v0.2

    First, the not so good things:

    Then, the neutral things:
    It is not quite a stylish Detective Story, but it tries hard and succeedes enough to keep the vibes up. So you just swim with the bodybuilded Coplady, and other slightly off feeling things.

    The good: I like the soft jazz vibrafon, brushes and bass track very much. More of the same, please! I like the premise of the fallen sportchamp, ptsd'd, but with friends helping him come back into live. I like the humor, mostly. I like some of the ladies, and was never put off by the quality of the visualising. And, it tells a story, that maybe can be interesting enough to stand for itself.

    Like it, will play again.