Unity - Completed - Peeping Dorm Manager [v1.1.0] [HornyDoge]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game! From the preview images, I thought I knew what to expect, but it was sooo much more!

    It is rare to find a game that is so well polished and functional. Gameplay is simple and not confusing, even with an in-game hint system that doesn't feel cheaty. Strongly recommend for all my other pervs out there.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish there was a save system so I can go back and redo certain scenes. I don't really wanna redo it when I came so far already. :( The investigation system was nice, but there were times when I was completely abt what I missed and the In Progress part on the Mission Board wasn't very helpful.

    Thanks though. The CGs were great.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is great, various minigames and the mechanic of being able to save highlighted text and search them up in game was very unique and engaging in terms of h-games. Storyline is simple and characters are all very interesting and coherent without reading an essay's worth of dialogue. Love the art too. Just wish there was more, maybe if it expanded the side characters or had more than just two main girls.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Caution - rape, blackmail, NTR etc.
    Overall 8/10
    If you're looking for good Hscenes animation, this is the game.
    Good: Hscenes + Beautiful female leads + Great voice acting
    Repetitive gameplay - most of the quests felt boring, do this at that time etc.
    Story 7/10
    Pervert dorm manager - harasses 2 dorm girls. A lot of quests to do and can get game tips from in game.
    Unique i guess
    Renders - 10/10
    Good everything looks good
    All characters look good
    Hscenes are perfect
    Sound - 10/10
    Voice acting from the 2 female MCs are very good.
    BGM is there
    Playability - 7/10
    Animations - Hscenes are amazing
    Amount of content - 2 main women have a questline. Mostly a lot waiting for intel (can pass time), decently interesting to find crumbs to use on them.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly a good game that I would play even without the porn.

    The Gameplay is surprisingly good, the sex scenes are pretty good too.
    Only thing is that it gets a little old towards the end. But that's not a criticism, game's aren't meant to go on forever
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Haven't finished it but pretty decent. imho, takes too long to pick up steam (reaching gentleman level 2).

    • Solid art and presentation
    • Implements stalker simulation better than most games I've seen trying to do it.
    • Good variety of voyeur activities
    • No time-limit, as far as I know. And sleep isn't enforced. (This isn't like Summer Memories, etc.) So, you can just sit at a spot and skip time to brute-force things a bit.
    • Obnoxious almost 2-handed control scheme: move with arrows, esc for menu, and mouse to do everything else
    • Bad tips! The hint for the code to mirai's room
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      wasted so much of my time I had to use a guide. Hint:
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      . This gates progress to gentleman level 2.
    • Weird logic. (I'm mostly just salty about this) Discovering the
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      This usually wouldn't bother me, except... This also gates progress to gentleman level 2.
    So, there are a couple of really silly obstacles to your progress before it gets interesting but if you're stuck I hope that helps.

    I would suggest taking advantage of the fact there doesn't seem to be a time-limit. Don't waste time earning money unless you need it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    There's 100 reviews so it's difficult not to say what has already been stated. Therefore, instead of repeating what every single other review has praised it for (i.e. listing pros/positives), I'm just going to list what I believe lowers this from a 5 star to a 4 star. In short though, I do believe it's worth playing but it's not God's gift to hentai like so many are praising it to be. The h-scenes are fantastic but a h-game has to be more than just porn. I feel as though what it proposes is not executed fully or well at all.

    The detractors:
    • Gameplay is repetitive and quickly becomes dull, it's a grindy mess.
    • The endings for both girls are pants-on-head stupid, they're genuinely brain dead. I can't express enough how dumb they are. I'm here to NTR the girls, not have the game NTR me.
    • The dormitory is dead. It's a dormitory next to a college, it should have more characters even if they're just random NPCs around town and in the building.
    • The sex feels empty. There's not really a reaction to having sex it just occurs then you go next.
    • The characters are incredibly bland and shallow.
    • The main girls randomly spike from naïve/innocent girls to whores (terrible corruption execution).
    • Logic and reasoning behind a lot of the sex is simply absent.
    • The CGs are great but there's not a lot of quantity, it feels like there should be more.
    • The side girls have minimal content. There is no point in even including them.
    • The story has an interesting premise, but terrible execution.
    • The game is linear with no true influence on the plot.
    • You can't play this game entirely one-handed... you know why this is problematic.
    • It doesn't explore its fetishes well enough (peeping/voyeur/corruption/etc.).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a well-produced game with great scenes and animations. Took me about 5 hours to get most of the scenes (didnt 100% because I couldn't be bothered).

    -Amazing scenes
    -Great art style + nice pixel art
    -Nice variety of panties
    -Animated scenes
    -Good voice acting
    -Fun investigative feature to gather information about the girls and to progress the story
    -Overall pretty well polished

    -Can be a bit boring in between scenes, especially with the slow walking
    -Not always intuitive how to progress the plot, often just a lot of waiting
    -Minigames get boring pretty quickly
    -Bit unrealistic with the sleep sex (my guy is fucking them rough and cumming in them and they don't even react or have any reaction the following days)
    -I encountered a bug where I couldn't progress (had to look on here to see how to fix)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Very original, it’s not the typical RPG or Visual Novel. I would have liked more varied animations, or with more movement, not just the typical “loop” in which you increase or decrease the speed. Also more types of fetishes or positions, scenarios. The visual art, fulfills.”
  10. 3.00 star(s)



    • The animation is outstanding, with exceptional quality.
    • The artwork is very impressive.
    • The game includes well-crafted H scenes.
    • The story is decent.
    • The characters are reasonably well-developed.
    • The option to earn in-game money using Polaroids is a game-changer, providing a welcome alternative to the otherwise monotonous money-making methods.

    • Gameplay can become repetitive, often leading players to skip through days or rely heavily on selling photos.
    • The story progresses too quickly, which may impact the depth of engagement.
    • Despite the high quality of art and animations, the variety is limited, particularly in terms of pixel art.
    Overall, the game is worth playing for its remarkable art and animations, which are some of the best in the genre. However, its potential is not fully realized. With elements comparable to 'NTR Legend' or 'Holic', it could have reached a 5/5 rating. Due to the shortcomings in gameplay, diversity of pixel and animation art, and the need for a more compelling story and characters, I give it a 3/5.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A polished and generally well designed game focusing on voyeurism and corruption.

    You are a refreshingly frank low life who wants to spy on - and maybe do more to - the girls in the dorm he runs. Gameplay consists of grinding various maintenance-related minigames, and snooping around for events, clues, and H scenes. The two main girls have specific schedules and circumstances which you have to sus out by talking with or spying on them, picking up important keywords. With the information gathered, you then have to figure out when and how to progress that girl's route.

    It's an interesting system that feels very organic, and generally works well. Unfortunately, there are a few sections requiring some leaps of logic, or with arbitrary requirements. The in-game hint system is a helpful addition, but often you'll still often end up directionless and trying things at random. Given that the game is based on a weekly schedule with multiple time slots each day, and some events only occur at a specific slot once a week, it can be super easy to miss a clue or event, and frustrating to wait a whole week to try again.

    Thankfully, the game has a pretty solid amount of content and often multiple leads to chase, so you'll usually have something else to do in the meantime. There's quite a few optional lewd scenes for each of the main girls, plus a few bonus scenes of side characters to hunt for. The scenes are reasonably good, consisting of one or two short but well animated loops. The writing is average; some okay humour, and generally acceptable porn levels of dialog and plot, but nothing more. The voice acting is a nice touch, giving a little personality to the otherwise flat characters.

    The game does require a bit of grind, particularly if you're after all the bonus scenes. The minigames aren't too bad, but you still have to play them dozens of times in the early game. The end game almost has the opposite problem: you run out of interesting things to do, and just have to skip multiple days at a time, grinding H scenes that become a chore rather than a reward.

    Overall, a fun main game loop, good build up, and sexy scenarios. A few pacing problems, grind, and obscure puzzles disrupt the experience, but don't ruin it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It was a good pixel art game, I like the idea of investigating through security cameras, the only problem is that there was a mission that was impossible to solve, because of a bug, where I had to change the game's language... and the fact that the minigames are very repetitive and a good part of the game was me just graining it. I liked the art, the Hentai scenes, the characters, the girls' voices and the story.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm a bit torn on this game. On on hand it has really good visuals, the cgs are animated and the rest of the game looks good as well, and I like the idea of the investigation mechanic. It's fun to use and to scouring the internet feels good thematically but in practice after playing for a bit the novelty wears off and it becomes tedious. I started the game being really into it then staying after being annoyed only to finish the cgs at the end and not really feeling like it was worth it to complete.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has very nice looking nsfw content! I enjoy the pixel art in the touchy parts, and the sex scenes are good too.
    However, the minigames get very repetitive and there is a fairly large section in the middle of the game where you are doing nothing but grinding for money.
    I do think it has potential but the amount of nsfw content in relation to chores is a bit unfortunate. The side girls deserve more as well.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game but there's time when clue don't showed up in english so I need to change languages and there's a bug where i could not get the special CG or whatever, so I missed one. Bought it on steam after played this one.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall solid game wrt to art, voice acting, interface and gameplay.
    Avoids the pitfalls of most sandbox games where the developers don't really know how to balance resources and the player's time.
    Would only say it felt like it plays out a little too long for the amount of content, but the quality is high and there's an instance where you could be softlocked without ever knowing as you go around in circles.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game a lot. I like the fact that I can take my time trying to figure out each of the women. The scenes were fantastic and had a lot of great content. The art and animation were great as well.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Game has 80+ damn reviews so if you want reviews on how most of the content is they can fill you in. I just finished this damn game and I'm here to complain about the damn endings.

    Cause wow those epilogues sure are...something. Play the whole game one-handed start to finish in one go then get to those endings and like, damn. I think I've found a new way you can get one of those M2F transformations cause those endings inverted my boner so fast it's gone all the way back in the other direction. I swear there must be some kind of memetic brain rot that can jump from porn creator to porn creator out of damn nowhere and they become suddenly convinced that stories entirely about one character corrupting another character making a hard jump at the end to "here plebs, feel free to all enjoy this new sexbot I created" is like a real great, or consistent, or satisfying, way to send the players off with a real nice thankfuck you. Like, MFer if you want whoring out to be the end point then build up to that shit instead of making the entire set of post-corruption, pre-ending scenes all more of the same "MC fucks these cock-coked out girls again -now in at least some different positions". So the degens who like that shit can enjoy more of it than just the damn epilogue and degens who fucking hate that shit (raises hand) can catch the hints of "oh no, MC who has expressed before this absolutely no interest in sharing whatsoever has started wanting to walk his sexpet past the homeless shelter so they can cum all over it"-or whatever- and nope the fuck out before we get to the "pass the fucking pizza-chan around the circlejerk for a full cum glazing with cum-filling"-style ending.
    Like, fuck, if "here hump this ho-sac" is where you want the damn game to end, then why not have the ex-bf you have pulled back into the story for no fucking reason at the 11th hour actually be sad cuck fucking glasses-chan while "real chad" MC rails her ass, or while she's sucking MC off and paying no attention at all to cuck-chan's flailing efforts.
    ...though TBF maybe having the first scene of the game be watching M1-chan and cuck-kun inexplicably fucking by the washing machine should've been fair warning to me that sharing would be where shit would end, but in my defence the fact it only ever happens one* more time before the epilogue means those instances got pretty much drowned out by all the other scenes. And (standing on somewhat firmer ground here with my complaining) M2-chan (no seriously, why have both main girls have names starting with "Mi"?) has exactly 0 scenes with any other dudes before her ending!
    Hell by the endings' trash completion to the story you share both your new sexomons with other dudes before you ever share them with each other (if you ever do! you sure as hell don't. ever. in this game, so maybe the dev's saving it for a sequel). Like, "here congrats player! as a reward for working to corrupt these two girls in this one dorm where both live right next door to each other, and fucking know and talk to each other, and can at least once in the game both be present in the same shared lounge room at the same damn time where you can fuck or grope both of them entirely out in the open in their own separate solo scenes, enjoy watching both them fuck eachother men, individually".

    So I'm rating this game 3 stars cause god damn if I've ever felt more "peak-end rule'd" recently than I have with it.

    *...yeah I know, "fool me once" and all that shit. probs should've seen the garbage epilogues coming...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Played V1.0
    Very good corruption game, with amazing art and incredible voice acting, the game is very simple so its easy to complete, if you get stuck the game provides a hint system in one location in exchange for items so no need t worry. Game is infinite so there isnt a ending sequence, in exchange for that you can see heroine's epilogue in the main menu.
    Only downside is that one bug that gets you stuck, but its very simple to fix so is no problem
    Likes: mdp2p
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Peeping Dorm Manager [v1.0.0] review

    What it is:
    Sandbox perv detctive simulator

    + Unique gameplay mechanics. I enjoyed becoming an internet sleuth and creeping on the girls.
    + Good characterization.
    + It's animated.

    - It's fucking broken. Read the walkthrough linked on the front page. To progress with the pink-haired girl you'll need to do a language-switch workaround or you'll get softlocked.
    - It takes a while to get to the H. It's not exactly grindy, just slightly bordering on it.
    - At some point you'll probably have to consult the walkthrough. Checking every interaction at every timeslot will get tedious if you don't.

    All in all, I felt it was well worth my time. The gameplay is unique in a good way and well thought out and the H was decent enough to warrant the time spent.