Unity - Completed - Peeping Dorm Manager [v1.1.0] [HornyDoge]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Idk about yall but I can't get past the part after setting up the 1st 5 cameras and returning to the room to check it. Nothing happens so Im giving this experience a 3/5. The art is amazing tho based on the previews.

    Peace out.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is in many ways a 5/5 game. Great pictures, good story, acceptable mini-games. The fetishes don't exactly align with what I want, but they're close enough to still be hot.

  3. 4.00 star(s)


    + Story-driven
    + Life simulator. Events based on which day of the week and which time of the day currently it is within the game.
    + Progress game/story by triggering events. Trigger events by finding clues.
    + Skip time without worrying about missing content.
    + Clues contain enough tips, so, you won't get stuck (unless it is a bug)
    + You can earn money and buy items or learn new skills - everything for the sake of story progression. So, there are no senseless purchases.
    +/- Late game money earning items kinda trivial but for the story.

    Frequency of scenes
    +/- You need to invest time into the game, before scenes appear. But then they appear frequently, after getting the hang out of the game.

    + The game is more about detective work, so, it is fine that there is not tons of text.
    +/- Story quality is okay. But don't expect deep story, since the game style is more about 'make them yours with all means'. The story is just for the sake of that goal.
    +/- Wirting (or translation) is medicore

    --> All in one: You need to like this type of game to be able to invest time into it, because it is not made for a quick fap. You invest quite a bit of time into the first half of the game, until the scenes finally start coming in the second half. So, if you can give up on wanting early scenes, you will be rewarded bigger later. Also have in mind, you can skip time. You won't really miss anything when skipping time. So, to make events you know of happen faster, don't hesitate to skip time. 8 of 10

    Should I give it a try?
    Yes. The game was enjoyable for me. But as already mentioned, don't expect fap material at the start. You need to invest time before the rewards start to appear.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's one of those cases where it works more as a game than an hgame

    Mainly, it's investigation mechanic seems like something that should be in an actual game, with a whole intriguing mystery plot, rather than an average porn game
    It could've definitely used this AND be a porn game at the same time, shame it didnt.
    God the mini games are fucking AWFUL, i don't mean in terms of quality, like they're doing their job, and it's not supposed to be vital to the experience, but fucking hell if i have to arrange those pipes again i'm going to fucking pipe the developers with a sharp wooden log, and getting the option for these to be done autimatically is basiclly something done at the end of the game.
    I spent most of my time sleeping and doing those games cause i'm bored, the gameplay loop got tiring quickly, they could've polished this alot more

    The scenes themselves are a bit of a chore to get to, they're of good quality, the art is good and the writing of them + the context of the scenes are erotic for a nice hit
    Personally, i wish there were more girls, especially in a game like this
    The "interactive" sceness are very fuicking boring, sorta shameful use of a very good gameplay feature that i think should be present in more hgames.

    Overall, it's an alright experience, it's good quality where you can't say you wasted your time if you wanted a dopamine hit of playing through a new game, it's potential was alot bigger than what was utilized both in the gameplay and story aspect, so i'd say play it if you have a free evening
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    - Nice visual,
    - Nice sound,
    - Nice song for an internet sex shop;
    - Nice mini-games, even though some of them difficult at start;
    - Nice story-driven quest
    - Nice dialogs;

    - Some of 'missions' are not clear;
    - Bug with one text line - you need to switch to Japanese;
    - Crappy ahegao and typical corruption - how to lost a good potential and all originality;
    - Scarce of variety of sex scenes;
    - Best characters are secondary and have one scene only;
    - How about using a fake coin 70 times to make enough money by selling photos of butt?;
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Cool idea, would love for it to be expanded upon in the future with more girls. The walking around between floors can get kind of annoying. The art style is above and beyond and the scenes are good. Minigames are super repetitive but in these type of games I usually just cheat and give myself a lot of money to save the hassle, and its no different here.

    When expanded upon and updated it could easily go up to a 4/5 for me. Its just right now the game is kind of repetitive and the camera and spying features aren't really fleshed out, would hope feature updates maybe centre around it more.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished this little gem.
    The idea is very good and original.

    - Has many animations.
    - Art is great.
    - Mechanics are mostly easy to understand.
    - It has some good stories for the main waifus.
    - It is Netori ¡¡¡ Oh yeah, baby ¡¡¡ XD

    - FEW waifus to play with for the player.
    - It has a nasty bug (fortunately a fellow player found an easy fix for it).

    The first time i saw the calendar, it scared me. XD But don't worry, this is not a heavy game. The calendar is there to help you. There is not a time limit.

    All and all, this game is very good and fresh.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Peeping Dorm Manager [v1.0.0] [HornyDoge]
    I recommend the game and I find it unthinkable to give less than 3/5, but it is also true that due to my tastes I also find it difficult to give more. 3.5 is the rating I would give.

    A good game, great character graphics, voice that enhances the gaming experience, great art of the maps and chibi models.
    Fun situations with fake coins and washing machine.
    I loved Misaki and the other main girl a little less.

    What didn't convince me about the game?
    1) The endings
    2) I expected more characters present in a dormitory
    3) The gentlemen's club
    4) The information search (click on the colored info) is not exactly the best.

    I recommend the game, it's certainly well made, then your own tastes come into play.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice little sandbox about dorm manager trying to get into panties of two resident girls.

    + Good quality hentai style drawings, both as static pictures and animated scenes. Outside of them game jumps to pixel graphics also with nice quality. And mostly important - everything is uncensored.
    + Whole game is voiced and animated with sounds and background music.
    + Sandbox gameplay focused on daily cycle with rpg and investigation elements. To push game story and unlock scenes MC needs to earn money, buy skills and items, talk with the girls and spy on them, collect clues, search phrases on the web and do right things at the right time (or face bad endings). Nicely made.

    - Content is somehow limited. We have few small locations and 5 girls but game focuses only on 2 of them. For each we can unlock bunch of short scenes (some can be repeated all the time, others only in gallery).
    - Girls have no personality and all of them are practically same. You can also forgot about the corruption aspect - just go through few key events and they will instantly turn from decent and distanced into horny turbo-sluts they were from beginning but just hided it.
    - Minor bugs with English translation but one can soft-lock game (to move further you need to switch to one of Asian languages).

    Game is really nice and worth playing but simply small. While it's not short (getting all the scenes requires spending some time playing) you will be probably somehow disappointed since all you finally get is set of similar, short sex scenes (at least they are good quality). Luckily rest of gameplay is interesting enough to get 100% completion.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Really solid especially by porn game standards, but really short. Full game feels like a demo for another project in terms of total content, but the quality is all there. Hopefully the sequel will have more girls or just more to do.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is good.
    The main guy look like other netori Unity games.
    The game quality is better than most game on here. It's smooth, not much performance, unlike some other Netori Unity games where I have performance issues with (my computer isn't powerful).
    The art is Live2D, look cheap but not like it is bad. The arts itself is great. Main girls have voice actors in Chinese and Japanese.
    You have 2 main girls and 3 side girls, which you can unlock after after progressing the story.
    Story, sound is okay. Some music is great.
    Gameplay have some inconsistent elements, based in the story progression, but it is still focus on peeping through cameras and search info on Internet entirely through the story.
    Also some memes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    From the getgo this game is noticeably higher quality than most on this website. It has a good variety of girls and minigames. The art is high quality and the animations look great. When I played there was an annoying bug where you had to change the game's language before a button was clickable but I think that is fixed by now. I would like to have seen more of the Ms. Mango market girl. MC's skin color is inconsistent. In the CG and sprites your character is a dark tan or black but in the animations he's suddenly white. I got 100% completion over 2 different sessions and I plan to do so again.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game style is all over the place 3DCG mixed up with 2D map. CG animations are good, with poor interaction.
    Story starts up nice, ends up wrong. Game could've been a lot better. Premise was good, but lacked effort at the end.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great pixel art, well crafted characters, decent amount of content, some actual gameplay mechanics.

    I didn't like the grindy-ness of the chore mechanics. Not sure why so many adult game creators choose to put these chore minigames in NSFW games. I would rather see sexual minigames, or no minigames at all.

    Overall very naughty and enjoyable game!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game delivers what it promises, being a pepping dorm manager, the story is above average for a H-game, i wouldn't say is believable but it is good enough, it has clean art, no censorship and most of the scenes are animated, although some of them are kinda sloppy.
    The MC is your typical mc but this one has some sort of morale, he's not just a fuckmachine, he shows some degree of personality.
    It will probably have a DLC because the setting was made that way, to have more characters added posteriorly.
    It lacks on freedom on the H-scenes but well, you can't have everything in this life, 8/10, would play again if there's some dlc.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    It is a good game but could have been much better. The investigation/quest play is a really good idea. Pixel art is decent, base models are alright.

    Junk quality animations like in cheap SWFs are ruining the game as well as girl models that look like badly made AI. They should have kept 2d images of sex and added pixel art animations.
    There are only 2 girls, which means there is little of content to go through. There are several gamebreaking bugs (you need to switch language to chinese for a hint to be clickable. The game progression sometimes cannot be guessed and is bottlenecked - requires walkthrough.

    I think there should be more games like this picking up the good stuff and improving on the bad.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the better derivatives in the new genre of ntr-corruption focused life simulation games. You work as a dorm manager and use sleuthing and online investigation to figure out a way into the heroine's panties.

    In the game there is a pleasant progression of story as you work your way around learning more about the lives of your targets. The characters aren't too remarkable but the plot is solid and offers a healthy amount of drama and light twists. There's even some instant game over spots if you are not playing too attentively which is reminiscent of how visual novels place pressure points on the player. While there is a major bug that can impede your gameplay, the investigation process of figuring out what to do next by spy cameras, talking to and researching the characters through their online foot trail is great and well-constructed. The game is also generous enough that it essentially provides a full walkthough in-game as long as you can provide panties to the doge dog in the trenchcoat (nothing about that statement is false).

    There are three minigames to earn money which are all not too time consuming and actually take some challenge to play - i.e actually mildly fun. There is a sorting trash minigame (garbage vs recycling), an action game where you point and click dust mites (almost practically an aim trainer with moving dots that also shoot shots at you), and a plumbing minigame where you branch joints to make a complete path. Smartly, the upgrades to get more money from the games only make creating a perfection streak easier, so you still have to actually play and get better at the games to get a reward. None of the minigames feels like a waste of time because they don't take up a lot of time, and the ability to keep and maintain a perfect streak while playing in each of them encourages you to gain a high score or at least play engaged. On top of that, there's three of them and you can choose to do the one you like the most to gain money, as there are only minor benefits to doing them all.

    Grinding never felt like a chore as there's a lot of ways to gain money and the upgrades and unlocks are sparse and afforded in-line with your ability to make money. There is also no time limit to a playthrough, meaning you can scroll through the week and time periods without worry. This is one of the big points of distate in this genre as sometimes the grinding elements largely get in the way of enjoying the h-content or the story, but there are no such problems here. In general, any frustrating parts about the genre that you may see in other games are largely removed. For example, no need to return to your bed every night to progress a day - there is a button available at all times on the upper left that will do that, saving time.

    This game has a lot of polish in regards to it's pixel art, animations, and general "game flow". There will be many moments where you may sit back and think "wow, is this really an h-game?" because a lot of effort was put into making everything look and feel great.

    Now in terms of h-content the game offers a plently amount of scenes which are all voiced, animated, and offer a speed slider. Another nod to the polish of this game. The pixel art molestation scenes are of note, just really well done art there. Unfortuantely atm I don't think you can review them after a certain point in the game, so that is very frustrating. I will also note the clear difference between the main title art and the cg art is misleading and distasteful - I'd like it if the main title art matched the CG so that it didn't look like false advertising and the cover matched the pages inside.

    The music is inconsequential and the main theme that plays while walking around the dormw as especially bad - so I had it muted through the whole playthrough.

    Despite the last two remarks this is absolutely an enjoyable game and definitely worth playing and seeing everything this has to offer for yourself.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I actually really liked this game. I liked it even better when I realized I wasn't on a time crunch. (meaning you can rest as much as you want). The scenes are nicely animated, and I like the story so far even though the protag is kind of a douche. played through the game in a few hours and I had some fun with the various minigames.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Great overall game by Mango Party and HornyDoge, I look forward to what they make next.

    The concept is sexy as hell and its execution is well done. The animations and scenes are great, though the sex scenes end up being repetitive in their nature - lots of straightforward sex that I think could have gotten kinkier the longer the game went on, though I was thankful for for bonus character's scenes which branch out the flavour of the game a little bit. A bit more variety in scene type would have been appreciated for the two main girls, especially a game with such great potential for fun scenes like this one, would've been appreciated.

    The two main girls are also a bit weak overall, neither of them particularly loveable - though maybe that's what the developers were going for - just neither of them stood out as super memorable. The minigames, though hard at first, eventually just become a minor chore, as is the nature in adult games, so it's about par for the course.

    I enjoyed the setting, environments, and secondary characters as well as my options to pick from during scenes and ultimately I'm left wanting more - a sign of a good game. I'm glad I 100%ed it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    You don't often find a game with a pleasant gameplay, even if the plot is a little ragged, but it seems to me that this is one of the rare representatives of the genre. Unfortunately, replayability remains a big question.