Unity - Completed - Peeping Dorm Manager [v1.1.0] [HornyDoge]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Not a boy

    Very good, the art for this game are very nice and the plot is good enough for this type of game.
    if you looking for a puzzle type game then you come to the right place.
    there are some bug but I hear that there a pact coming to fix it.
    The only flaw I find in this game is that you can make you character move with just your mouse and it make thing.. somewhat difficult.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Gosh, I know this isn't like a super creative title and the art is 8/10 most of the time with only a few 9/10 pixel art pieces but still besides one bug that I think has already been fixed it is fucking solid.

    The pacing is good the characters are hot, with just enough depth to be fappable. Honestly one of the few games I would pay money to play, and want more content for.

    I hope the creator makes DLC because I would pay the full game price for each additional girl. If they had more scenes for the existing ones that would be fine too.

    I wouldn't mind it going further with the two characters either as we see in the epilogue. Just wow.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art. Solid gameplay and art.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game with no major flaws beyond it sometimes being finicky about what exactly you have to do to advance the story at certain times.

    Doesn't really innovate on the genre or stand out in any particular way, and is also on the short side. The minigames are not too frustrating, and the information-collection mechanic is sorta neat.

    Seems like maybe there was some cut content with the side characters, as several clues aren't really relevant to anything, but that's a minor issue. The game also doesn't have an ending really as far as I can tell, just a bonus scene for getting 100% of each girl's route.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    good looking, some thing fresh and new, plot is decent
    the only problem is english language bug, where we cant get one person name as a clue
    other than this it is okay, especially considering its not a typical renpy vn or gringy rpgm game
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty decent and relatively short game.

    - Very nice animations and girls
    - Minigames seem hard at first, but you can buy items and skills to make it easier, it's well balanced and fair.
    - It was more content and unlockable game mechanics then I expected

    Sadly Ooly 2 main heroines, and a few sub-heroines, with very little content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was ***fucking awesome*** The quality was great, the script (of which I rarely read) was actually pretty good. This hits my dom / CNC kink so good. I wish there was a slight bit more variety with the scenes. Like able to switch positions and choose where you cum, but for the most part, they chose the best scene.
    The actual gameplay was fun too. I mean I was hunting for scenes, of course, but the little puzzles were fun. But that rec ycling minigame is unfair. I couldn't get past like 2200 no matter how hard I tried. Meh.
    The art was good, the sound was good, the gameplay was fun.

    Would fap again, bought the steam copy to support the devs.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game (100%). Was fun. Mini games are not too grindy and the girls are quite nice.

    Btw, they are a bug (in 1.0.0). In mirai's quest : you can't catch the former dorm manager name. You need to switch language.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't normally bother leaving reviews, but I felt like leaving one for this. Not because it's so good (although it is very good), but because it actually does something unique.

    So as you might've guessed, you take the role of a dorm manager in a girls' dormitory for a university. Your goal is to peep on them and eventually bang them. So far nothing surprising. Half of the gameplay is grinding money by doing chores around the dorm in the form of minigames. The grind is not too bad and the minigames are very basic but fine. Where the game actually does something interesting is in the other half of the gameplay.

    As part-time dorm manager and full-time peeper, you collect information about the characters through various means. These bits of information get added to your notebook in the form of keywords that you can then search on the internet in your laptop in-game to actually investigate the characters' lives, thus revealing even more information as well as giving you clues as to how to progress the girls' events. And so the game feels almost like a puzzle game.

    The execution for this puzzle aspect is not perfect by any means, and sometimes what you're supposed to do to progress can be fairly obscure, but the concept alone is very unique for what this is. You don't often get hentai devs coming up with such legitimately cool and interesting gameplay mechanics. If you've played any other hentai game with an investigation aspect of some sort to it, you know they are usually very barebones. To use another game as an exemple, Detective Girl of the Steam City is a great game that I love to bits, but for a game where the protagonist is supposed to be a detective, you sure don't do any actual investigating. And I get that. It's not easy to make that kind of thing feel satisfying, but this game really does commit to trying.

    On another note, the art and animations are really good. It would be a waste not to mention that, because they really are. The number of CGs and animations is also pretty satisfying.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like the "i'm a creepy guy in japan" genre you'll really like this game. It's a little bit grindy but not really, the art is nice and the minigames decent.
    I haven't finished it yet but the girls also have a decent variety (though maybe not a lot of variety)

    Edit: now finished and it's fucking great. Still not many girls, but the scenes are really hot if a bit vanilla. Would definitely recommend!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is actually really solid and I didn't expect this amount of polish from a h-game, which is a really good thing to be honest.

    The storyline is pretty funny and I enjoyed reading the dialogue and the pacing is actually rather good.

    The animations are absolutely great, even the H ones! For example my favorite one being the detergent cleaning one, which I know, irrelevant to the sex you're gonna be having but it's small stuff like that which makes a game good in my opinion.

    The chicks are pretty diverse and each with a unique personality which makes chasing them quite fun ;)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game. I love the writing (mainly the funny bits). The art may not be the best, but it gives it charm. There are still other good scenes. There is a bug during Mirai's mission where important information needed to advance the story is broken, so you'll need to temporarily switch languages, but otherwise, the game was a blast.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, Played the demo and I'm surprised at how much content there is, I expected less with these types of games. the games is good enough to not feel grindy but there's a few careless bug and one bug that can halt your progress, its already patched on steam. if you have extra money go buy it on steam since it only $10
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    As for now version 0.4.2
    Great for a demo.
    I finish this under 2 hours or more. Since it's a demo can't wait for the pink girl to appear, I think she hasn't appear yet?
    Kinda feel bad for the Bf literally going to end his life. I hope there's an option for him to recruit or convince him to move on lol.
    Despite some little lag here and there. It's super optimize.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    wow amazing for a demo, I cant wait for this to be released. I cant believe this was only a demo though, it had full scenes and everything. probably around 4 hours of gameplay. I really wanted to do the shopkeeper though since she was the first girl you see in the game and shes wicked hot!!!!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is for demo 0.4.2

    Seriously... people need to get higher standards. Yeah yeah "it's a porn game" bla bla, just fuck off. What is wrong with wanting to wank AND play a good game?
    This demo is barely a game at all.

    Don't let the screenshots fool you. You will only be able to place cameras at designated positions and watch very specific angles. Whats the point of a SANDBOX voyeur game if you can only follow prescripted actions? Just play the ROOM, its basically the same setting without exorbitant money grinding, though overall skip that one too and play something else.

    But ok, ignoring this giant point for now, everything else is lackluster too. There is just waaaaay to little to do. Just grind money, open one girls room, have a few interactions, grind more money. And the interactions with the girl repeats with one interaction. For each timespot. always the same text for washing clothes, always the same for watching tv. Can you be arsed to write 5 short variations of interactions in 20 minutes?

    Also there is 0 stakes in the game. It will activly disallow to enter rooms when you have a key if a person is in there and you could be seen. WTF? Thats the whole fucking point of a peeping game, to be clever and not get caught. If you put guardrails like that the whole thrill is out the window right away!

    Yeah it has good cg and pixe animations i will give you that, but either go on ex-hentai and watch a gallery once it is out or just fap to any other pixel animation gallery again, will be just as effective.

    So yeah with 2 stars i am already way to generous but more is not possible for the demo. MAYBE the full game can reach 3 stars with filling a little bit the empty spots while grinding for the girls but i doubt it. Such a shame, i hope this setting can be done justice once in the future.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great demo, the mini-games are really interesting, the story is not bad, now we just have to wait for the release in December. It will be great if the game has at least 2 times more content, but who knows... :HideThePain:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished the demo and I'm charmed. This project looks fantastic. Beautiful hentai animated scenes, great pixel art (which I love), interesting. Engaging gameplay which includes creating intrigue and slowly deduction about characters.
    The demo is short, but long enough to give me a few hours of pure joy.

    Overall, the demo is great, I added the game to my steam wishlist and I can't wait to play the full version. Highly recommended
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It has a ton of potential. This is currently just a demo, but worth playing. It has a very similar vibe to Do Not Feed The Moneys. You observe interactions and can even collect information to use later and resolve scenarios. It doesn't do a ton with that right now, but hopefully the finished game will take full advantage of that mechanic.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Quick Honest Review.
    EDIT : Bought it on Steam

    For a Full Game,
    It has plenty of Artwork.
    Decent Scenes.
    Walking around still gets a little tedious.
    Minigames are still not fun after you've done it a couple of times.
    The characters are still braindead, but there are more characters, so more pussy.
    The story is basic enough, it's pretty fun.
    One of the Good NTR games I've played in a while.
    Overall experience is very good.
    Didn't expect for more content but there are more things to do in the full version compared to the demo. Which is great to see.