Unreal Engine - Perfect Cells Project [Demo] [ShinshiMoustache]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's actually pretty decent and short. It's not finished but when it is it will be a notable porn game. The weakest thing is the controls, they feel slow and force you to use the mouse, and perhaps it lacks some scattered H content in addition to the girls you can catch (which seems to be two per level, but so far I have only unlocked one in each level). In the rest of the sections it is quite good, a decent level design, an adjusted difficulty (although in the Demo the boss is quite difficult), good porn scenes and a psoeudometroidvania style that helps it stand out from the rest. At the moment I know that I still have a lot of content to unlock (in the demo itself there is hidden content), but what I have seen is promising.

    Pd:I don't think 1.3GB is justified, I understand that the animations are heavy, but it is a very short game to take up so much