Unity - Phantom Tentacle [2022-07-15] [LSP GAME]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Stealth game where you're a tentacle monster sneaking around capturing girls. Art seems to be original. Have seen way worse.

    Positives: The stealth game aspect, while easy, is at least more developed than most. The enemies that spot you have very basic patrol routes, but if you're cornered, you can temporarily go invisible. You need to search the rooms for hiding places that the girls are in.

    Neutral: Art's merely "okay", to me, and that's being generous. At least it seems to be original though. Animation's better than most of these kinds of animations, too.

    Negatives: The writing is awful, and that's before the google translate that seems to not understand pronouns and gender and refers to all the girls as alternating he and she. Also there's a puzzle game aspect that's so easy it might as well not exist.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't waste your time.
    Game can be spedrun in 5 mins.

    10 scenes, live 2D animated. Japanese voiced. No state change (i.e visible bodily fluids on orgasm)
    If I were to describe this game, I'd put it as "a poorly and cheaply made baby's first attempt at a stealth game with enough puzzles for padding."

    I can count the amount of puzzles on one hand and that number would also happen to be the IQ threshold to pass them within 10 seconds. Basically, piss easy.

    Again. Don't waste your time.