RPGM - Completed - Phantom Thief Sylphy 2 - The Collector [Final] [Azurezero]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Loved the character design of Sylphy and found the scenarios promising. A good blueprint. The cartoony art is also a welcome change to the basic hentai art style that dominates the porn game landscape.

    The actual game was disappointing because of its dull gameplay: the maps are too barren for their length and the erotic scenes lacking in content and depth. The repetition/looping I didn't mind because that's part of the concept of slow corruption, but the player should be rewarded, not punished for playing. The writing was mostly serviceable but often on the nose and juvenile (memes can be funny once, should expand beyond anime/hentai tropes). The code seemed rudimentary at best and was still buggy - even the gallery maps could softlock.

    Not a great experience all in all, but I like the ideas. Maybe the third time will be the charm?
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    It's a combination of Previous work of Azurezero with Sol Rui after mini
    The game will put you in different areas and you must find a solution or you will become a sex slave in that world.
    Even if the art is good and improved in relation of previews work, this game have some issue and bugs, especially in the "nightclub area"
    This demo give a good tips on what to expect from the final game.