VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Pineapple Express [v1.0] [Dimajio333]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally got around to playing this for the first time. Wow was it a real treat, and exactly why I waited until it was finished. I have to say many of the routes were counter-intuitive and the story was inventive and unique in many ways. Both of those being positive observations from my perspective.

    I powered through maybe a dozen endings or so over most of the routes in the last day. The reason I say some of it was counterintuitive was because the hardest NTR and most brutal stories were attached to the lowest corruption routes, which was unexpected yet refreshing, if not also being deceptive to someone that might be looking for light or no NTR, which I found amusing. (I think there was one or two routes that you could get through it mostly unscathed, and a couple of routes that had you thinking you got through it but fooled you at the end haha.)

    I enjoyed all of the routes for different reasons, but I have my favorite routes for sure. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I thought the game was very enjoyable and I couldn't stop until I explored nearly all of the game. I look forward to more games from the dev like this and even the sequel he's teasing down the road.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A pinacle of NTR content...almost

    I enjoyed the story of the game. While sometimes I skip dialogues wishing to only see the sex scenes, here I was curios to see what it is actually discussed. The action is almost believable (beside the obvious wife willing to fuck a friend). What I found interesting is the difference in story angle between the time you choose to save your wife and the time you choose to be cucked. Having the same scene but with more context was interesting. What I did not liked that much was the friend that actively tried to fuck your wife.

    The game focus on only two girls and I liked them both. They have a bit of personality but much closer to a single dimension type of character. Julia really looks lovely in most of the moments.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    As other work of this dev, great quality of NTR story.
    Don't mention how much cute is girlfriend's mc to spicy up more and more all scene. If you like NTR games this should be played till end.

    There is a very well developed feeling between mc, girlfriend and black friend at start, and anyway this is expanded with Cornell's family (black friend). I'm sure I'll try next title ... and oh if you try this game and like ntr story, Lost in Paradise should in your list of game to try.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Hands down, one of the best NTR/Shareplay AVNs on this site!
    • Actual choices: You get to dictate how much fun your SO has, but it is not a simple 'stop & go' situation - allowing too many escapades will have a "negative" (read: NTR) impact down the line. This affair is like driving a car - accelerating too fast means you can't brake in time anymore!
    • Narrative: The premise that starts this whole adventure for our characters is certainly 'out there', but it is soon overshadowed by the sheer quality of the sharing/NTR writing you get here. Seriously, don't skip the text - it is worth it.
    • Models: Plenty of VNs have gorgeous female models, and this is no different in that matter; but Julia, your SO, is not a supermodel with large breasts and inflated posterior - she feels like she was modeled after a real model. Perfect proportions. Males are so and so, but at least the MC isn't clearly ugly to help your girl 'move on'.
    • Jumping the Shark x2: at one point in the story (even if playing without max corruption) your SO just begins having sex with the 'other guy' without any serious preamble. Yes, things were clearly going that way, but when it happened it still felt too early and without any hint of a warning. If the sex part got delayed by one chapter, it probably would've been a more streamlined experience. Second time is near the end: Your SO is suddenly also interested in exploring her sexuality even further, which apparently includes a train (2 guys & 1 girl). This part is particularly unwelcome, as so far, this VN clearly focused on the sharing/NTR part with your best friend. And instead of ending the game at the point where both of you share Julia, it seems she takes it a step further than most of us expected. Maybe I am alone in this, but it would've been a perfect ending had she "fallen" for your best friend as well, and the sharing stopped there (certainly seemed like it was going that way). Instead of finishing this as a romantic NTR situation, it escalates (for no reason) to malicious NTR.
    • Ending: A misfire, but not unforgivable: In one of the possible end scenarios where you let Julia take the reins of her relationship with your very black best friend, she can end up pregnant. You weren't completely cucked from being the possible father, but the game never actually resolves the who-dunnit mystery. To make matters worse, the game literally glosses over the huge elephant in the room - which is the "pretend wedding" between Julia and your best friend. Despite not being officially engaged, it feels like a huge plot hole (and a missed opportunity) not to have her get married to Cornell in order to "keep up the ruse" (though she probably would love the idea). Something that is easy to gloss over, but is actually true - you get married to Julia with the ruse seemingly just over... despite none of this being shown. Just imagine a knocked up Julia marrying Cornell "to keep up apperances", and having a little mixed-race baby...
    Overall, I rate this VN 4.5/5, because this game does a lot of things like dialogue & corruption very well. I implore any folk interested in trying this game out to READ THE DIALOGUE AND TAKE YOUR TIME! The build up to each risque scene elevates this whole experience!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid, 5/5 game for me.

    Plenty of good things to say about "Pineapple Express". It's a game that sets out with humble goals and absolutely achieves them. Not only that, it was released about a year ago, updated on a regular schedule and wrapped up nicely. No fuss, no dragged-out story/drama, no undelivered promises, etc. Definitely one of the more reliable and disciplined developers out there.

    - Great renders, main girl/your fiance is attractive and there's absolutely nothing to complain about visually.
    - Well-paced build up to the actual swinging/sharing aspect of things.
    - Enough options interspersed throughout the game that it doesn't feel like a kinetic novel or a slog to read through.
    - Respects the player's autonomy and at the very least always gives you the choice to opt out of any scene with the safeword Pineapple Express, hence the title.
    - Ending is ambiguous enough that the player can draw whichever conclusion they prefer best, whether they're into sharing (with the marriage still going strong) or into full-on NTR.

    Cons (or rather, points for improvement as I didn't feel like this game really had any specifically bad moments):
    - Sex scenes could've been a little more detailed in terms of descriptions, maybe with a little more dialogue from Julia and Cornell/others.
    - More renders for the sex scenes would've been nice too, and I think it would've been fair to have less renders during the in-between expository segments to make up for it.
    - The game touches a bit on kink exploration (albeit pretty vanilla), such as when Julia agrees to try anal with Cornell despite never having tried it with the protag, or when she tries double penetration for the first time, exhibitionism etc. This is good, but I think it would've been nicer to have more of this, and maybe with a little more exploration. For example, the protag notes that Julia seems to enjoy rougher sex with Cornell, contrary to what he previously thought. This could have been expanded a little more to include some hair-pulling, spanking etc with Cornell to spice things up a little more.

    With that being said, I have no real complaints about the game. It's a solid balance between believable story and fap content. If you're a fan of netorare/netorase, give it a try!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First and foremost, a COMPLETE tag means this is top 10% of all adult games. Add to that an actually decent story, plus excellent renders of a hotwife and you have a truly top tier VN.

    None of the nonsense, sandbox or grindy mechanics to artificially prolong content. Overall, I hope to see more from this dev!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    One of the better wife sharing games out there.

    Only complaint with the story line is the mother wanting to see where Cornell worked and showing up at the office, and being greeted is ???
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the game. But requires more renders and sounds. Would also love it if we could edit the character names.
    The wife is super hot and more sharing and gangbang genre needs to be added.
    IDK why this game is so underrated and has caught such less attention
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    i thouroughly enjoed this was. When it started i though well no top tier animation / visuals, no sound efx or voicing, but the game won me over by... being very well written. Its as simple as that, which makes it at the same time super difficult. You more often have good visuals then good story. CUDOS
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game that does not take itself too seriously.
    The dev knows he is making a smut NTR game, and he delivers it without getting sidetracked.

    You know where the game is taking you, and if you want to get there, and don't waste your intellect or emotions searching for Shakespearean literary might or drama, you will get there with more than a few soiled tissues;).

    The good thing is you can choose the path you want to take to get there. I personally love the sexual freedom of the NTS variety, so that's the way I chose to go. You can also choose NTR, or (I believe, but i have not tried it) a pure path.

    All in all, a wholesome smut game with hot models, above average animation, a fast paced story, and tons of content.

    Look forward to more content from @Dimajio333 !
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Dimajio is undoubtedly one of the best NTR developer on this site. But, there's one problem why I don't give it a 5-star because my personal/subjective preferences, that is the ending(s). Of all possible endings for every routes, there are only two that conclude the story of each routes. The route I played leaves to an open ending for a potential sequel or player's interpretation which both I don't personally like in adult visual novel.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The most important question is - can NTR be avoided?
    Formally yes, but it’s a game recommended not recommended for overly jealous people.

    This is a good game.
    It is really interesting to read, the author already has solid experience in game development and the progress is noticeable. The player's choice is really important and affects the ending of the game. And there are many endings in the game, especially if you count variations on the theme of pregnancy of certain characters. It’s very interesting to see DLC and a continuation (the author wrote that this is part of a trilogy, although it is not yet clear whether this will be a continuation of the plot or just a general idea)

    + Dialogues
    + Story
    + Characters
    + Nice picture
    + Variability

    - A crumpled ending (this is not really a minus, I would just like to see some events in more detail, for example a wedding)
    - Sometimes there are errors/repetitions in the text (although it’s possible that when you read this everything will be corrected)

    If you like the game, support the author on Patreon. New games/updates are released quite often, and the quality of games is only increasing.

    If the developer is reading this review: Please, don’t chase deadlines, take the example of Eva Kiss (Good Girl Gone Bad, Our Red String), release the game when you understand that everything is ready. Because of this, there are a lot of typos and errors in the game (repetition of the same thing in neighboring sentences), I think if you release Alpha-Betta-Final it will be even better.

    What would help improve the game:
    1. So that the “bad endings” in the middle of the game briefly tell the further fate of the characters.
    2. A more detailed ending.
    3. Gallery to understand whether all scenarios have been completed
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality game which should be much more popular compared to the majority of games in this site. I know NTR isn't for everyone, but this style of game is top tier in my opinion. Going to definitely try his other games now. Looking forward to the next game Dimajio333 makes!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A bit of a corn porn game with a completely unrealistic scenario that one has to constanly buy into with each contrived choice they're offered. Not true NTR as it's 100% a cuckolding story. The only difficulty the MC really has with how things progress is when the bull's sister prevents him from knowing what's going on with his wife and her brother.

    There is a titilation factor as the female lead is nicely drawn but is nothing exceptional. The Dev ha no idea how to pose the characters realistically as they seem to always be in either full flex or Vanna White mode. The animations are clunky and sparse.

    The story asks too much of the reader to begin with and continues to ask them to suspend credibility to go along with the fantasy. Unbelievable scenarios are continually cast and must be ground through just so the next progression can be made.

    I'd like to see something grittier and more realistic for a change.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game !! deserved 5 star. Its is fun to play, and you have to explore difrent path. . THe choices matter alot! This guy is hard working and almost every month there is a update. The highlight of the month is to play his update to see where the story goes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A really well written NTR game. The events in the story is interesting. They keep you thinking what is going to happen next. The slight unexpected is done really well. The choices you made matters. The gf and art is pretty and could be respectful to protagonist if you choose to and vice versa. I think this dev is just naturally good.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Congratulate the artist, different options and very erotic situations that keep you excited. On the other hand, I have felt that I come from another world, in fact, I would never make that lie , no matter how close a friend he was to Cornell, who, with friends like that, who needs enemies... But on top of that, his wife asking him if she can go topless, or accept the games they accept, in that society and with that woman I didn't last a day... But it is clear that the game is focused on netorare. Anyway a great game
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The Dev / Creator for Pineapple Express and Lost In Paradise is awesome! The AVN works are steady and always delivers consistently. The story is stimulating, sexy and worth experiencing. Happy to give support. Keep up the good works, Dimajio333! Cheers! (y)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    In my Top 10 and if not at the top, very near it. Well written with a number of paths you can follow. The LI is gorgeous and Sad Pepper avoids falling into the pit of making the MC a complete write off. The difficulty of writing something like this is explaining why the LI would leave the MC for nothing more than sex when the MC is reasonably successful in his career and was attractive to the LI to begin with, compared with the competition who has nothing going for him other than a big dick. Sad Pepper does a good job in trying to answer those questions and maintains the uneasy balance, keeping the story taut. For someone who doesn't use English as their first language I think this is well done and offer my congratulations. For those out there who want to troll the artwork try to do it yourself, as an amateur, and see if you can do better or simply wind your necks in and offer the support the Dev's deserve.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    A bit disappointed in this one.
    Dev still gets "it" and is arguably the best that I've come across with the NTR genre.
    But given the dev's previous stories, this one is "off".

    While the previous stories from this dev have some "unrealistic" elements to them, they worked enough to flow with the story "naturally", didn't come off as too contrived, and led into some excellent entertainment. Make Me Happy was the previous story that was closest to being this contrived, but the MC/reader had the choice to shut it down early, because it really was that dumb/easy of a decision to make.

    This game should be over in the first 5 mins...:ROFLMAO:
    But, the MC is like sure, let's go along with this ridiculous premise, because well, we have to in order to kick this pig.
    And the pigs turn out to be the Johnsons who keep dragging this nonsense on, and on, and on...

    Overall, 2* for the grossly contrived plot and the weird mom and sister.
    Yeah, it's freaking weird...
    5* if you want to get your NTR "rush".
    3.5*, but that's not an option, and I cannot give this "plot" a 4* rating.
    The path variants are well done as usual with some satisfying options, dev doesn't disappoint in this regard.
    Hey, they can't all be 5* homeruns,
    Solid hit into left field for sure though and worth the time to give this one a read.