Pitch your most off the wall idea for an adult game

Oct 8, 2019
Alright, let's have some fun with this idea. Forget copyright, don't worry about your own skills or even the limitations of rendering software, just pitch the most random or goofy ideas you can think of, I'll start.

Kombat Akademy, that's right, it's Mortal Kombat High with the cast of the games taking on their own high school cliches. Liu Kang is the captain of the martial arts club, Raiden is the principal, Scorpion and Sub Zero lead their own Grease-inspired rival gangs, but wait there's more. Shao Kahn runs the rival school, The Outworld Institute who are hell-bent on shutting down Kombat Akademy and taking its funding for itself.

The player would play the newest transfer student because did I mention high school cliches? Attend class, learn to kick ass, welcome to Kombat Akademy.


New Member
Feb 7, 2019
Take the concept of Kingdom Hearts, replace Final Fantasy and Disney with Fire Emblem and Dreamworks. That's it.
Oct 8, 2019
Take the concept of Kingdom Hearts, replace Final Fantasy and Disney with Fire Emblem and Dreamworks. That's it.
Well, that certainly is up there for ideas I was not expecting but does Fire Emblem actually have the main roster necessary for this idea? As I understood the series, one of the big things was that no characters were safe during battle and I don't know if that would allow for enough heroes. Still though, thanks for sharing.

Crimson Tide

Feb 26, 2018
Well, that certainly is up there for ideas I was not expecting but does Fire Emblem actually have the main roster necessary for this idea? As I understood the series, one of the big things was that no characters were safe during battle and I don't know if that would allow for enough heroes. Still though, thanks for sharing.
Generally, the main characters of a game are safe. I'll use the most recent game as an example, Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

The playable character is Byleth. On the Crimson Flower route, the Lord (pretty much the main character asides from Byleth) is Edelgard. If Byleth or Edelgard die, it's a game over. If any other unit dies, they're gone forever and the story goes on. Same with Dimitri on the Azure Moon route, or Claude on the Verdant Wind route. Their death means game over, anyone else's means the story goes on.

Some games are like this, with the main character and one or two other characters unable to die. Other games only have the main character at risk. So we have, at minimum, one main character from each game. Multiply that by sixteen games, and we have, at minimum, 16 characters. This is only counting main characters, not counting other characters tied to fate- like the aforementioned Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude.

And there's no reason it has to only be characters that can't ever die. There are plenty of major, widely recognized characters, like Lyn, Tiki and Anna, whose lives aren't tied to the game's progression. Fire Emblem is a series with over five hundred characters- there's definitely enough to work with.

...Oh yeah, off-the-wall ideas for adult games! That's what this thread was for.

Okay, for me, I've had this idea for a while of a typical side-scrolling pixel art platformer, with an HP bar and an arousal bar. Enemies attack you, but they also grapple you and raise your arousal bar, making you cum. Standard fare. The plot is simple- the demon ruler has sent their monstrous minions to take over the world. The protagonist, in all their heroic glory, decides they want to meet the demon ruler... and fuck them. Yeah, they're a complete horndog. So they set out, on their way to meet the demon ruler. And hey, if any of their "monstrous minions" are down to fuck... well, they wouldn't necessarily be opposed.

The game would be all about a completely customized user experience. You could choose the gender of your playable character, with the sex scenes changing based on which gender you have. The game would also come with settings for the gender of all enemies- each enemy would have a male and female variant. A catgirl enemy would have a matching catboy counterpart, a succubus enemy would have a matching incubus counterpart, and so on. You could toggle the chance of them spawning generally, so if you only want female enemies, you could set it to a 100% chance for female enemies. You could also adjust the spawn rates of each enemy individually, once you've encountered them at least once. There'd be four variants for each grapple animation- male enemy with male protagonist, male enemy with female protagonist, female enemy with male protagonist, and female enemy with female protagonist. They'd overall have the same feel; if an enemy gives a blowjob to a male character, they eat out a female character.

Some enemies' animations would feature somewhat niche, possibly polarizing fetishes- some would have vore, some would have feet, etc. Of course, you can customize these fetishes as well. If you don't want to see content of a specific fetish, you can disable it, and all animations with that fetish will be replaced with a different animation. A Lamia's vore animation, for example, would be replaced with simply coiling around you and masturbating you from behind.

While enemies would have a grapple animation that they attack you with, you would also be able to grapple them yourself in various ways. There would be a move where you pull them into a kiss to drain their health, where you fondle them to stun them, etc. You'd have to mash the arrow keys to escape an enemy's grapple, but you'd also have to mash them to maintain a grapple on the enemy. And of course, once they're downed you can have your way with them.

You could also control the difficulty of the game in different ways. There'd be an option that makes you only take damage from being brought to orgasm, and an option that removes the HP bar entirely, for those that want the risk of dying to be completely nonexistent. There would be two different preset control setups- one for two-handed play and one for one-handed play- but you could also adjust the controls yourself. You could change the speed of your attacks, the speed of enemy attacks, how long status effects last (or if they happen at all), how easy it is to escape or maintain grapples (or just choosing when to end them), all sorts of things. I only want to give a truly challenging game to the people that want it. If you want to rampage through the game, the option's right there.

Each enemy and boss, once you've defeated them a number of times (which can be customized), will be "befriended" and appear by your house in a sort of gallery. (Enemies of that type will still spawn, it's just one specific member of their species that you've befriended.) You'd be able to play each sex animation with them, as well as a unique one that can only be accessed upon befriending them. You can also just talk with them and build up your relationship, and each one has their own personality and traits. (One big idea I had is a character whose befriend sex animation is oral sex. After it's over, if you talk to them they'll call you gay for cumming to them. If you're the opposite gender as them, you'll point out that they literally had heterosexual sex. They won't budge. They diagnose you with Gay.)

One of the recurring bosses is a Doppel. They generally battle by swapping between the forms of enemies in the area, and using their attacks in ways you haven't seen before. For example, in a forest area, they turn into an Alraune and send vines and roots around the battlefield, then turn into an Arachne and sling webs between the vines and roots to snare you. Their final encounter has them fighting you while taking your own form- first as your matching gender, then as your opposite gender. (If enemies are only set to spawn as one gender 100% of the time, they'll only take that gender's form.) Also, there's a small chance of them replacing one of the befriended characters in the gallery at any time, and interacting with them will prompt an ambush battle. This, of course, can be customized, in case people don't want to suddenly be thrown into combat in what's essentially a safe area.

Having a game where you can choose exactly how you want to play is my ideal game. And I'm biased to pixel art side-scrolling adult games, so I really want to see if I can make it work. Between my very limited experience in coding, my zero experience in art, music, sound mixing, game balancing and everything else that goes into a game asides from writing, and my lack of funds to hire people that have those skills, I doubt it will ever happen. But it's a neat thought experiment.
Oct 8, 2019
Ok hear me out because this is gonna get a little bit crazy!

A young man 18-24 comes back home after being away for a 2-7 years to his mother, bitch older sister and lovely younger sister. Dad died or is away from home or is a complete asshole.......
*hits blunt* yeah and then what happens haha


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
*hits blunt* yeah and then what happens haha
Younger sister has always been romantically in love with brother but is shy and unsure of herself while bitch sister is only a bitch because she is repressing her sexual attraction for her brother. Poor neglected mother sees her sons massive morning wood while trying to wake him and realizes her wish for sexual relations with her son.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
Giant titan monster with enormous penis breeds thousands of big tit chicks that are offered, they will be fucked all day everyday giving birth over and over and when the monster is tired he simply cums in a large buckets which is then poured in the non-preg pussies, cycle continues forever


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
After your pet hamster dies, you decide to move to another city and try to find your long lost landlady. When you arrive you fire up your dating a milf app and go on the prowl. You also rent a small room and sign up for grooming, rape and stalking classes and also find a job.

After making your way through several landladies and their roommates, you finally meet your own landlady and you are also introduced to your roommates. With all your new skills perfected, let the real game commence...................................

Grubb Raines

Game Developer
Feb 7, 2021
Time travel (But with a believable scientific explanation as to how, not just "Fuck, that magic rock sent me back in time.")
Realistic space travel eg. generational voyage etc.
World Wars

Basically anything where the story is enthralling to the point that sex is the supporting theme and not the basis (I know, weird huh!?)


Dec 16, 2023
Perfect reality simulation. Kind of like Roko's Basilisk, where it will simulate every event, past, present or future. Don't like the world? Simulate a different one. If you want to simulate a fictional world for example, you just give it your source material, either a novel, manga or anime, and it will automatically derive a world that's as close to the original material while expanding on it, of course, it has to make it believable. Unreal Engine 5 can procedurally generate terrain and it looks good, what about in the future?


Sep 7, 2022
Here are three different superhero themed trainer game ideas.

* A Netori focused Spider-Verse Trainer game where Miguel O'Hara 'trains' Gwen Stacey. Preferably with the mechanics of something like The Headmaster or Princess Tower where you control her schedule and set rules for her behavior and then punish/reward her for the results in ways that push her boundaries.

* A Dommy Mommy Lesbian Supervillainess finds out the secret identity of the peppy 'straightlaced' young heroine. Use the spying/stalking mechanics from Peeping Dorm Manager with a blackmail/mood management system as a basis and have those transition into a collect/create porno of her to sell angle.

* Washed up, jaded, and retired Not!Batman gets a knock on his mansion door. The daughter of the dead police commissioner he worked with wants him to train her to be a masked vigilante. He figures if the supervillains are going to eat her alive he might as well take a bite or two first. Mechanics revolving around cohabitation voyeurism and finding ways to sneak perversion training into her regular training without her getting too suspicious. (Bonus points for a comedic tone and his 'training' actually somehow working and turning her into a badass crime fighting prodigy if you play right).


Aug 7, 2022
You die and get reincarnated as a fly and use your fly abilities to spy on your neighbours and family but one wrong move and you go splat...and not the good kind of splat.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Necromancy? You wish. This is self-promotion, a substance most vile.

Speaking of, here's a necromancy-related prompt: a game where you play a hobo necromancer. You travel from village to village, finding people who wish to commune with their deceased ones. If your client happens to be a recently widowed MILF, your goal is to manipulate her hubby's message to get into his ex-wife's skirts.
Oct 8, 2019
Necromancy? You wish. This is self-promotion, a substance most vile.

Speaking of, here's a necromancy-related prompt: a game where you play a hobo necromancer. You travel from village to village, finding people who wish to commune with their deceased ones. If your client happens to be a recently widowed MILF, your goal is to manipulate her hubby's message to get into his ex-wife's skirts.
Thread was dead for over three years then all of a sudden four different posts in the same day. Granted one of them is self-promotion but the others fall squarely into the realm of necromancy. Now on to actual necromancy, your idea I think may be the most unique I have seen. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like something John Constantine would do in his comics but still, certainly not something that I have seen for this type of game. Kudos.