Identify Pixel Side Scroller- Female and Male Protag - Borderlands-esque Style/Feel?


New Member
Aug 31, 2022
Trying to remember the name of a side scroller I played. Here is what I can remember about it:
- Starts out in the desert, where a bus breaks down
- Thematic elements are light and humorous rather than dark
- You have a male "mentor" (?)
- Your first/second quest is to find a weapon, I think it was a sword
- There is some early scene involving finding sunscreen for a woman, who is sunbathing by the broken bus
- Later, you get taken to a cyberpunkish/dystopian future hostel-like place (maybe in the desert)?
- I think there are communal bathrooms/showers
- I think you have to train to fight other "champions" in an "arena"
- You switch off and play as the male mentor for a bit, I remember he rides a lift to get around the hostel/facility

I don't remember anything about the name, release date, completion status, or even the site I found it on. I think I would have played it late 2023.