Unity - Plasmogasm [v0.6.3.0] [Keolamation]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game, the guy who given it 5 star is clearly bias.

    1. Too many unnecessary stuff on the menu and startup screen.
    Trying too hard to make people follow you just to unlock "secret shop" and free stuff.
    You pretty much trying force people to do it or make them grind just to play your game, which i will rather not play if thats how low effort this is.
    Credits shouldnt be in your startup screen is cringe.

    2. Horrbile gameplay.
    For a first level monsters got way too much hp.
    Should make them low hp while spawning more often to make the game more fun.
    So boring that i need to grind just to clear the first stage, making me dont even feel like trying the rest of your game.

    And your game is so simple that i yawning, shooting mobs without powerup or anything else to make the game more fun.

    You should expand on it.