Others Please anyone can help me with Godot 4...


Feb 23, 2024
Godot Version

My name is Felipe, nice to meet you.

I studied programming 20 years ago, but I only now decided to return and try again due to personal problems. So i decide make a hentai game.

I generally don't ask for help, I prefer to study to understand the subject, but I find myself stuck.

I've been studying Godot for a month and a half, and I've already understood almost the entire program, but the language, despite being easy to understand, is difficult to write. I've been trying to do simple logic for two weeks, but nothing I try works.
The funniest part is that I'm stuck in what I swore would be the easiest part..... :HideThePain:

What I'm trying to do is simple: I have a button and when I click it I instantiate an object (which must follow the mouse pointer) and I duplicate it in my scene. In other words, it is a management builder like Black Market or Monster Black Market.

I've tried over 20 different codes but none of them worked....here's the current code:


extends Button

var object_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://scenes/Buildings/build_01.tscn")
var object_to_duplicate: Node2D = null

func _on_pressed():
if object_to_duplicate == null
object_to_duplicate = object_scene.instantiate()
object_to_duplicate.global_position = get_global_mouse_position()

var new_object = object_to_duplicate.duplicate()
new_object.global_position = get_global_mouse_position()

func _process(delta):
if object_to_duplicate != null:
object_to_duplicate.global_position = get_global_mouse_position()

The problem with this code is:

- The object is created but does not correctly follow the mouse cursor.
- The object is not duplicated on the screen.

If anyone could please help me I would appreciate it....without understanding how this works my project simply ends here.....

Last edited:
Dec 2, 2017
- The object is not duplicated on the screen.
You should really follow a youtube tutorial if you can't achieve this

Try logging everything to see where values are or go null and make sure the button signal is connected
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Feb 23, 2024
- The object is not duplicated on the screen.
You should really follow a youtube tutorial if you can't achieve this

Try logging everything to see where values are or go null and make sure the button signal is connected
You don't understand....i try all avaliable tutorials on youtube, foruns, and even chatGPT......but i find nothing....two weeks trying....i had this amazing hentai game project in my mind but after two weeks stuck in a fucking button i'm really sad.....also signal works fine.
Dec 2, 2017
You don't understand....i try all avaliable tutorials on youtube, foruns, and even chatGPT......but i find nothing....two weeks trying....i had this amazing hentai game project in my mind but after two weeks stuck in a fucking button i'm really sad.....also signal works fine.
Code looks fine, I see in the video you posted that the positioning is what's wrong, maybe the .tscn at the top is not properly positioned in it's own scene

Also know that gamedev is hard as hell, even to make simple things


Feb 23, 2024
Code looks fine, I see in the video you posted that the positioning is what's wrong, maybe the .tscn at the top is not properly positioned in it's own scene

Also know that gamedev is hard as hell, even to make simple things
Someone in other forum help me on the first problem. Yes the sprite in the scene preload was not centered. Thanks.

Now i need to know how duplicate this object…i try i few changes on the button script but doesn’t work either…now my code is this:

extends Button

var object_scene: PackedScene = preload(“res://scenes/Buildings/build_01.tscn”)
var object_to_duplicate: Node2D = null

func _on_pressed():
var object_to_duplicate = object_scene.instantiate()
object_to_duplicate.global_position = get_global_mouse_position()

var new_object = object_to_duplicate.duplicate()
new_object.global_position = get_global_mouse_position()


Feb 23, 2024
Thanks but the problem is solved. Now i have to studie it.

Here's the code with explanation in case anyone's need it.

extends Node2D

# O objeto que vc planeja criar
var object_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://color_rect.tscn")
# A instancia do objeto criado
var new_object: Node

func _ready():
    # Começa como falso pq vc n precisa dele funcionando enquanto não
    # tiver criando algo

func _process(delta: float) -> void:
    # Seta a posição do seu objeto para a posição do mouse, questões
    # de centralização vão variar de acordo com o objeto sendo mexido
    # no seu caso vai ser bom ter uma função que retorne o tamanho do objeto
    # sendo criado pra setar um offset, como eu sei que o tamanho do node
    # então uso ele diretamente
    new_object.global_position = get_global_mouse_position() - (Vector2(40, 40)/2)

func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
    # Se o evento for um clique do mouse
    if event is InputEventMouseButton:
        # Se new_object não for nulo, o clique for do botão esquerdo do mouse
        # e se for pressionado, desliga _process e deixa o node parado na
        # posição do mouse
        if new_object and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
            # Aqui uso modulate pq estou simulando o objeto com
            # um node do tipo ColorRect, pra o seu caso vc deve criar uma
            # função no objeto pra avisar quando ele esta na posição final
            # caso vc queira que ele troque de cor ou qualquer outra ação
            new_object.modulate = Color.WHITE
            # Desliga o _process pra não mexer mais o node
            new_object = null

func _on_button_pressed() -> void:
    # Instancia seu novo objeto e garante que vc tem uma referencia dele,
    # não precisa duplicar o node
    new_object = object_scene.instantiate()
    # Aqui estou usando add_child direto só pra exemplo mesmo, mas o ideal
    # é vc ter um node exclusivamente pra segurar todos as construções
    # Isso aqui é só pra ele mudar de cor enquanto movo, vc n vai usar essa
    # linha abaixo
    new_object.modulate = Color.YELLOW
    # Essa vc precisa, vai ligar o callback _process para mexer seu novo objeto
Bye ;)
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