Please critique my handling of interracial content for an NTR game.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
In my NTR game a town will be taken over by an organization. I'm trying to decide between the following two implementations.

a. The player can choose if the organization is made up of all white characters or all black characters.
b. The player can choose if the organization is made up of black characters and white characters, all black characters, or all white characters.

A is the least amount of work. B would take more work and more time.

Which implementation should I go with?
Is there another implementation I should consider?

I conducted a poll, link in my signature, that shows 24% of people prefer not to play a game with interracial sex while 76% were okay with interracial sex.

I look forward to any feedback you guys could provide.
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Jun 14, 2018
What if you don't give the players that choice, have the organization be mixed and just give the players the possibility to avoid content with black characters maybe by avoiding interactions with them or something like that. To me it would feel more natural and part of the game rather than having a toggle option at the beginning.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
What if you don't give the players that choice, have the organization be mixed and just give the players the possibility to avoid content with black characters maybe by avoiding interactions with them or something like that. To me it would feel more natural and part of the game rather than having a toggle option at the beginning.
This was my original plan but some people want black only or white only, that means three options total which is implementation B.

Implementation B makes what you suggested default, then from there people can choose to make them black only or white only optionally.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Give options when possible but if it is too much work you cannot handle, you will have to cut some stuff.
Based upon initial feedback, I don't think I'll be able to cut anything. I'll have to go with implementation B. That's fine though, I don't mind. I think I know some ways to save time in photo shop to cut down on the amount of rendering.

Let's say a woman is getting fucked from the back and the front. I do one render where both guys are black, then do another render where they're both white, then in photo shop I can cut one image in half, so in the third option it shows a black guy and white guy fucking her without needing to render a third time. If I do it right, then I'll only need to render twice most times instead of three.
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Forum Fanatic
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Sep 27, 2018
Sorry by "Cutting stuff" I had meant taking the easier option even if you really wanted to take the other one but it is good you found a workaround, so go for it! Good luck!


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
In my NTR game a town will be taken over by an organization. I'm trying to decide between the following two implementations.

a. The player can choose if the organization is made up of all white characters or all black characters.
b. The player can choose if the organization is made up of black characters and white characters, all black characters, or all white characters.

A is the least amount of work. B would take more work and more time.

Which implementation should I go with?
Is there another implementation I should consider?

I conducted a poll, link in my signature, that shows 24% of people prefer not to play a game with interracial sex while 76% were okay with interracial sex.

I look forward to any feedback you guys could provide.
IMO having only black and white characters is not fully interracial, there are other races out there that you will still be excluding from the game.

At the end of the day the decision comes down to you and I think you should go with what you want.
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I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
I don't care for NTR, so I would not play such a game, but I think it's just common sense that putting double work for 24% more potential public is not a good deal. It's your first game (I assume) so taking on this much work is not the best idea, instead keep it simple and put the extra time in polishing your product.


Jan 14, 2018
I think that you would do better doing the game you want to play. If your original idea was to have an interracial NTR game and you're including the "white" option to cater to people who wouldn't like that, all you're accomplishing is putting extra effort fo little gain, since they're bound to stay away from your game anyway.
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Forum Fanatic
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Game Developer
Sep 27, 2018
I think offering options is better... You guys would be right if he had to actually put a lot of extra effort to do that, initially I had told him to cut such content as there's little to no gain, however it seems like he can actually give those options without too many problems from what he said... If that is truly the case, I think he should go for it.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
This was my original plan but some people want black only or white only,
You are doing it wrong.

This is your game. You make the game you want to make and people will decide to play it or not. If you start letting people dictate how things go you won't be making the game you want to make.

Seen that happen to many times and it always ends with the game getting abandoned.

You will never, NEVER, please everyone. Don't even try. Do what you want to make and build up a player base that way. It will be less stressful for you in the long run.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I wouldn't play an NTR game anyway, so my opinion wont be that relevant for this game, but in general, I wouldn't make race an issue in ANY game, regular or porn, unless, it's specifically about a racist organization or particular subculture. Nazis or the KKK may be the bad guys in a game with a black protagonist, a white guy could face difficulties making a career as a rap musician, but as far, as the sexual content goes, the anatomy is similar enough to ignore skin colors.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
I wouldn't make race an issue in ANY game
I've discovered a sex fetish called raceplay which does make race an issue for the purpose of sexual pleasure. It's often mixed with humiliation.

Ex: "His black cock is so much bigger than your little white one"

It's funny because in real life the guy with the biggest dick in the world is actually a white guy and in porn there's tons & tons of white guys with huge dicks.

... the anatomy is similar enough to ignore skin colors.
Implementation B would allow for a play through where skin color is ignored and race is barely discussed.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
I need feedback in regards to handling raceplay & small penis humiliation. I want to do it in a responsible way that isn't racist to whites or blacks. The game will have no racial slurs of any kind. The only form of raceplay will be in regards to dick size.

In the game you'll be bale to choose from the following play-through:

a. Both white & black males have equal dick size
b. Whites have bigger dicks than blacks
c. Blacks have bigger dicks than whites

Would the above options prevent people from getting upset online? I think it allows people to fulfill their crazy sexual fantasies, but also sends a message that when it comes to dick size both whites & blacks can have huge dicks.

I've figured out clever ways to reduce render times with certain tricks, so I can make all three options no problem.
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Feb 11, 2019
In my NTR game a town will be taken over by an organization. I'm trying to decide between the following two implementations.

a. The player can choose if the organization is made up of all white characters or all black characters.
b. The player can choose if the organization is made up of black characters and white characters, all black characters, or all white characters.

A is the least amount of work. B would take more work and more time.

Which implementation should I go with?
Is there another implementation I should consider?

I conducted a poll, link in my signature, that shows 24% of people prefer not to play a game with interracial sex while 76% were okay with interracial sex.

I look forward to any feedback you guys could provide.
If you get insulted before you get to the bottom of this it's only because you are a damn idiot. The only way you should get insulted by this is if you are an asshat that can't read properly or stop some place and make a bunch of stupid assumptions.

Stop worrying about being politically correct and tell the story you want to tell!
I mean seriously if you are going to worry about that crap you might as well have aliens take over. O' wait "illegals" might confuse that as meaning them. Hold on then again the space alien might get upset. Yep that's all we need is a bunch of pissed off LGM.

What are we going to do rewrite history so no one gets offended next. I guess some idiots would do that hence the issues with statues and other stuff being attacked and taken down.

It's funny. My grandfather spent time in a NAZI camp. I remember the tattoo still on his arm on his death bed. I was 10 then. My family friends never once said we should take down the statues or anything. We saw them as a reminder of what people survived and worked to get past. Only the weak of mind can't handle seeing an object. Pathetic.

Some years back 4 black males robbed a bank. The police new the robbers were at a certain intersection based on the radio tracking signal. Because they didn't want to appear to be profiling the pulled everyone out of the cars at gun point women and children and so on even to the point of handcuffing kids. They got the shit sued out of them. They deserved it. Hell frankly, I think they should have been charged and made a greater example of. They had way more and better options.

People need to stop with the PC bullshit. It doesn't help anyone. Most of my friends who classify as minority which happens to be most of my friends would love to strangle SJWs for the crap. They find it insulting that you feel you need to protect them and act like they are children and can't handle the shit. Think about it how the hell would you feel if every day you are told you can't succeed unless someone gives you a helping hand. That you are incapable of performing to the level of others. Colleges give you an extra 20 points on an entrance exam score while some whitey gets none and the Asian gets 5 points taken off. Just so its fair to you so you can get in. Or would you rather be judged as an equal and told the same thing is expected of you. Granted there are those who have resigned themselves to either taking advantage of the situation or believing the lie. Sadly that number has grown a lot.

The way I see it there isn't any race that is greater or lesser than others. You can find people that are great and successful in every race and abject failures in every single race. It comes down to the individual and how they chose to take life on. I've heard poverty as an excuse for all sorts of things. But why then is it that some of the poorest places people are the most helpful and friendly and have less crime while other areas it seems to be true. The only real difference is the people and what they chose to do. One person asked me what if you had a family and you lived in a place like New York City and didn't have a car. I'd walk my family out of there. He said you can't just do that. Really seen the people walking from one country to another? What's stopping you? I can tell you fear! You are scared. The point is we all have choices and that's what makes the difference between people the choices we make.

Good guys are good guys because they chose to be not because of their skin color. Bad guys are bad guys because of what they chose to do not the skin color. So just tell the damn story. If someone has an issue with it well the problem is with them not you. Fuck them.


The Indomitable
Game Developer
May 18, 2019
These options are huge waste of your resources, and your project will surely fail if you go this way. All of these options do not make any sense unless you have atleast a team of 4-5 people working on a small scale VN game.

Just go with mixed option, this will grant you plenty amount of choices to plan forward. You can't make everyone happy. Care about the community feedback, but never let them direct you away from your vision.

With each option you offer to your players, you have to cut down something else to cover the costs. Costs are varying from time to money.

For an example; let's say you gave an option to set evil faction's races: blacks, mixed, whites. Basically tripling your development costs. Then you have to move equal amount of resources from other parts of your game; maybe smaller amount of interactions, diminished storyline, palette/texture swapped characters while ignoring anatomical and cultural characteristics of races & individuals, increased time between updates or reduced content per update etc.

Always think about your resources and plan ahead before commiting completely. Also remember that, "Even the best laid plans go awry." as Duncan said.:)

If you still want to go for choice option, using 2D art in combination with sprites would be the wiser choice.

To give you a clear example, let me give you few examples of my own decisions. While I am developing an ambitious real time based rpg, my thought process will give you few ideas.

My Resources
Enough money to cover my own expenses for fulltime commitment for one and half year, first version will take almost a year (may2019-Jan/March20) mainly due to the assets and getting engine frameworks ready for monthly content updates. Then I have to rely on kickstarter/patreon, plus I already spent few thousand bucks for several frameworks and soundpacks, and I'll have to spend more for 2D art like original icon packs. I am also well versed in 3D modeling and I am a computer engineer who took additional classes about game design.

My vision vs Realistic Approach
12 Unique Classes.
> I had to reduce it to two/three for the initial release and I don't even have any idea how many I can implement later. Because they require additional animations, renders, 3d models, other effects.

Animated Dialogue Scenes. Unless I get nice following base within first year, I am going to rely purely on still image based renders.

Different Type of Weapons (Naginata, Modern Arms, Shield, Dual Wield etc.)
. Katana and yumi for the initial release, more will added in later releases.

Voice Acting. No VA other than few character reactions unless I get proper funding.

Real Time Combat
. I choose square grid turn based combat system, cause of the costs and complex ai algorithms. I really want a combat system like in Dragon Age: Origins. Non combat situations will have a free movement.

Realistic (Circular) Tile Movement Calculation. Diamond tile movement system for combat (Fire Emblem style), instead of more accurate systems like in the Divinity Original Sin, because it is way more efficient and faster to implent.

Pure C++. I use mix of C++ and C# based Visual Scripting instead of pure C++. While C++ is superior in terms of efficiency, control and performance; visual scripting is way more easier and less time consuming to implement than a pure C++ code.

And few more.

Disclaimer: I am not trying to advertise my game, nor belittle ideas of other people. I am just here to share my experience to help and guide aspiring developers.
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Jul 14, 2017
I need feedback in regards to handling raceplay & small penis humiliation. I want to do it in a responsible way that isn't racist to whites or blacks. The game will have no racial slurs of any kind. The only form of raceplay will be in regards to dick size.

In the game you'll be bale to choose from the following play-through:

a. Both white & black males have equal dick size
b. Whites have bigger dicks than blacks
c. Blacks have bigger dicks than whites

Would the above options prevent people from getting upset online? I think it allows people to fulfill their crazy sexual fantasies, but also sends a message that when it comes to dick size both whites & blacks can have huge dicks.

I've figured out clever ways to reduce render times with certain tricks, so I can make all three options no problem.
if you are that concerned about stereotypes you could make it so there is noticeable variety in cocks size within each race and, at the same time, not giving either race an obvious advantage over the other.
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