Identify Please help to identify this game


Jul 15, 2019
So, maybe a year or so ago I played a game that I have been unable to find since. I'm pretty sure that it hasn't been updated so maybe it's been abandoned but I would like to know one way or the other. Unfortunately the only scene I can think of that might spark some folks memory is a scene where the male MC visits a sort of private swimming pool with his mom and possibly his girlfriend or sister (can't remember which) Anyway, he proceeds to buy some expensive wine from the waitress who is reluctant to sell it to him it as it should be paid via an account.. As it's his mothers account and she doesn't have much money, he wants to pay by cash. The waitress agrees and his mother gets a little drunk. A game of Marco Polo ensues wherein some blonde girl is groped "accidentally" by the mother.

I seem to remember that the MC has a dark skinned friend who is also there with his sister??

Anyway, if anyone knows the title I'd like to replay it.. So TIA

PS I remember also the renders were very good, if that helps.


Feb 10, 2018
Culture shock maybe? Culture Shock is the only one that fits the bill to me. Check its thread.