Seeking Please share more Shota focused games.

Feb 11, 2022
I'm a big fan of Nergal's games, and have been looking for more games that are similar. I've played a few found on this site, but not all of them had the launcher in the files. I'm hoping you guys can reccommend some more good ones.

<here's sone more details of what I'm looking for>
-Shota protagonist is preferred, but not 100% necessary.

-Milfs are always welcome, and affectionate milfs are even better. (If you're familiar with Urban Demons, Kimberly and Mrs Jennings are good examples of my types)

-I've got a kiss / lipstick mark fetish, but sadly not many people share my fondness for it. If you know of any games that cater to this, please do share.

-Incest is fine, as well as some domination. Prefer to avoid more extreme content. I have my limits.

Thank you all, and I look forward to your suggestions.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Try tag combo.

There aren't many games because lots of shota/loli content is removed/unallowed in f95 so you will have to look for this stuff in other websites.