Unity - Completed - Pleasure Party 2 [Final] [HFTGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: "The way I imagined the perfect sequel" part has been rewritten. (Tried my best, but am not sure it doesn't have any dead ends.)

    My third favorite porn game ever, but nonetheless I'm still not satisfied since in this sequel it's clearly visible the haste and that the devs are having trouble with time.

    The positives:
    Such basic things that for some incomprehensible reason were left out from the first game are finally included in the sequel. The group, the blowjob and non-sexual animations made the existence of the first game practically totally meaningless. But actually it was the character creation/customization feature that really made the difference. I find it a brilliant innovation, and a possible sequel definitely needs this.

    The negatives:
    There's a saying that we shouldn't change what works, but despite this the devs simply threw out the first game's well-established features to start everything from scratch.

    First of all, the game unexpectedly veered into fantasy, and while I found the unique outfits particularly appealing, with such locations as the Pirate Island, Space Base, and Fairy Tale, the game's atmosphere has rather became more comedic than erotic.

    And secondly.. One of the most enjoyable features of the previous game, which was responsible for the automatic control of the characters sex pace, was completely removed from the sequel. The devs thought that this would give the players more tasks, but actually they just vanished the "engine" of the game and left us with empty, passive characters.
    Additinonally, the devs for an incomprehensible reason has also removed the character compatibility, and the recovery period of the males, which was replaced by the 15 second/climax making the concept of simulator frivolous.

    Overall in the sequel they completely forgot what was the point and the goal of the whole prequel game. Try to reach the climax. But since this no longer poses a challenge in the Pleasure Party 2, we were left practically without any tasks in this game.

    The way I imagined a perfect sequel: (Second Try)

    Friendship and Realtionship: One of the biggest flaws of the Pleasure Party 2 was that there was no progression between the characters, and the game, skipping any kind of warm up, started right away with the orgy. We should bring in the mood with the right pace.
    But then how should the game start?
    A possible sequel should definitely put more emphasis on the getting to know each other phase, which could consist of chatting and some sexy games to set the stage for a spicy party.

    1. Chatting: This interaction can consist of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 people and should lasts about 3 minutes, and then we can repeat it again and again.
    We select the characters for interact and choosing the chatting. As long as this interaction lasts, the Friendship and the Realtionship bar gradually increases. But while the Friendship bar grows between two characters at the same pace, the Relationship bar should growing at a different way and pace for both character. Also, the Relationship here is more of an attraction system, but these two factors will be also discussed soon.

    2. Spin The Bottle: Another type of interaction could be this game, which requires a minimum of 6 people. To whom the bottle points like as an arrow, they need to be kissed or given a lap dance.
    If the spinning stops at:
    Female - Female: The only option is kissing, or nothing happens.
    Male - Male: Nothing happens, and the male who ponted the bottle is spinning the next one.
    Female - Male: Can be two option. Kissing or lap dance which can change randomly. The kissing should lasts about 10 seconds, while the lap dance about 20 seconds. When the interaction ends, the next spinning can begin.
    As long as the game lasts, the friendship bar increases between all participant. But the couples who had the opportunity to kiss or having a lap dance will have an attraction boost after each of these contacts.

    3. Strip Twister: At least 4 people required, but I don't want to detail this further.

    Friendship: It increases between all genders during chat or while participating in a sexy game, and its growth rate is solely influenced by the personality compatibility. It has two stages between each genders:
    Females - Females: 1. Acquaintance, 2. Besties
    Males - Males: 1. Acquaintance, 2. Buddies
    Males - Females: 1. Acquaintance, Soulmates

    Relationship: Unlike the Friendship, this grows at a different rate between two characters which also opens the possibility of the one-sided attraction.
    Every character should have a Crush, Infatuation, and Love list, where they list those characters they are attracted to. The time it takes for another character to be added to a specific character's attraction list, depends on the other character's Experience level.

    Attraction levels: This three stages comes after another.
    It's a temporary attraction, which disappears on the next party.
    Infatuation: 2th level of attraction. The only difference is that it doesn't already disappear at the next party.
    Love: Maximum level of attraction. It also won't disappear at the next party,
    If both character earned this attraction level for each other, then these couples in idle state instead of being passive, can automatically kissing if they are within a certain distance. If a male or female has two partners at this level, then the partner with the higher experience level enjoys the higher priority. But if it's the same, then appearance etc. can decide.
    Additionally, at this level of attraction the females could use a different, more intimate soft voice during the orgy, which reflects her high attraction to her partner.

    So, in order to make the sexual and the non-sexual activity available between two characters, at least the Acquaintance Frienship and the Crush attraction level should be reached by both of them with each other.

    Threesome-sex: I feel this part would be even harder to implement, but these animations should also require a certain level of Relationship and Friendship in order to happen.
    MMF: The males must be buddies. The female must be on the soulmate friendship, and on Infatuation relationship with one of them, while with the other male the Acquaintance and the Crush level is enough.
    MFF: The Females has to be besties. The Male with one of them has to be on the Soulmate and Crush level, while with the other female the Acquaintance relationship is enough.

    MMFF: The males on Acquaintance, but the both female - male relationship should be on Crush and on Soulmate friendship level at least separately.
    MMMF: For the males the Acquaintance friendship level is enough, but the female has to be on Infatuation relationship and Soulmate level at least with both of them, while with the remanied one, the Acquaintance friendship and the Crush relationship is enough.

    Experience points: Instead of money I would use experience points which each character can increase individually after each climax. But while the females should get their experience points through their own, the males should only able to increase their points through their partners' climax.
    Each character's points can be used to unlock different experience levels, thus making them more successful in finding a partner.

    Experience levels:
    1. Novice: The speed of their own interaction bar is not affected, but unless they have some bonus, their progression to reach the three attraction levels at other males or females will be quite slow.
    2. Advanced Beginner: --||-- Their attraction progress is still not fast enough.
    3. Attention-grabbing: --||-- Their attraction progress is average.
    4. The mood-booster: --||-- Their attraction progress is fast.
    5. Party starter: --||-- Their attraction progress is the fastest.

    Jealousy level: It negatively affects the progression of the climax and the interaction bar. This means that if a character's Crush, Infatuation or Love interest has an erotic interaction with someone else within the sight, then depending on the jealousy level, his/her climax and interaction bar will be slow down or even becomes passive. While the Crush causes low, the Infatuation and especially the Love interest causes more jealousy.
    Additionally, characters with high Jealousy level will end their friendship with those, who having fun with their Love interest.

    Character compatibility: While the Realtionship is not, the Friendship and the climax bar affected. So it's literally determines how fast two character become soulmates, buddies or besties, and how fast a couple reaches the climax together. Compatibilty bonus means faster, incompatibility means slower.

    Personalility types: (Remained mostly the same)
    Shy: If their experience level is low, it will be hard for them to get opened and relax during an orgy, therefore their climax bar cannot advance as long as other characters are nearby. At first, they only like to have sex in a separate place with someone they like. Bonus: Likes submissive poses. Compatibility bonus with the Sensitive and Deeply-romantic.
    Incompatible with the Shameless.
    Jealousy level: Medium
    Deeply-romantic: Their jealousy level is the highest which means that if someone they like is having sex with another partner, they always look in their direction if they are within the sight. In addition their climax meter becomes passive during this time. Bonus: They reach the climax faster if they are in the Love relationship with their partner.
    Compatible with the Shy, Sensitive and with another Deeply-romantic.
    Jealousy level: Very High
    Cuckold: Only male trait. Same as Deeply-romantic, just in the opposite way. Bonus: Watching a loved person having sex. Incompatible with the Confident
    Jealousy level: None
    Easygoing: They are compatible with almost all personalities.
    Jealousy level: None
    Dominant: Compatibility bonus with the Submissive and Confident. Likes the dominant poses.
    Jealousy level: Medium
    Submissive: Compatibility bonus with the Dominant. Likes submissive poses. Also compatible a little with the Selfish. Incompatible with another Submissive.
    Jealousy level: Low
    Shameless: They reach the climax faster if there is a mass orgy going on around them. Other bonus: They reach the climax faster in extreme or threesome poses. Incompatible with the Shy and Sensitive.
    Jealousy level: None
    Attentive: Bonus: Their partners reach the climax faster.
    Jealousy level: Medium
    Selfish: Compatible with the Submissive. Their other partners reach the climax a little slower.
    Jealousy level: High
    Narcissistic: Likes to be the center of attention. Their climax meter slows down if there's a three or foursome sex going around them. Bonus: If they are the only man or woman in a three or foursome sex. Incompatible with the Selfish.
    Jealousy level: Low
    Hopeless case: (Male trait) They are incompatible with everyone. In fact, this personality is sexually imperfect which means, while they can reach the climax quite quickly, it's already means a difficult task for their partners, additionally they also negatively affect the other couples around them. Their partners also gains fewer experience points after each climax.
    Bonus: As long as a Shy female's experience level is low, they are compatible, which speeds up his partner's climax as well.
    Jealousy level: High
    Sensitive: Similar to the Shy, just the experience levels don't change them. Unlike the Shy, they can handle a smaller crowd around them right from the start as well, but if the orgy gets too wild, their climax bar slows down or becomes passive. They are especially sensitive to the three and foursome sex around them. Likes classic poses. Compatibility bonus with the Shy and with the Deeply-romantic. Incompatible with the Dominant, and Shameless.
    Jealousy level: High
    Cheerful: Has a good aura. Compatibility bonus with almost anyone.
    Jealousy level: Medium
    Confident: Compatibility bonus with the Dominant, Cheerful, Easygoing. Incopmatible with the Cuckold.
    Jealousy level: Low

    Characteristics (Females):

    Flawless looking: Within sight, the other characters primarily watch her, even during the sex if that's possible.
    Bonus: These females will be automatically added to every males' Love list. Even in case of incompatibility, her partners will reach the climax much faster. When she having an orgy, the nearby idle males will automatically start masturbating while watching her.
    Hot: Bonus: They automatically added to every males' Infatuation list. Even in case of incompatibility, their partners will reach climax quite quickly.
    Attractive: Bonus: They automatically added to every males' Crush list. Even in case of incompatibility, their partners will reach climax a little faster.
    Average-looking: There is no bonus, only the personality compatibility, and her experience level applies.
    Ugly: Negative-bonus: Even if they are compatible, her partners will reach the climax much slower. She will earn the Crush or any attraction level harder at other males even if her experience level is maxed out.

    Characteristics (Males):
    Good-looking: Bonus: These males will be automatically added to every females' Crush list. Their partners also reach the climax faster.
    Average-looking: No bonus, only the personality compatibility, and their experience level applies.
    Plain: Negative-bonus: He will earn the Crush or any attraction level harder at other females even if his experience level is maxed out.
    Ugly: Negative-bonus: He will earn the Crush or any attraction level harder at other females even if his experience level is maxed out. Additionally, even in case of compatibility, his partners will reach the climax much slower.

    Traits (Males):
    Hyperactive: Their potency returns faster.
    Underactive: It takes longer to restore their potency.
    Hardy: have extreme vitality, reach climax slower.
    Fraigle: The opposite of Hardened.
    Energetic: Extreme vitality and rapid return of potency.
    Tireless: can have two climax in a row without resting.

    Males with too fast climax and long passivity should negatively affect their attraction level.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure where to start. The game was fine, just it was rather like an expansion of the previous game. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they brought this game up again since the Pleasure Party1 was my favourite from them, just they should have rather updated the previous game, instead of making a complete sequel.
    Actually in the second one the atmosphere and enjoyment of the orgies earned that level which the previous game had, just certain innovations they added didn't really benefit the game.
    The problem starts there it's already too late to suggest anything, since the devs probably working on their next game and won't touch this anymore.

    The first annoying factor was that there were no ready-made characters.. One of the biggest innovation in the game was the character creation part, although I didn't really like it. In fact it just makes the game even more grindy. But after a while I successfully made my first small group for the orgy, which I was finally satisfied with, but only this part took me about half an hour. The lazy players will probably quit the game at this part.

    Maybe you will have that feeling the game didn't changed that much to say that a complete new game was inevitable. The first things you will notice, we have new locations, and many more kind of sex positions, but more or less the game essentially remained the same.

    In fact I have no problem with the fantasy worlds, but every location in this game just consist of public places. We have no private place with an apartment, specifically I haven't seen a single bed in the whole game. The orgies literally happening on the ground. I really miss a decorated villa with lots of bed.
    Nevertheless the orgy itself is pretty spectacular and great just like in the first game, or even better since they innovated this part the most. Now we can really call it an orgy, as the long-missed threesome and foreplays are finally available. They even expanded the straight couple's sex positions, although not as much as it should have been. I don't want to overstate this. In the first game's discussion someone listed a few example what kind of positions are missing, and how the lifting sex should be like.

    The non-sexual part was also a delicious innovation. It consist of kissing, spanking, holding hands etc. I think it was my favourite addition. Actually this part makes the real difference compared to the first game. Although the holding hands would look better if the couples were face to face each other.

    I've met two in total so far.
    When my first 5 characters were ready I sent them off on a yacht party, but for some reason one of them, a man didn't want to appear. But about the 10th time he finally showed, and then this bug disappeared forever.
    It's not exactly a real a bug, but if the male is too big for the girl, then their body not always "compatible". It's especially noticeable during kissing. Their bodies, especially their faces simply blend together. Not the prettiest sight.

    Despite the negatives I wrote, I still love this game. I really don't want the developers to think to create this sequel was a wrong decision. We definitely need more games like this. It's true it still has some weaknesses and I'm missing a few things, but if you want a quality porn game, I doubt you should skip this one.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring idle game, you have barely any costumization to begin with, you can only select a preset of some model variants and scale how wide or thin they can be. After you are done buying your first two characters now you are probably wondering how to get them to fuck, since in tutorial you can have a sex scene at the manor's gate, but no you actually have to go to the wild west and start a "Sex party".

    When you get there, the manequins do what they would do normally, stand still and wait for you to put them in sex scenes. After that you watch a bar fill up and generate money. Characters level up and you can upgrade their $ output when they fuck or jerk off. As you understand by now I either have gone completely insane or the developers did not have a clear idea on what they wanted to do or they wanted to develop some basic level A.I. for the "sims" but where too bored to do so. So you have to menially click each one character you get and put them in sex scenes.

    Bonus points, the zoom fuction is absolute ass, you can barely get a good angle on any of the sex scenes, you have the same camera a city builder game has. I am being rather generous with the two stars, because I get some of the idea behind of what this game was supposed to be, but I fail to understand why they would deliver this. In this state.