Identify PLS HELP GUYS . Trying to find 2DCG games that emphasizes good SXFX/wet slapping/ass clapping .

Cry Further

Dec 22, 2018
Im looking for games similiar to NTRMAN's style like Mother's Lessons .
It should not particularly include ntr .
What im looking for is good 2DCG games but with emphasis and attention to the sound detail .
I Feel like SXFX is a brilliant addition to a solid 2DCG hot game and without it there's is just image and text ... which ofcourse is good and no offense to ANY DEVS .
Anyone who could recommend a list with good games matching this description pls I would be super grateful
Thanks in advance ! :)


May 21, 2019
If you want a huge list of 2dcg games that have sound effects during scenes this list can help you out. You can add more tags to the filters to find anything specific you might want