VN - Unity - Completed - Pocket Waifu Rekindled [v1.0.0] [JNT Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The review will contain a spoiler for the story so if you don't want to know don't continue reading. I stopped playing after mary got murdered and I don't intend to finish the game. I've played a few different games on this site that have a darker theme. It's fine when your going into it knowing that's in the game but when your not I don't think you should be throwing that type of stuff at your players without warning Besides that I think the game has a few issues.

    1. Pacing with some scenes you'll be talking to a girl and all of the sudden they'll be naked with zero build up.
    2. As of writing this I cannot save so unlocking scenes I missed is very annoying because I have to replay the whole game. This would of been fine if you gave players the option to unlock the whole gallery after they get a ending.
    3. Andreas character is incredibly annoying/rude. I understand what you guys were going for but you could of written her in a better way where she still came off as pushy and only wanting you to help her obtain lust dust without it getting annoying and her insulting you at every opportunity.

    I've always enjoyed your guys art style and games back when I used to play games on nutaku. I hope you guys continue making games despite me having some complaints about this one.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    To add to the previous reviews, the sex scenes are very abrupt and odd. Not just in the sense that a succubus is manipulating things to make all of the women unrealistically horny, just abrupt.

    For example, one scene has you talking to Sakaki about Japanese bathing etiquette. She mentions being worried previously about offending you for asking for help. But then it immediately jumps to a scene of her masturbating in front of you. No mention of anyone undressing, no reason why it would happen, just right into it. For some reason this also updated her profile with her birthday. I guess she has some very odd dirty talk.

    This is pretty typical of the game in general. You walk into the kitchen and suddenly this girl is wearing nothing but an apron and splayed out over the counter. Then it's back to having a cutesy talk about love on the couch. Or someone you've never even kissed just blows you for no obvious reason. Again, it's not like "I'm overcome with lust and can't help myself" sort of magical succubus interference. It just comes out of absolutely nowhere. Just like the women who simply wander into your home for no reason (although at least they try to explain that as a succubus thing, meaning she yells at you for saying it seems weird).

    It's par for the course because the rest of the writing can be weirdly awkward and abrupt. I returned from the park with Mary and asked her to come in, which she enthusiastically agrees to. But the next line is about a knock on the door and introduces a new character. Mary seemingly got forgotten about. Presumably the whole thing was intended to reset you to the "default" as you hang around the house but the game decided to trigger a new scene on its own with no regard for how it would mess with what it had just established.

    There's also a very strong emphasis on clothing and dressing up the girls for a game that then ignores it as hard as possible in the sex scenes. It's one thing to simply cut to them being naked. A little clumsy, but it works. Except this game doesn't do that. Instead it not only draws them wearing very specific clothing (often their default outfits) but will have text that talks about it, describing them lifting up their dress or removing stockings. And it's often not even subtle, with scenes like a character pulling her shorts to the side that simply don't make sense with other clothing. It's a weird move that seems almost hostile to the idea of actually dressing them up on your own.

    Of course, the makers can't keep track it of it themselves with some that don't even match the art. Like Anabelle's first scene, before you can even dress her, describes her bra and then later taking it off. Her CG specifically shows her removing it. But in her in-game art she's not even wearing one and jumps immediately to being topless instead.

    This results in a clumsy, awkward game that's really at odds with itself. It almost feels like the sex scenes were shoehorned in after the fact.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I have played the original version of Nutaku and this version really dissapoint me. Albeit, I haven't finished the game but have played the fair share of amount and I found the game is very boring.

    I like the art but the game is so different from the original. it's mindless clicking with not so interesting story and the MC is annoying to played as.

    The progression of relationship is very weird as well. I know it's porn game but the first sex scene I got is threesome which is weird because I don't even get a solo action with said girl yet.

    so my bottom line about this game is that it's not very good.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    + great art
    + many interesting fantasies
    + harem

    - overly long, pretentious, depressing story that has no place in a porn game
    - replaying neccessary but boring to unlock more gallery
    - unlikable MC and Deuteragonist (succubus)
    - ending "rewards" are boring clothed pictures
    - unavoidable scarring yandere murder content
    - cryptic unlocking mechanisms
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Its not very good.

    Let's elaborate further; you play as 'James', just another one of those unfortunate beta males that cant speak to women. One day a succubus, Andrea, visits you and in exchange for your soul, she'll let you lay with as many pussies as you can manage with your two hands. The catch? She'll always be next to you barking orders, making your life miserable, and ruin your hardon. Yes, let's begin by describing the biggest problem with the game: the characters suck ass, and Andrea is pretty much one of the most annoying characters Ive ever had to suffer in a H game, so much so that I couldnt actually finish the game itself.

    As for the other characters i.e. the girls, there's pretty much one of every archetype imaginable, from girls next doors, to otaku lover, to creepypasta; there's one here for everyone. The problem is that your interaction with them neither feels natural nor relatable, let alone satisfying. They pretty much just appear out of nowhere (story related reasons), automatically have the hots for you, and then with minimal effort you just plow them. Even real whores dish out more emotional value than any of these pieces of wood.

    Sex scenes is varied. You get the occasional still pic of a girl in questionable positions, and then there's the live 2d 'animated' scenes that for some reason I cant get into. Literally zero erections gained about two hours of gameplay, though not for the lack of effort. There is plenty of girls, the sex scenes dont really require any sort of grinding, its just not satisfying - at least to me.

    So to conclude;

    Story's a linear mouse click adventure that's neither compelling nor interesting, the main character's a wimp, Andrea's a fucking annoying little bitch, I cant get into any of the characters (not least because the game refuses to let me just progress the girl I want at my own pace), and lastly, for inserting a yandere character that's neither comedic nor necessary, who exactly is this game made for?

    The only positive I can give out is that the game's premise has potential. The idea of progressing a girl through getting to know her better is simply one of the simplest - and yet effective - gameplay elements ever conceived by man. And this game has tons of ladies, each well animated with incredible live 2d, with wardrobe elements. Such a shame that the game itself is bogged down by an unlikeable story and two of the worst character pairings Ive ever had to suffer through.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The story is infuriating, with the MC being a typical pathetic, doormat, loser moron with no brain cells. The "animations" lack 98% substance, as they're just barely moving pictures that don't even have a climax. I ended up getting soft locked twice and couldn't even finish this dumpster fire. An overall unsatisfying game, as the gameplay itself is really chaotic and apparently easy to break. Either the sex scenes have to be good and the story bad, or the other way around to be enjoyable. Unfortunately, both are bad in this one.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: i`m actually dont care about the story, so its up to you
    Graphics: pretty good art style
    Animations: not bad and smooth cartoonish anims
    Gameplay: there is no actual gameplay u just click and watch tons of text, and than see a h-scene or another tons of text, and you can dress girls (But it's basically meaningless, because dressing up doesn't affect the h-scenes.). There are no repetitive h-scenes here, and there are few of them for each of the girls.
    Conclusion: if you like reading text, and there's a lot of it here, you'll probably like this game, but not me. 3 stars for not bad h-scenes
    edit: I forgot to tell that not all the h-scenes have animations.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is good 5/5
    The story is entertaining and the characters (lots of them) are fun.
    I encountered one bug where my progression was halted, but the fix was simple you have to select continue consultation with psychiatrist lady, (for some reason her notification did not show).
    Good amount of scenes and they are decently animated. Lots of appearance customization options.
    Graphics: 4/5
    Gameplay: 4/5
    Story: 5/5
    Scenes: 4/5
    Overall cohesiveness: 6/5
    Characters: 6/5
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who's played the OG game, I know the potential this has.

    Characters are all unique with charming personalities with some compelling arcs to overcome, and the scenes are nice. I look forward to the finished product.