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3.70 star(s) 96 Votes


Jul 26, 2017
Oh my fucking god so many idiots complaining even about THIS. IT'S AN ALPHA 0.1, FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Could you guys not judge like this a game in its FIRST alpha state!?
Look at the same 3 morons 'facepalming' everything remotely justifyin' the game's design or the developers choice of elements.
It's a pokémon game, every nerd starts fuming over if it's not exactly how he likes it;

Easy to play and without much thought put into it.
Let them cry, only shows their childish attitude towards the matter - and for what i can tell so far, only gets the Dev to stay on the current course even more. Win Win for everyone.


Jul 26, 2017
While LonaRPG is ballcrushingly difficult it's existence shouldn't be an excuse for bad balance or unreasonable difficulty spikes
With the same way of thinking as the one you presented one would say that awful monetization in game A is good because game B is way worse in that regard. Or that poor performance of game X can be excused because games Y and Z had rougher launch than it had. One greater evil doesn't justify a smaller one
Disclaimer. If you feel yourself being targeted by what's said below - Well. Maybe the guilt is for a reason, then?
With "You" i'm talking to several individuals here, not just one. So that you know.
There's no intend of picking a fight, on my side, that is, even thos my words may sound harsh.

You talk about balance, like the other trolls on here.
I finished the game in close to 1:30 hours.
Not a single faint.
And i don't complain about balance, as you can see.
You can't say a game's unbalanced if you're just bad.
And yet you do - even try'na lecture others over it. Some would call this pathetic.
You guys (not necessarily you) even create new accounts to downvote this game, now that's pathetic as hell.

You do. You (3-4) guys all do - Not only complain, outright cry like idiots over it.
Because why? You obviously died so many times that you, frustrated to the very core, just dumped it.
Now you're here, crying about it, without admitting that there are a LOT of players that never ran into any problems and all of them rate the gamefor what it is. Good.

Maybe it's not a problem with design...
Maybe it's just a bunch of morons that don't know how to use types v types correctly? Or build a proper, working team?

There are certain pokémon early on you can catch which make the whole game literally trivial.
Didn't know this?
I know, because you guys don't know how to build a proper team, i guess.
There's a fucking reason why this oddish's lv 11..

Gotta LOL to that.
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Jul 26, 2017
Also, i want to point out the fact that some of the cryin' trolls in this thread obviously created new accounts to downvote the game. (New, freshly made accounts with no messages or posts) All with mostly the same way of writing and grammar.

SINtax EroRR

You should report that for it's against the rules.
Just sayin', betcha they didn't mask their ip anyway.
Apr 15, 2020
Arceus was a good game, but I can't say the same for Scarlet/Violet. There are no attractions or dangers in the free exploration. You literally fight Team Star to the point of declaring "war" on them and they DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and just wait for you to get to their base and take down one of the bosses lol
Looks like you playing in a souless/lifeless game
personally im liking it more then Arceus and people in the discord im in say the ending is crazy. theyre saying that this is one of the recent games that has an actual story to it. Also Ive beaten one of the star bosses and it was interesting. as for them doing nothing to you thats pretty much how every Team works in the various gens not to mention Star is essentially just school kids and not actual bad guys.

Also this and Arceus were the first pokemon games ive played since the gen before Black and White so im getting to see stuff that others are probably used to by now. Like being able to access your pokemon boxes while on the go instead of having to go to a pokemon center and access the PC there. thats a nice feature imo. im also liking the gym leaders in this game and they have more of a personality then some of the previous games. I kinda like how being the Gym leader seems to be more of a side thing to them and they incorporate some of their regular job into the way they are. their Designs are also kinda cool. like Iono having Magnimites as hair buns or water gym leader having his beard and mustache look like waves. just my view of the game.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Honestly don't understand the issue people are having with this game and it's 'challenge' seems like a Pokemon game to me and I found myself more interested in where the story was going than the "H" content. Anyway, here is a save that might benefit anyone having problems with the game. My only criticism with the game thus far, let me name the trainer.
Oct 10, 2016
So this game is hard I kinda like it why do people talk about challenge when leftovers are in your room >_>? and pokemon spawn outside the pokemoncenter I was level 10 before I even encountered a trainer
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Reactions: Daekas

Captain Crash

Oct 19, 2017
Kinda got glanced over before so I'll ask again, where is the save file? Was playing on another device and don't want to play through a bunch of the game again.

Also in terms of graphics forgot to address it before, but the inconsistent pixel sizes with some of the custom sprites makes them look out of place.
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May 21, 2017
I played and finished this in roughly 2 hours, here's the team I did it with and my genuine thoughts so far.


Positives first:

The diversity of Pokemon that are available within the first route and around the towns is good, it allows for more planning when it comes to team building and is good when wanting to build harder encounters as your players will be able to have answers for them naturally if they don't want to over-level. The music choice for the game is decent enough, though I'll always prefer unique music if possible, picking good tracks however is more than workable for this.

I also like the rival's design, she seems cool and likeable so far and I'm interested to get to know more about her.

The art for the Lopunny scenes is pretty damn good, and while it feels a bit rushed, I do like the idea of nurturing pokemon up in the grove and getting them to my join my team.

Minor things:

The Nurse Joy in the second town disappears when healing your Pokemon, and you definitely need to pick one style of overworld sprites for characters. The younger trainer sprites which are ripped from FRLG/RSE look off-putting when compared to the rest of the characters, stylistically it looks bad.

The Mighteyena attacking the Buneary can straight up flee the battle due to Roar, allowing you to skip that encounter if the AI thinks it can't beat you, which I don't think is intentional.

The elephant in the room:

Difficulty in the current version is not well-balanced, to start anyways.

I'll preface by the fact that I kept my Pokemon on level the entire time, and never overleveled my team at any point.

A good example is the starter battle and the first trainer battle.

The starter battle is completely random, you can just outright lose if the AI decides it wants to beat you and you missed the Leftovers/have a bad nature on your starter. This isn't even necessarily a bad thing because losing the first battle is a thing that can theoretically happen in baseline Pokemon games if you're unlucky, but it's something to take note of. The game punishes the player, at least in theory, for missing something that is easily missable.

The game does offer a method to make things easier and if the player doesn't take advantage of those then it's technically not the game's fault on that point. I'd say the only real issue is that the rival's starter being theoretically better in a 1 v 1, with no items mind you, isn't great.

The first fight however is straight a sucker-punch.

That Zangoose is straight up busted.

This is a rant, tl;dr - Blocking the exit to the starting town with a Pokemon that can 2-3HKO almost every available resource you have of a similar level is bad, even worse is that it can do this via knowing moves it shouldn't know. Having illegal sets + a level spike on Route 1 is not real difficulty, it's artificial and lazy. And no, getting to lvl 10 before leaving home isn't normal either.

Why does it have Fake-Out, a move it doesn't learn and almost guarantees that it 2HKOs almost anything from the starting town? As well as Cut which wouldn't be that bad if this wasn't a STAB move on a pokemon that has a base attack stat of 100+, also guaranteeing that it 2HKOs almost anything from the starting town. Hone Claws too, which I'd presume is to try and prevent you from Double Team spamming just in case.

That Zangoose, more than anything, is a hurdle that foreshadows the rest of the battles on the route.

Leaving the first town can become a hurdle to climb over due to said Zangoose, because despite having gone and found the counter that is available in the grass in the town (ie Mankey), you can still lose if you're not at least on level with it due to it having a set of moves that it shouldn't that allows it to be a bigger threat than it should be.

This is an example of artificial difficulty.

You're opponent isn't beating you because they're better or you're worse, they'll beat you because they have access to things you don't and can't have. The game is ignoring it's own rules to create a challenge for the player, this is inherently bad design on the level of rubber-banding in racing games.

This continues as a trend in the form of illegal Pelliper, Pidgeotto, Stoutland, Tentacruel, Graveler, and Zoroark from memory. Some of these aren't even that difficult to deal with because the game does give you options to beat these things ie; Mankey, your Starter's first evo, Snubbull w/ Intimidate, Oddish, and obviously Lopunny.

However, it sets a bad precedent that the game is willing to be unfair to challenge and beat you.

And if you overlevel, sure it's not going to be a problem because overleveling side-steps the issue entirely. If you overlevel, you're no long engaging with the bad level curve so the argument of "well i didn't have trouble with x I just used y to beat it I don't understand your complaints" falls flat.

You can beat anything if you overlevel enough, this isn't some new idea. As kids, lots of people beat pokemon with just their starter because they leveled it to the point where it was just so much stronger than everything that things like type advantage/disadvantage stopped mattering. This is something you can do in this very game, in fact.

However, a lot of people don't like grinding to overlevel and do that, you're average player isn't going to want to grind so they'll engage with the game with what they have and find a level/difficulty that spikes immediately before leveling out.

Youngster Joey having a full team of decently leveled Pokemon on Route 1 is not good. Especially when said team is actually fairly competent and can be a threat if you haven't either evolved your starter, gotten Lopunny, or have a full team of 6 yourself. Even if it is just a joke, which did get a chuckle out of me admittedly, it's bad design.

Everything after the first route, after Youngster Joey even, levels out to being a more reasonable mid-point, I'd even say that the first gym leader is a genuinely decent challenge depending on how you approach it. This is due in part to the breeder with the Audinos, which should probably have a limit to the amount of times you can battle, making it easier to grind.

Ultimately, the first route is just a bit too difficult for what is supposed to be your real introduction to the game.

Here's why.

The first route, even sans the illegal pokemon, still has a massive level jump from 6, where your starter pokemon would be at after winning the rival battle to 14-15 on average counting the first battle through the bridge encounters.

I just can't see how that's okay.

I went through the thread and noted that the developer has an idea of how they want this game to be, which is fine, but I care enough to not want to see people get filtered by the opening segment of the game so here's some ways to tune the difficulty to keep it hard but not busted.

- Get rid of the Zangoose/Illegal Pokemon from standard trainers: Zangoose is nowhere to be found in the grass, unless it's a super rare find, just ditch it and give the first kid something like Zigzagoon, Bellsprout, and Houndour. The team is more diverse and can out most of the encounter pool whilst also being something that the player can deal with as long as they use some decent strategy and not being a pokemon that is blantantly out of place. Standard trainers shouldn't typically have Pokemon that you can't catch in the current or previous area, though there is leeway here.

- Make Route 1 longer/Add more space inbetween the starting town and Gym 1: Adding more to the area in-between the Starter Town and your first Gym Town allows for a more gradual build-up in levels. You can throw more battles at the player, as well as having more room to put stuff, so that they can get up to the level you want them to be for the first gym whether that be 14-18 or 22-25. It prevents the weird spike from level 5 to 9 that happens immediatley because typically, after the rival battle, you're going to immediately try and leave the town and this game spites you for doing so currently.

This is why most pokemon games have a transitory town or two in-between starting town 1 and gym town 1, it allows you to space out encounters, introduce early plot elements, and more.

- Nerf the starter a bit: The starter is busted after it evolves, with the tiniest amount of luck it can solo the entire first gym by itself if not all encounters in the game. It's signature move at level 18 is incredibly overpowered, allowing for a no thought strat which is just sit there and wall-up. Fire Fang Mighteyena does not threaten it in the slightest after +2 Def and having items to heal in the back.

- Mess around with the AI: If you haven't already, Pokemon Essentials allows for you to change trainer AI to be better. I'm sure you've likely tuned this a bit already, but I just thought I should make note of it. This is a much more fair, technically anyways, way of having harder battles whilst not relying on unfair tactics to do so.

Game's okay.

The H-content that is there is pretty good if short, the early level spike is bad and should be leveled out, the starter Pokemon is busted, the custom art is good, game's a 3/5 so far. I hope to see the game get further developed.


Jul 26, 2017
Daekas is the best
I do agree with most of what you said there, 3 out of 5 may be a lil' harsh in my opinion, if you think about that it's literally initial release right now. And i kind of disagree with that something's not normal or is normal compared to xyz.

We need to stop comparing every new pokemon game, be it hentai or not, with other games like kaizo or similar roms.
Other games have other developers - have other tastes, paces and other "normals".

That bein' said.. Why monke?
What is monke for?
I mean, the mareep - i get. It's cute.
But monke?

Interesting to see other people's teams, honestly didn't think of the fearow before, good choice.
here's mine, after completin' the whole game at about 1:44 in my second run.


I found out that, if you switch pokemons in certain fights, both get the full exp, for some reason.
Propably a bug, should be looked into, i guess.
Tho my high lv's here comes from beating the XP-dude 2 times in a row after completing the current content.
Also, is the starter some kind of Alita battle angel thing?
Been curious about it, forgot to ask tho.
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New Member
Mar 29, 2022
sometimes Fake Tears works, other times it makes no difference in the damage I do with special attacks. tested with both confusion and fairy kiss, not just the moves it wouldn't matter with.
Double Team also seems to decide to not apply randomly. dunno what's going on, maybe a bug with essentials? This is the second time I've been hit 5+ times in a row after a series of double teams.
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May 21, 2017
I do agree with most of what you said there, 3 out of 5 may be a lil' harsh in my opinion, if you think about that it's literally initial release right now. And i kind of disagree with that something's not normal or is normal compared to xyz.

We need to stop comparing every new pokemon game, be it hentai or not, with other games like kaizo or similar roms.
Other games have other developers - have other tastes, paces and other "normals".

That bein' said.. Why monke?
What is monke for?
I mean, the mareep - i get. It's cute.
But monke?
I think a 3 out of 5 is pretty okay to be honest, most games aren't perfect during beta of all things and Pokemon has a mostly solved formula so I'm being a little bit tougher on this. It still scores out to being a bit better than average because despite my gripes, I did still have fun. I could maybe see a 3.5, but not any higher.

I can agree with my statement of normal being a bit disingenuous, normal for people varies widely.

In the case of Pokemon and kaizo/difficulty hacks, it could very well be normal for someone to go grind up to a level higher than intended before leaving their starting town if possible. I think my true point is more so that, on average, your typical player isn't going to do that. You typically beat your rival and then immediately head out on to the next town, even in difficulty hacks and the like. Though, it's fairly arguable in this case because if the idea of the game is to be more difficult than average, expectations change for the player and what's "normal" changes as well.

It's a something that is very hard to nail down,

On the point of comparison in general, I disagree because the purpose of comparison is to remark on both the positives and negatives of things to see a method of improvement for your own game or what have you. What works for kaizo/Radical Red/Inclement Emerald/Blaze Black/etc, might not work for the mainline Pokemon games, but their is always room for improvement.

I digress.

The monke is a violent creature full of piss and rage, I like it.

Also it's a decent enough counter for Zangoose, having managed to speed tie it at lvl 9 and likely outspeed at lvl 10 had I needed it to, as well as a couple of other encounters. It did it's job well enough to stick around.


May 31, 2018
did you use a team of at least 4 to finish the first part of this alpha? I only went through it with one pokemon... it's not difficult, I would say too easy and I'm not a native player playing pokemon, I seriously started playing it in emerald and left it and now I see this and said "we'll see if it's true" and I didn't use another More than the initial one, it shouldn't be like that...

and I didn't even bother to put the image as I said, only with the initial one, in fact I expected that something H would happen with it already evolved but... nothing...


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
okay finished it
we could spend ages arguing why pokemon games could be better and what could be added there to improve gameplay so i'm not gonna do it
instead my advice is: focus on storyline it doesn't need to be pompous just a one that has an solid ending
also let us roam the world, because at the end of the day pokemons were alyways about your team of fluffers and adventure that you had with them


Sep 22, 2019
I think I have done everything that's possible in this build. Does anyone know where I can find the EXP share and are there more battles against the rival besides the first one? Wondering what the evolutions of the fish look like :p

Edit: Nevermind, read in earlier comments that I should have talked to Asha even more before battling the gym leader to get the Exp Share.... Too bad..
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3.70 star(s) 96 Votes