POLL: Do self insert, roleplay as the MC, or just play games with a third person mentality?

Pick one or more

  • Self insert - the MC is YOU

    Votes: 103 41.5%
  • Roleplay - You get into the role of the MC and pick reasonable choices that make sense for this char

    Votes: 112 45.2%
  • Third person - You are just reading a story and have some powers to guide characters

    Votes: 105 42.3%

  • Total voters


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Take special note on the difference between self insert and roleplay. Roleplay is like DnD table top. You can play characters that differ greatly from your own moral compass and personality and take actions that are reasonable for this particular character (Chaotic Evil Orc barbarian doing chaotic shit). Self insert is when you imagine the character is actually you. Third person is similar to reading a novel or something.

Fuck, I messed up the poll question.
It should be: Pick your preferred method. Choose more than one if they appeal to you about evenly.
Last edited:


Oct 5, 2019
I ropleplay most of the time, depending on the MC and story. It's really hard to self insert (blushing), because to be honest, I find most MC's to be creepy as fuck and I can't identify to them (he says, after a sleepless night raping elves and cuming into onaholes), or because the story is way over the top with martial arts and/or mystic powers.

As the excellent post "Porn Gam Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly" underlines, most games only use several archetypes, most of them borderline rapists.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2019
I prefer to roleplay as I am an actual 'D&D tabletop'-style roleplayer, thus I have no problems with it.

I find it rather difficult to play as 'myself', because the main character usually makes (story wise forced) decisions which I personally wouldn't make. Which are often quite stupid or creepy.

If the story is very linear, there is nothing to roleplay with, in that case I am just a spectator.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2018
Always self-insert. That's why I only play games where the MC is a white, heterosexual, retro-sexual male. If he acts or even has a choice to act like a simp, if there is even a hint of NTR, even an avoidable or optional one, I delete it at once. If there's no romance with a virgin, I delete it at once, even if it's a triple A game of the year.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I'm mostly here to revel in the depravity and corruption of the characters. That said, I tend to be protective of my MC (regarding non-con) unless I go into the game with a certain mindset.
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May 22, 2018
I generally go third person. I'm often too calculating I suppose. I constantly evaluate the decisions so that I can go for the type of content I personally enjoy the most. I guess you could say I self-insert into the porn content(especially in disliking NTR stuff for example), but not the characters or the story.


Jul 5, 2017
I go for speedrunner's mentality of "how quick can I make her the village bicycle/ him the next Genghis Khan with or without the rape" because gotta 100% that game amiright?

But jokes aside, it depends on how the game presents its character and story. if the player character leaves that much of a unique character or presence, I will treat it rightfully as a third person game where I go for choices that make the most sense. I tend to default to the nicer choice.


Aug 17, 2016
It mostly depends on what kind of game it is. If the story is well enough designed that there are multiple paths to success, I like self-insert/roleplay a person with similar traits to myself who uses porn game rules for sexual consent. If the story isn't so well designed or only has one or a few paths to seeing all the scenes I want to see, then I play as whatever the game requires me to be to unlock said scenes.


Apr 22, 2020
I ropleplay most of the time, depending on the MC and story. It's really hard to self insert (blushing), because to be honest, I find most MC's to be creepy as fuck and I can't identify to them (he says, after a sleepless night raping elves and cuming into onaholes), or because the story is way over the top with martial arts and/or mystic powers.

As the excellent post "Porn Gam Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly" underlines, most games only use several archetypes, most of them borderline rapists.
Guess it depends on the game. I play lots of sandbox games in which the MC is hidden most of the time so that you can easily identify. The dialogue choices do help a lot also.
I didn't think about it but everyone don't play the same kind of game


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2020
Mostly either roleplay or spectate. Can't self-insert because the situations most of the MCs find themselves in are pretty bizarre or non-relatable.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2020
I absolutely never self insert. I would have never even considered that as something people would do until I started coming to these boards. I found it eye opening how many people seem to primarily play games that way.

Beyond that, it depends on what kind of game it is and what choices are available. More often than not, I sort of find myself thinking about the MC as my friend who I'm trying to help get laid, or give him whatever fun times are there to be had in the game. And so the game is sort of my 3rd person voyeristic experience watching that happen.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Porn or mainstream, if you get to name the MC I've been using the same first and last name for around 20 years. It's become kind of an alter ego which blends self-insert and roleplay.

I have to admit though, all of my favorite mainstream games are those in which playing like this isn't really possible (for me)...


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
Usually self-insert, and for the very few female mc games i have would be third person (although i may self insert in any people fucking her)
but if the mc is a certain way that the story wants to tell i.e they are a bit of an arsehole and thus toxic responses would suit it better then i may roleplay
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