Poll: Do you tend to replay games you love?

Do you tend to replay games you love?

  • Almost never

  • Rarely

  • Frequently

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Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
Time spent on replaying is time you're not playing a new game: do you replay games you have played in the past? I'm limiting this discussion/poll to games you love and enjoyed, obviously no one is going to replay games they didn't. In the comments, please feel free to elaborate on what makes you play a game you have already played.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2021
Assuming you're asking about porn games (my approach is different for normal games), no usually I don't replay them at all. Well, excepting of course when I replay them for a specific scene or for the gallery. So if that is what you mean then yeah I sometimes go back to my favorites to get that banger scene again (pun intended lol).

It's mostly because NSFW games usually don't have the best of gameplay, so I just don't see the point of doing a full replay again from start to finish; I just go back to get my favorite gallery/scenes on occasion, and that's about it.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Depends on the replay value - if there's more to see on subsequent playthroughs, I'll be much more inclined to replay. A linear game where you see everything the first time is not a game I'm likely to revisit, and if I do it'll be for the gallery.

I'll also replay if enough new content has been added to a game in development, or otherwise specific content I've been waiting for.

Time spent on replaying is time you're not playing a new game
If only there were so many interesting games to play that time was an issue. I'm lucky if I find 4 games a year I actually enjoy.

Ying Ko

Jun 16, 2018
If it's something I relish I will revisit it after a sufficient enough time has passed. Content on this site tends to only broach the subject matter I like, always too unfocused, developers are always trying to appeal to too many tastes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
it probably depends on your favourite genre. despite all the claims about the overabundance of mom/son/dead dad games there's still only ~5 games in 5 years that go past v0.3, so you do replay a lot.
Dec 20, 2022
Ya but honestly it's mostly just cause there aren't a lot of new games, and usually the ones I really like release new content often enough.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I almost never replay, rewatch, or reread anything more than once. If I know the story, it's pointless to go through it again.

Obviously, roguelikes, competition based online games, and purely gameplay based games deserve replaying until you get bored.

For porn games, I don't consider checking out other routes as "replaying." That's just completely playing the game. And I don't even check out all the routes anyways.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
I'm more interested in new adventures/stories/experiences, so where i walked before i rarely walk again. (Mostly i only do nostalgic trips through classics, sometimes.)
The exception is the unfinished games, precisely because they're not finished. I like finishing what i start. :whistle::coffee:
Nov 11, 2017
I've pretty much run through the games that I'm likely to enjoy (in terms of writing and content), so when I'm in a mood I'll go back and play through the stories that particularly stuck with me. Sure, it's time that could be spent on other games, but I've just had a bad run of really not liking anything new I've tried out.
Nov 11, 2017
I played My New Family ~ 35 times and still going so I'd say yes.
Ha, you have me beat, but that's definitely one of the ones I've replayed a ton. Same for My New Memories, despite how new it is. Something about Killer's wholesome writing hits just right when I'm feeling down.
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May 18, 2021
Some games just don't have great replay value. Usually it's because the game doesn't have enough depth to see major improvement, like how someone gets better at a shooter or strategy game.

Replay value does change alot what it actually means to replay a game. DOL has hundreds of ways to play, but most VN's are linear or have an "optimal" route.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
I'm not 100% up to date with all the games I played so when I see a new update for one of this games and I have the time and I feel like playing it again to refresh the story, I'll replay it. I think I only replayed an already finished game just for the love to it once.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Depends on what you count as replaying.

I play the game as many times as needed until 100% all scenes in it, and don't consider this process as "replaying" until you actually 100% all scenes/routes.

But once I completed everything then I just delete and never go back. My list of things to play/watch is just too massive to consider going back and replaying stuff I already fully completed.
Oct 14, 2022
Good new games are rare.
So i mostly stick to those i know are fun.

What was that saying again.
99% of everything is crap.

Same is true for f5zone games.
The vast majority can not even be called games.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Completed games? Rarely. Games in progress? A lot more often. I find that once a new update for a game finally drops (or in most cases, once I've waited for enough small shitty updates to accumulate, so it's actually worth playing) I kind of forgot a lot, so I'll usually just start from the beginning. I tend to skip some shit to get to the good parts though.