Ren'Py - Polyturnon [v0.15] [ZinkoPoly]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you make a list of games on this site, ordered by the amount of sex scenes, this game would take the top spot with more action than the next 20 games combined.

    I genuinely respect a developer who knows what he wants (many girls, lots of sex) and doesn't compromise on it.

    The scenes are easily unlocked and 100% repeatable.

    Player agency is the number one priority.

    Thank you to the developer for understanding what a game is.

    P.S.: A short rant on sandbox games. This one is sandbox done right. YOU DECIDE which girls to go for. YOU DECIDE which scenes to watch again. YOU constantly run into random encounters, which makes the whole world come alive. Other sandbox developers should take a long hard look at this and try to copy it (especially the REPEATABLE SCENES). /rant over
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    4 stars just because this is a porn website, otherwise it would be 3.
    The premise of being a lottery winner on an all-female nymphomaniac island is almost insultingly on your nose, but it works.
    MC has no personality of its own (but really, the biggest offender is the HS2 graphics) but at least he's respectful and not rapey. Which for a harem game is a wind of change for once.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    i really liked this game, liked all the girls. the plot is simple but the girls are cute lol
    the models are cute, the renders are decent
    it would be nice if we could get all the girls pregnant lol
    i hope zinko continues to work in this !
    oh. and more anal scenes plz!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The harem game we wanted! This dev did more in a few months than most do in years. I can't believe how much 'content' there is in this game!

    The renders are a little disappointing, but it is a quantity over quality thing. I choose quantity every time.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    What can you say about this game?
    The game may be good for players who need wank templates, because MC could run from location to location with a permanent erection. The next fuck is only a few clicks away.
    The story or plot is close to zero. Rich boy buys island and the only goal is to fuck all the girls on the island.
    The renders themselves aren't bad, but they're nothing more than mediocre stardom.
    In addition, many of the girls are, in my opinion, copy-paste versions with a few touch-ups.

    However, if you are looking for a game without depth with lots of big-titted, instantly fuckable girls, then download it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game that satisfies a male sexual fantasy, although the storyline aspect is weak, but 69 girls? ! What did you expect? For me, this game fills a gap in the genre and is a great addition when I don't want to bother playing a game with a lot of story. I also love the HS model and would not give it four stars if it were any other model. At the current pace, the game's erotic content will be huge, and I'm excited to see what the developers do next.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.11

    The premise of an island purely for fooking is a good idea for a porn game, and it feels like they are trying their best with the concept, its just unfortunate that the current execution lets it down.

    It is a 'open world'-esc VN so you get to choose what of the many girls to interact with (fun in theory), but also has a hourly and weekly time based system with some progression locked behind both an hour of day and specific day of the week (which i think its possibly the worse way to go about it as it just results in waiting around a lot)

    Another thing that is good in theory that just falls short in practice are the actual scenes/events themselves. There are a lot of girls and lots of character designs that i think are good, but the current graphics/lighting just makes everything feels so flat and boring looking. The animations and camera direction are also very flat, boring and often repetitive, with a lot of missionary POV for above the waist being fairly common and boring to look at

    I really think this has a lot of potential and a lot of work is already here, its just that the actual visual aspect of the pron is letting it down
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience

    So the premise is that you're super rich and you pre-selected a bunch of girls who would want to fuck you and took them to an island. And so, they are very willing from the get go, and you just reach out and fuck them. That's the extent of the story.

    Personally, I don't mind games that are light on story and go straight to fucking at all. However, If you're gonna do that, the fucking has to be really good, which simply isnt the case for this game. Stock HS visuals with no modding, stock animations you've seen countless times and the same camera angles recycled over and over for most of the girls. Yeah, there's a whole lot of fucking, but none of which stands out. The UI is also really poor, which doesnt do any favors to the game's visual appeal.

    To its credit, given the sheer number of girls, there's bound to be some designs that you'll really enjoy. But on that same note, despite the game having a lot of content as a whole, content for each specific girl gets spread thin because there's just so many.

    Overall, I feel AVNs are way past the point of just slapping a bunch of HS scenes into Ren'Py and calling it a day. And I'm not talking about elaborate plots either. I'm all for games that bombard you with sex scenes, but at least have some nice visuals and good animations. This game is all about quantity over quality, and I'm not on the camp that belives that a bunch of bad makes a good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has good (tons) amount of content for the version number (Not like one of those "version 18.76 with less content than 0.1alpha" types of games). It has good graphics and the content scenes are hot. The girls are really well designed and its a very chill Slice of Life type harem game. Just fuck to your heart's content and explore different kinds of fetishes and scenarios. Overall a great experience, just don't come looking for some deep plot.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The ultimate low-key relaxing harem game. No stakes, no consequences, just fuck everyone all the time and, if you feel like it, achieve minor story events to be able to fuck more of the girls in more configurations.

    This game has a ton of content, at least 10-20 hours depending on how much of the text you read. Most of the content is situational "let's fuck" dialogue that leads to a PIV scene, but for some reason that works out here. The game isn't trying to be varied, it's trying to be densely packed with very top-heavy women to plow through, and on that measure it succeeds.

    As other reviews mention, it isn't a perfect game; I'd personally prefer to have more puzzle elements somewhere, or maybe more of a sense of discovery as we go. (For example, maybe the island has some locations off limits and you have to figure out how to get there, and those locations have more girls, that kind of thing.) That's a minor critique though. It's a 5/5 because it overdelivers on its core objective and sets a new standard for the "tons of girls to fuck" genre.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0..007 (lol, ambitious version numbering system)

    Overview: Hello, I love you, creampie me.

    Story: You are a generic dude who came into an extremely large amount of cash and hired an incredibly ambitious secretary who built the ultimate harem island. She scoured the globe for the sluttiest, biggest chested, young girls to populate it, built infrastructure, displaced natives(!!), and really went all out. You are flown out to the island and told to fuck.

    It's a pretty fucked up concept. You just know every girl on the island had to sign a contract saying that you are allowed to raw dog them whenever and they're being monitored constantly by the head maid. The protagonist is very much into consent however, so it doesn't turn into the rapefest you might expect from that description. That said, it feels like every girl knows that putting out is mandatory, but they're not allowed to let you know that. The MC however is blissfully unaware of anything like this, having the mental age of about horny 13 year old. His deepest thought is "I see boobies, my penis hard."

    So your goal is to fuck every single girl on the island. For the most part this is not hard, after being introduced in huge bunches early in the game you just need to track down their second interaction spot and typically you will be balls deep in the girl within 20-50 lines of dialog. Introductions often go something like MC: "Hello", Girl: "Oh hi, my wet pussy has been craving your penis, remove your pants now" MC: "Ok" And handful of characters require some "romancing" by repeating your interactions a few times, but they are pretty rare. Pretty much everyone is a huge slut. One of the plot elements is that the clothing vendor on the island only sells outfits that are hilariously revealing, often transparent or just too small to cover nipples and labia, although a few of the girls did manage to bring on some real clothes.

    Gameplay is a sandbox with a full 24 individual hour segments in each day and over 80 locations to check. Many of the girls can only be progressed by being in the right place on a specific hour or 2-3 hour window. It would be nigh impossible to play without a walkthrough, but luckily the in-game help is quite good. Only occasionally forgetting to mention that some events can only trigger on a week day. Protip: pay attention to the green dot at the top of the screen, sometimes events require you to hit that green dot. There are some events that overlap as well, forcing you to decline sex with the first girl to trigger the second. I only ran into that a couple of times however.

    The sheer number of girls mean you won't remember much about any of them. Most only have 2 or 3 interactions total, and there's little time to develop any kind of personality or connection. By far the most common personality trait is slutty, followed by horny.

    Graphics: Honey Select, and the boob slider spent a lot of time pushed far to the right. Some of the backgrounds are nice renders from somewhere else, others are some of those Honey Select PS2 looking textures. The MC's dick looks real bad, which is a shame because you will be seeing it a lot. There are some short animations sprinkled throughout the game, but IMHO they don't add that much.

    Sex Scenes: Whole lots of vanilla penis in vagina sex in this game. Sometimes the MC will kiss the girl too, but that's about it. Not so great if you're into feet, boobplay (and for a game with gigantic knockers this is a travesty!), BDSM, anal... hell even blowjobs and handjobs are rare in this game. it feels like a real missed opportunity to have so many different girls but then have sex with them in basically the same way each time. You might expect a game with so many characters to have fetishes spread across the characters, but the girls are so shallow that they can't even do that. They're rushing so fast for the creampie that the miss everything else.

    Conclusion: If I sounded down on the game why am I giving it 5 stars? Because it's exactly what it set out to be, a masturbation aid with enough content for several sessions. There is some interlocking between the girls events, but usually only for multi-girl events. You are free to pursue whichever girl you like at any time, which is refreshing for a sandbox. Mostly the game is 5 stars because the built-in help is easy to use and complete and the game didn't waste my time with pointless grind. Being as wide as an ocean but shallow as a puddle doesn't matter so much when you're just using it to fap.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a big mess
    Walktrough is useless
    events don't always trigger
    Some events like spying on "pure girls" are locked behind you need to have sex with these spefic girls first
    Renders are good
    No bugs
    This game needs a walktrough that need to be in more detail on what to trigger events and if you need to a event on some other girls first to trigger it
    Story is good and intresting
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A basic free use story with little to no story, dont get me wrong, I came here to get my monkey spanked, and what a spank it got, to the point it looked like a Special Victims Unit.

    The minor con I have is the lack of Outfit creativity, including the makeup.

    Kinda Grindy but you always get a reward, so for me 10 big boobs out of 10.

    I came, I saw and then I Came Again!!1
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a refreshing type of sex game where there are few roadblocks to having all out sexual conquest of women. I would call it nukige style. Sandbox games usually have a lot of hoops to go over in order to just get one sex scene but thankfully this game does not have this problem. Also, scenes are very hot, especially the ones with breeding dialogue. It is still very much a work in progress as a lot of the scenes are still missing. This is a great passion project and I sincerely think the developer is one of the nicest in the community.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Graphics are dated, animations are dated, story is close to nonexistent.

    All of the above doesn't matter, this is a porn game with a ton of porn and game being just a medium for it.

    There is no grind, sandbox is used only to create a world/environment, every girl is fuckable.
    Every single girl in this game is a slut, a slightly different flavor of a slut, but still a slut, I like it but if it's not your cup of tea take it into consideration.
    There is no much else other than vaginal sex, rarely you will see something like a bj, titfuck or anal scene, my guess is that around 95% of the game is just straight up vaginal sex.
    No audio.

    Overall a refreshing experience, there are not many games that lets you just go on a romp with a ton of content and no roadblocks. The only real issue I have with this game is lack of variety in sex scenes.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Sandbox with no grindy mechanics
    + Huge harem and a lot of sex
    + Very good in game guide to progress every girl
    + Can name and rename every girl

    ~ No real story beyond the initial set up (not that much of an issue for me)
    ~ All the girls have the same features and personalities, some are reserved at first but all just become mega sluts almost immediately
    ~ Not enough group sex

    - No audio whatsoever
    - Very little variety in sex scenes, almost exclusively vaginal sex in the same positions, rarely any foreplay
    - Dated animations and renders
    - After large initial release, updates are small
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10. slutty 1/2 dressed girls. plenty of characters with different body shapes. sand box BUT there's a clear progression with instructions. everything I enjoy about porn games all in 1 place.
    I enjoy games like Corruption, Lab rats2, milf city, my cute roommate, if you like any of those you will probably like this too.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game.

    This isn't some sort of soap opera with bullshit drama or game that wastes development time in useless renders that doesn't adds in the sex scenes. It provides what a porn game should do: porn.

    Tons of content, many different kinds of women and they have their own personalities. From MILFS, to yanderes and a bunch of others.. there are really a lot of them and i couldn't find a single one i didn't like.

    One could then expect that there would be just a small amount of content for each of them, but no. Polyturnon seems to have more content than games being developed for years.

    All the girls have their sex scenes and there are even plenty of group sex despite being a recently created game.

    Why this happens? Simple: the story goes straight to the point. No bullshit grinding, sex comes easily, no paths that would force you to have more than one playthrough to see all the content, no wimpy main character, no incest bullshit plot or useless drama and specially: no NTR. MC is the only man in an island.

    The story isn't bad at all and it just ensures that the player can enjoy what a porn game should provide: multiple sex scenes with multiple girls.

    There are few sex poses variation, but my favorite ones are vaginal creampie and kisses and those are plentiful in the game, which is a rarity as i don't know why but devs usually avoid kissing scenes, a shame.

    If there are cons i would mention is the lack of background music and the UI that is a little crancky.

    TL;DR: amazing game, you should give it a try.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Buryat Supremacy

    This game perfectly explains why most man, when they can afford it, do not have harems. Just like a dev of this game, they wouldn't know what to do with it. This game is as bland as a water sandwich. It basically has no story or conflict. All the girls are the same, half of them are one dementional, half of them have literally zero personality. All interactions and dialogue are the same, with a few exceptions girls don't interact with each other. Sex is boring, no kinks, no variety, very vanilla and dull. Default HS2 assets, default animations and very few of them. And on top of that, UI sucks! You have to constantly open a menu to check, where is a girl on what time to trigger a scene, running around a map and making thousands of unnecessary clicks, when you could just make a list of all locations in one map and attache portraits, instead of this.

    I like the idea of giant harem, but this is not it. It's like a half assed assignment in school, that was made in a last minute to pass a grade. You can safely avoid it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect to like this, but I really do. I love the fact that each girl has their unique personality. Its also a unique story-line, but my only critique is that I wish there were more impactful decisions that drive the story.