Tough review - a lot of work has gone into this, but the dev probably could have created a better product by focusing efforts differently. If you're looking for a game that you'll most likely be able to fap to at least once, I think this is a good pick, but you'll probably never come back after.
Game summary: This is a half-VN half-sandbox that follows the far-fetched story of you, a highly attractive young man in his prime who won the biggest lottery you've ever heard of. The story starts as the final pieces of preparation for your master plan are falling into place. What is your master plan? To be the owner of a sex island filled with only women who are all part of your consensual harem, of course. A lot of details are glossed over, but you employed the assistance of a suspiciously competent smokeshow to help you acquire the land, perform the construction (of a girls-only university...), and find ~70 ridiculously attrative young women who are all willing to leave everything behind and come live on this island. How convenient!
After a few "forced" interactions, you are mostly free to go do what you want, pursue which girls you want. There are many, many options, both in personality and in physicality. Most girls have big or larger sexual features (based), but there are some small, slender girls for those of you who desire them. Most of the girls are... unfortunately just fucking whores lol, but there are some gems sprinkled among the whores - chaste girls, shy girls, counter-culture girls, etc. Why are these types of girls on your sex island? Because... Magic? Aliens? Listen, if you're here for realism, stop reading now and put this game on your ignore list lol. In hindsight, the plethora of whores really make these girls stand out nicely - not sure if that was intentional or not but it works. Gives you a bit of easy sex with some cat-and-mouse shit too.
All of the girls seem to have at least a couple sex scenes, but many have more. The sex scenes are all multi-pose, multi-speed, with servicable writing/dialog (the character dialog is good but there could stand to be more of it per scene, imo). Most of them are repeatable, some with adaptive dialog after certain relationship thresholds are met. There are multi-girl scenes, story-driven scenes, etc. It's pretty good.
Now, on to the criticisms... While we're on the topic of scenes, one thing I need to talk to is audio, or lackthereof. Literally not a single byte of audio exists in the current version. This applies to the whole game, but in the context of scenes, dang can we get some moans? Some flesh slapping? Idk, something. Or, in the context of the game as a whole, how about some waves crashing on the shore when we're on the beach? Or birds chirping in the forest? Etc. The lack of audio REALLY makes the game feel a lot emptier than it is. There are probably 20ish unique locations in the game, it would be so easy for the dev to find 20 loopable audio files and make them play upon entering certain areas. Then find a single 80s porno sex song and put it on every sex scene once things kick off (this would probably be a PITA to implement because I assume dev would have to touch the code for every fucking scene, and there are a TON of them). Idk, the game just feels so empty without audio.
Then, let's talk about the story... Or maybe I should say, let's NOT talk about it, because there's nothing to talk about... I have no idea what would motivate a player to play this game after squeezing one out. There are no end goals. Just fuck who you want to fuck - okay I've done that, bye. I first thought the dev might be able to address this is by putting pregnancy into the game - it might give a pokemon gotta breed-em-all vibe. However, the dev is already going for a fuck-em-all thing, and imo that's not really compelling, so why would pregnancy be? Don't get me wrong, I do want pregnancy content, but I don't think that alone is going to make anyone care. The characters are just pretty flat, even the "complex" ones.
There are a few other minor qualms I have, like the navigation being a bit annoying, and it requiring too many clicks to know where a girl is - None of these on their own is a big deal but they add up.
So.... yeah. This is a pretty big game today, and a lot of work has gone into it, and it does have some value, but I just can't invest myself into the world. It's close to good, but not close enough for 4 stars today.