[R>Composer] [R>Voice] [S>Writer] Porkymons project. Seek some voice acts.


Aug 26, 2024
- Porkymons animation. 2 episodes, approx 5 minutes each.

- Me

Looking for:
- Some female voice for a total of 2 lines, approx 15 seconds of voice acting. (Transfem voice trained acting is greatly appreciated too)

Employment Type:
- Im poor, I dont get payed. I dont have money to pay you anyway. But if you really insist on getting payed I guess I can scrap some bucks, not over 20 bucks. 15 seconds of voice acting isnt much afterall.

Work commitment:
- You can use the smartphone to do voice recording, I dont care much of the quality. It will take approx 15 seconds, could be we will have to redo the lines a couple of times, in that case it will be a couple of minutes. I do not care if you are "pro" or not, in my experience random people have hidden talents for voice acting, anyone is welcome if you like this idea.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord. Can give you my contacts. I have a twitter. Or this forum is cool too.

Job Description:
- I primarily look for someone who wants to voice act. I dont need it, but if someone has great taste for hentai and wants to show me some very good or absurd hentai pose, Id like to plan ahead the sexes in my pornimation, so a sex hentai expert advisor would be useful too. If you have talent writing lewd but demented comments like the ones we read on rule34 I need you too, your genius will be greatly appreciated (but not payed for, because im poor).

Additional comments:
- Other than voice actors, whoever else is interested in giving me feedback or provide any type of assistance is welcome. Keep in mind I follow a pipeline, I am not editing assets I marked as "complete", everything I already made is fixed and I will not change it. But what I can revisit is the script, and the whole animation. I do not look for animators, this project has one sole purpose, it is to teach myself animation. If I let someone else animate it, then I defeat the whole idea.

I did not complete all assets but the work I made is mature enough to present it. Lets say I am at 90% assets completed. The big work is done. Characters and environments all done.

I show list of assets. All made in blender:

6 characters, all equipped with yoga-level stretching capabilities.


3 locations (+1 for a bj I have to make for a test). All locations are animated.

There are also special effects and stuff. Too long to write. I have also a script.

Roughly I describe how Id like to proceed: I follow a rule I set up for myself, its 85% rule. I like gonzo porn, that genre where porn is introduced instantly. For me, 85% means that any media project has to have at least 85% of porn content.

For this reason I wrote a script that is very simple and goes to the point, same reason for the scarcity of environments.

Script is divided as follows:
- intro shot sequences, 10 shots.
- 3 main sex sequences.
- ending.

For the sound effects I use free ones from the internet, from BBC asset library and other websites. And the soundtrack is AI made, I collected some AI songs I asked suno to make. If I dont find any voice actor I will resort to AI and thats it, but I post here in hope that maybe someone will give me this help, and also because I may be able to use this thread to present the idea to others. If you want to read my script I can send it to you, its not completed 100% but its surely understandable. I also plan on making a storyboard.

Im aware I didnt show much of the sex or nudity in this porn, in case youre interested I can show you, but for some people is off-putting, even for porn enthusiasts. I just kept it vague. I aim at specific things, all what you would see in an hentai but this time I make it 3D. I figured out solutions for all the hentai specific effects.
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New Member
May 1, 2024
Heya, I might be interested in helping you out, will you be publishing this project anywhere once you have completed it?


Aug 26, 2024
Heya, I might be interested in helping you out, will you be publishing this project anywhere once you have completed it?
No idea where to publish. Maybe I open a pornhub account, maybe i just put it on rule34 video. In any case I finished all visual assets, I was editing phonemes, creating the script file and then I do layouts and storyboard and I made a simple Blowjob scene to test it.

I found a voice actor, and I obtained 1 character voice, need the second. If you want to I can add you in discord and we discuss the thing.


Aug 26, 2024
I finished making all assets, minus one that is not much relevant, I have to do a cigarette and smoke effects but its easy and I can delay it or do it fast. So I decided to experiment in animation to see if my characters work or not. seems I did underestimate the task so i will take more time than I imagined. This is my first test, I will assemble some shots together to test if my stuff works or not... And for now I did this.

This shot sequence has the purpose of teaching me enough animation to be able to make something longer and more complex. Its my very first animation. And once I will finish learning animation or become decent enough I will finally be able to make games, which is my intended goal from the start.

View attachment balls.mp4