Comics Porn-star mom

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May 2, 2023
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Hey guys, I wanted to share something to the community. Please check out my story.

A son talks his mom into doing a porno shoot with him.

Genre:Incest interracial, lesbian, mom-son, oral, vaginal.

Porn-star mom

The unassuming building is located on the outskirts of San Francisco downtown. It’s the kind of place that’s antiquated, found between the financial district and freeway entrances. Not many people are walking around, just cars driving by.

Julie enters the lobby and finds her way around. She’s tense, this is her first time here. Heads turn when she walks by, her office dress and statuesque figure always gets that reaction, but she ignores everyone. There are 12 floors in this building and she looks for the studio and makes her way there.

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Julie takes a seat, looking around at the blandness of the area. She looks down the hall and sees rooms with closed doors. As she waits, a door opens and two bikini-clad women walk to the bathroom together while having a casual conversation.

It takes her breath away to see this. She’s never felt so out of place in her life and for a few seconds she thinks about leaving. Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe a phone call would have been more appropriate. Anything but being here.

She stands when Dylan comes to the lobby, a dejected look on the young man’s face, like he’s caught. When they’re face to face, Julie tries to be calm. She doesn’t want to judge. She just wants to know what’s going on.

“Is there a place we can talk in private?” she says.

“Yeah, we can talk in one of the rooms. Follow me.”

They walk in silence. The awkwardness is palpable. Neither of them wants this conversation but it’s an inevitable one. Julie wonders what’s going on behind these closed doors, but the more she thinks, the more she’d rather not know.

Dylan finds an empty room down the hall and they both enter. No one else is there. The place is bland. White walls, a bed with a blanket, a table and a chair. What’s most striking is that there’s a laptop connected to a video recorder, which is pointed at the bed. The screen shows a live feed of the bed along with a chat.

“So this is the tech company you’ve been telling me about?”

He nods. “I’m sorry.”

“You should have been honest with me. I would have understood.”

“No you wouldn’t. You would have lectured me on morality.”

Julie stands there and tries to be diplomatic. A brothel or a porn studio -- wherever this is -- isn’t the best place to have a debate with her son.

“Do you enjoy working here?” she asks.

“I do, yeah. I get to meet cool people. My friends work here. The salary is decent, but you know, I’m still looking for another job.”

“That’s good, you’ve always been a tech wizard. Working here is nothing to be ashamed of though.”

“I agree, but who knows, I might not be here much longer.”

“What do you mean?”

“Business is tight. There’s another web developer here who’s able to bring in new models, so he’s twice as valuable as me. I’m just a normal tech guy. So if I get laid off, I’ll have to move back home… if you’ll allow me.”

“You’re always welcome back home. I love you. I miss you.”

He manages to smile. “Thanks for not judging me. When I saw you in the lobby, I thought you were going to freak out.”

“You’re a man now. I have to respect your decisions.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

“How close are you to getting laid off?” she asks. “Was that an exaggeration?”

“I wish. The boss gave me notice that it’s a possibility.”

“Excuse my ignorance, but couldn’t you find women on the internet? Or couldn’t this company just post an advertisement?”

“Not the same,” he says. “The other web developer is smooth, he’s able to meet women at clubs and convince them to work here as a side hustle. That’s what the audience wants. Not the typical porn look. Something normal, but still sexy. Are we really having this conversation?”

They both try to suppress their uncomfortable laughter, but the humor shines through. Sex was never something they talked about, now they’re discussing the inner-workings of the business.

“In all seriousness, I want you to succeed,” she says. “I’m sure you can land another tech job soon.”

“Have you read the news? Tech companies are laying people off left and right. I don’t know, I’ll figure something out.”

The look on Dylan’s face is hurtful to any mother to see, a flicker of something close to shame, but with a hint of giving up. In that fleeting moment, she sees a young man losing hope. Where’s the fighting spirit? Where’s the man she raised?

She stops herself from pressing her son any further. She decided long ago to stop being the nagging mother, and instead become a supporting parent because her old approach used to push him away. Resisting natural habits is difficult but it’s for the best.

“You’ll find something,” she says. “If nothing else, you’re more than welcome to come back home. Your siblings would love to have you around.”

“Thanks, it’s possible. I’ll probably be laid off soon, unless you have a friend or something.”

“A friend for what?”

He forces a smile. “That was a joke. You know, a friend who could be a model.”

“Unfortunately I can’t help you there. All my friends are the same age as me.”

“That’s a desirable demographic.”

“Women in their late 40’s?”

“Yeah, older women are a thing. Why are we even having this conversation?”

“Because I’m an intrusive mother, showing up to your place of work.”

“And I should have been honest about working here. This drama could have been avoided. Sorry for lying, for putting you through this.”

“I’m glad we can talk openly. I have to get back to the office. I took an extended break.”

She hugs Dylan, all the while looking at the tech layout and webcam. She’s part of the small group of women who don’t watch porn, but she has a basic understanding of the webcam genre. She even did some research before coming here today, looking at the models and their masturbation, and a bit of couples sex.

When they go their separate ways, Julie walks by a tall black woman wearing a see-through tank top and a short skirt. The woman winks at her, licks her lips, and in return, Julie gives a tense smile. Is this how easy the world of sex is? People showing up, turning on the webcam, and earning money? It seems like a good deal for certain types of women who are fine with selling their bodies.

She thinks about her son being laid off. As a mother, it would be nice having Dylan around the house again. Whenever the other siblings crave fast food or need rides to sports practice, Dylan is happy to take them. It would be a dream to have all her kids under the same roof for a few more years. Though she understands the need for Dylan to spread his wings.

It’s an interesting dilemma that Julie contemplates as the elevator heads down to the main lobby. Every mother deals with these feelings eventually. When the door opens, the answer strikes like lightning. It’s more important for Dylan to become his own man, than to come back home, even if it means working here.

She pushes away her selfish instincts, her maternal longing. The greatest gift she could ever give her son is the ability to be independent. A greater sense of confidence. To fight for something. One final push for Dylan’s wings to open for good.


The next day it’s raining, which is perfect because it allows Julie to return wearing a long coat. She makes her way to the studio and has a conversation with the secretary. She’s more at ease today. Right or wrong, she’s made peace with her plan of action.

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She goes to an empty room as directed by the secretary. Everything is neat, spotless. It smells like cleaning agents were used. The laptop screen is on, people had previously been chatting on a live stream. She prepares herself. Takes off her shoes and stands barefoot.

There’s a knock on the door.

“Come in,” she says.

When the door opens, Dylan enters, stunned that she’s returned. Julie stands firm and clenches her coat shut. Her son looks down, wondering why she’s barefoot. Her legs can get any young man’s attention.

“I didn’t expect to see you here again.”

“Are you still looking for an older model?” she asks.

“I never tried. I mean, I’m not exactly a lady’s man.”

“But it would help you, right?”

“To bring models here? Yeah, it would, but that was a joke. I’ve kind of accepted that I’ll be laid off soon. It’s a learning experience, I’ll be fine.”

But giving up isn’t fine, so Julie opens her coat so that her matching red bra and panties set are showing. That’s all she’s wearing beneath her coat. Even on this rainy day. The undergarments are designer, something she bought yesterday at the mall.

Her body has always been a sacred temple. Something meant for love or child bearing. Never objectification. She thought long and hard last night, considering all of the possibilities, and she came to the firm conclusion that this would be a necessary sacrifice.

It’s fair to say that Julie’s figure is hypnotic. She was an athlete back in college, softball and track, but four kids and an office job have left their mark. As her curves got thicker, she started having a stronger effect on men, which always surprised her. If she goes through with this plan, she’s certain that her curves will be a selling point. Especially her legs. Walking around the office all day does wonders for a woman’s thighs and calves.

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“Umm… what are you doing?”

“Giving you a model,” she says.


The young man remains mystified, which is flattering. Julie continues holding her coat open, her son’s eyes going up and down in brief intervals.

“Look, this is humiliating. But it’s for good reason. If you need a model, I’ll do it. If this is too weird, then I’ll get dressed and leave. We’ll pretend this never happened.”

Julie stands there while her son appraises her body, something no mother can ever truly prepare for, yet here it is. She sees that Dylan is thinking, because it’s a consequential decision that will change their relationship forever. The more he thinks, the more Julie knows it’s a worthwhile plan.

“How far are you willing to go?” he asks.

“I don’t know. Whatever helps your job here. Think fast, because I have to return to the office. I’ve scheduled enough time to work something out.”

“Sorry for asking, but can I take a picture of your body? Something to show my boss.”

“Yeah, sure.”

When her son pulls out a phone, it becomes the first time Julie lets anyone take a picture of her body, but she doesn’t mention that. No need to make her son feel guilty since this was her decision. There’s no face shot, just of her body. She doesn’t model either, her curves speak for themselves.

“I’ll be right back,” he says.

“Remember, I only have a few hours.”

“Got it.”

Dylan leaves the room with a glimmer of excitement, which lets Julie know that she’s made the right decision so far. A nervous flutter stirs in her stomach. This is unfamiliar territory and she pushes away negative thoughts which come to mind.

She paces the room with her coat open. She thinks about all the masturbation and sex acts that must have happened here. She looks at the laptop and webcam. All her life she’s only ever used webcam technology to communicate with friends and family who live around the country, never for anything sexual.

When the door opens, Dylan returns with a bright look in his eyes. He closes the door.

“So, umm, great news. My boss is impressed. Can you start right now?”

“How would this work?”

“I’ll get the live stream going. The rest depends on what people are willing to pay.”

“How many people will see this?”

“Live, around a few hundred, to a few thousand. It’s hard to say because you’re new.”

She sighs. “I suppose this is my fault.”

“Yeah, you did offer. My boss is really interested though.”

“What next?”

“Can you take off that coat while I create a new account?”


“Are you worried anyone will recognize you?” he asks.

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Julie came prepared for this possibility and runs her fingers through her hair, making a slight mess. Her hair covers parts of her face. With her heavy makeup, lipstick, and highlights, the odds of anyone recognizing her on this obscure porn website are slim to none.

“How do I look now?”

“Like a new woman.”

When her son is using the laptop, creating a new profile with lightning speed, Julie removes her coat and places it on the chair. She’s only wearing a provocative bra and panties. There’s a full-length mirror in the room, but she refuses to look at her appearance. The porn star version of herself.

“All set,” he says. “We’re live.”

The camera is turned in her direction and she freezes.

“How many people are watching?”

“Two so far. It’ll grow as more people see this room.”

The red ‘live’ light on the webcam is intimidating. She looks at the screen and sees her scantily clad image, her awkwardly standing there. When she gets bored she sits on the bed, hoping it’s clean. A few minutes go by and her son starts typing. People are in the chatroom.

Julie lays on the bed when they agree to showcase her legs. Her face isn’t featured on the cam, just her body. The whole thing feels strange, a little scary. But seeing Dylan type with customers -- or whatever they’re called -- makes it feel worth it. She hears ringing noises. The sound of coins. She looks at the screen and sees yellow lines with green dollar signs.

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“Would you mind dancing a little?” he asks.

“Is that what people want?”

“Someone tipped a lot of money for it.”


Dancing has never been her strong suit, but she had already anticipated something like this would happen. She stands and faces the webcam which is pointed at her. She messes her hair to cover parts of her face. Her dancing is as bad as expected, perhaps worse, but who knows, maybe this audience likes that she’s a normal woman.

When she turns around and shows her backside, her luscious butt, her full hips, she hears the sound of ringing and coins. She must have hit a target.

“People love what you’re offering.”

“How many viewers?” she asks.


“Oh god.”

She keeps going with the awkward movements, not knowing exactly what to do with her hands. But somehow that only leads to more gold coins being sent her way. Every moment feels forced. Shame tugs at her, a whisper that says she shouldn't be doing this, especially in front of Dylan.

A loud ring comes from the laptop. An avalanche of coins.

“You might not like this,” he says.

“Tell me.”

“Can you take off your top? This is an adult website, you know. I can leave if you want.”

Julie closes her eyes and breathes deep while moving her backside for the cam. She reminds herself that she anticipated this. Nudity was always a real possibility, but only a small one. She had assumed that Dylan might rebuke any such request, but apparently not. Apparently this is so good for business that her son is willing to go along with it.

“For how long?” she asks.

“I don’t know. A few minutes. It was a big tip. Do you want me to leave?”

“Stay. It’s intimidating being alone with the chat room. I don’t know how the process works.”

The request to take off her bra lingers but she knows there’s an expectation to act on-demand. With a deep, shaky breath, Julie reaches behind and unclasps the undergarment. She removes the bra and pulls it away, then faces the cam. Her breasts sag with age and they have a slight tan line. She can’t bring herself to look at Dylan, it’s much easier to face the audience.

She dances to the sound of tips coming in. It’s music to her ears, a validation of her beauty at this age, which every woman secretly wants. The more risque her movements, the more gold coins make that ringing noise. She plays with her big boobs, squeezing them, playing with the erect nipples. As scary as this is, this arouses her. It makes her feel alive. She soars.

The door opens halfway, the boss pokes his head inside, which causes Julie to cover her breasts with the palms of her hands and turn her body away.

“Excuse the interruption, Dylan, may I have a word?” the boss says.

Her son heeds the boss’s call and leaves the room. Julie has spent enough years in the office to know that the boss is about to deliver good news. There’s something in that tone. She should be thrilled for her son, but as she continues the awkward movements and rubs her hips, she has this ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach. For the first time today, she starts to wonder if she’s made a mistake.

With cheap walls, Julie can get a sense of the outside conversation, especially with the boss’s booming voice. It’s definitely positive news from the vibe of things. She closes her eyes and dances, trying to entertain the online crowd. She hears the words ‘next step’ reverberate from outside, followed by ‘money’ and ‘audience wants.’ Frustration bubbles up. She can’t perform under pressure, especially not this kind of pressure.

She has an idea of what they’re discussing in the hallway. This is a porn studio, after all, a place where morally flexible women satisfy the perverted urges of men around the world. But it’s also her son. Surely it won’t go any further than boobs. And even boobs are pushing her ethical limits to the max. The very question gets a response out of her nipples, making them protrude harder.

The door opens and closes as Dylan returns. There’s a wry expression on his face, like he’s hesitant about the next step. Julie instinctively covers her breasts, then lets her hands down again. Part of this is professionalism. She wants her son to be a man. And that means treating him like a man.

“Do you trust me?” he asks.

“Yes, of course, why? What happened?”

“My boss loves you. There’s currently 2,618 people in the room and you’re the top mature woman on this platform.”

She lifts an eyebrow. “I’m assuming your job is secure.”

“Yes, but you trust me, right?”

“If you’re going to be vague, then just do whatever you need to do. We’ve already come this far.”

He gulps. “Can you take your panties off?”

“Excuse me?”

“Sorry, my boss made the request.”

There’s still more work to be done with Dylan’s confidence. At least he dared to make such an audacious request, Julie thinks. She’s already showing her tits, what harm is the rest? She slides her panties off, throws them aside, and covers her pubic mound with the palm of her hand.

“You owe me,” she says.

“I know, I owe you. Now can you bend over, please? Face the webcam.”

Julie grits her teeth in between a false smile. The request is a direct attack on her pride because her son expects her to do such a degrading thing. She’s not ignorant. She knows what’s going to happen next. The timid expression on her son’s face speaks volumes, like he knows he should be getting screamed at for this.

She’s done everything for Dylan and now she’s being reduced to a sexual spectacle on the computer screen of strangers. But she reminds herself that this is her doing. She thinks about arguing, or maybe negotiating a compromise, but she stops herself. If her goal is to help Dylan become a man, then he has to be treated as someone responsible for his own decisions.

On the bed she gets on all fours, facing the webcam, and her large breasts hang down. She’s struck by a tidal wave of humiliation and a wet pussy. Maybe a few more awkward moments won’t hurt. Her wet pussy is pointed at her son.

What happens next makes Julie’s heart almost skip a beat. She hears her son standing behind her, clothes dropping to the floor. She hears Dylan’s deep breaths. Then she feels hands on her thighs, which roam to her mound and graze her labia, making her flinch. When two fingers slip inside, she gasps with her face toward the camera.

The fingers pull away and she feels the tip of Dylan’s cock pressing against her labia. It’s held there to gauge her comfort, she doesn’t resist.

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The young man pushes. Julie feels a tremor move through her. Penetration of any kind was never part of the plan. It’s almost an out-of-body experience as the cock slides inside, her wetness acting as lubrication, making her face twist with pleasure as she struggles with this intimate form of invasion.

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A muffled sound escapes her lips, half gasp, half groan. Her pussy is stretched to the limits and the sensation of doing this for a live online audience is exhilarating. Her face contorts in a grimace. The line between mother and son is officially crossed, it’s unsettling while her son pounds from behind, and she’ll never be able to look at her son the same way again. Beneath the shame, she’s never been more aroused, the wetness between her legs makes a sloppy sound as her son pumps. Fluids even run down her legs.

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Then she feels something that crosses all lines of moral decency. Dylan gripping her hips tight, as if they’re lovers. Julie knows what that grip signals. Cum. It somehow feels more personal than the penetration itself. The last thing she cares about is how absurd her twisting face looks to the viewing audience. Her pussy is being cream pied and she’s so flabbergasted she just lets it happen. Rejecting this sex act could mean that all of her sacrifices were for nothing.

She buries her face in the blanket to hide the shame. Her son is pumping away. Every drop of cum is shooting inside of her pussy and she offers zero resistance. It’s the most intense sensation she’s ever experienced and all she can do is lay face down, lifeless, struggling with what she allowed to happen.

Dylan pulls out and she can feel cum sliding down her legs. She keeps laying there. When she can muster enough strength, she gets up and sits on the bed, her face away from the camera.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I’m fine.”

“Do you mind if we keep going? Big tips are coming in.”

“What else is there to do? You already finished.”

“People want to see you clean me.”

Julie sits there, slumped shoulders, facing away from everyone. She knows what ‘cleaning’ someone means in porn terms. As a mother, she should get up and slap her son. But she’d already come this far and the sensation of Dylan’s cum running down her thighs is intoxicating. This is a sexual debauchery at new heights. It’s also the most excitement she’s ever felt.

“Is that the last thing?” she asks. “I’m expected in the office soon.”

“You don’t have to do it. But it’s what people want. It’s part of a normal male/female show.”

She takes a deep breath and waits for her son’s lead. Dylan sits on the edge of the bed, instructs her to bend over. The cock stiffens again at the prospect of being sucked. People are tipping a lot. They want to see this. The ringing of gold coins keeps coming in.

The penis is slick with cum and her vaginal fluids. She looks at the penis, admires it, holds it up, then puts it in her mouth. It’s a unique flavor, one she’s never experienced before with any other lover. She keeps her hands firm on her son’s thighs while sucking. She makes him twitch in her mouth, she feels it grow.

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It pains her knowing there’s shame in her eyes, that the audience likely enjoys seeing this shame. She closes her eyes, and although her son is now ‘clean,’ she keeps on sucking because she’s on the verge of giving Dylan a second orgasm.


The second day, Julie is on her knees sucking, this time in the center of the bed. Because the boss was ecstatic with the results, Julie was begged to return. She’s now the top MILF performer for this establishment after a single day’s work. How could she deny her son any further favors, especially after taking his cum?

Her makeup is heavy once again, hair strategically messed. After this she’ll wash her face and reapply lighter makeup before heading to the office. For now, all she thinks about is the service. The red light of the cam is something she’s become accustomed to. It’s scary how easy it is to get used to. As for the cock in her mouth, she does her best to pretend it’s another man’s cock, but that’s impossible.

She’s learning to relax showing her body like this. Her stomach especially. Giving birth to 4 kids has taken its toll on her body and her belly protrudes in this kneeling position. While jerking the dick for a while, Julie looks at the comments. The audience loves her. She appreciates the kind words, they arouse her, adds fuel to the fire. Gold coins keep coming. There are 3,189 viewers in the room watching this.

Trading her dignity once again, she puts her son back into her mouth. This time she brings her hand down and fingers herself in the process. No one requested the masturbation but she figures she might as well enjoy giving head. The culmination of everything happening makes it easy for her to orgasm. She times it so that she cums along with her son. Her mouth is filled. Her fingers turn wet.

After she finishes him off, she gets off the bed and does an awkward dance. Her dazed son moves the webcam to record her. Her self-doubt is pushed away. Might as well enjoy this. Great sex, a mother, and a porn star -- all rolled into one. In a few more minutes she’ll have to get dressed and head to the office.


Three days. Three awkward, revealing days spent contorting herself on a webcam for an audience of paying strangers. Julie is a porn star now, laying flat on her back after being cream pied by her reinvigorated son. Her muscles ache from bouncing up and down Dylan’s cock like a college girl and her pussy is sore. This isn’t how she pictured her life to go. She’s a good woman, a proper woman. Office work and PTA meetings are entangled with becoming an internet porn star.

Is this how she wants to be remembered by Dylan from now on? She wonders. This is the sacrifice she’s made and Dylan’s current job is secure in this tight economy. The boss is elated with the results. Julie is their first real ‘MILF’ and the audience has been responding with a flood of coins. Yes, she’s done the right thing. She’s never seen Dylan’s confidence so high -- and it’s all because of her.

Dylan leaves the room to go handle a tech issue with another webcam model, since after all, software is his primary role here. The current show is concluded when Shantel, the black model who Julie met in the hallway days earlier, comes to eat her pussy clean. This young woman strips naked and gets right to work. Dark chocolate skin. Full lips. Full figure.

This is Julie’s first time doing anything with another woman. It’s also her first interracial encounter. She lays there, her body and pussy exhausted, and enjoys the mouth pressing against labia, the skilled tongue plunging inside, licking and sucking the cum her son left inside.

When the tongue lashing is over, Shantel goes to the camera and shows the audience a mouthful of fresh cum, her tongue sticking out, then swallows it down. Followed by a big smile. The young woman, an experienced sex worker, waves at the camera, thanks everyone for coming and sending tips, then ends the show.

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“That was my first time,” Julie says.

Shantel logs out of the account, then walks around the room naked to pick up her clothes, which consist of a tiny tshirt and jean shorts.

“First time for what? Getting eaten out by a chick? Or a black person?”


“There’s a first time for everything, babe. You have a delicious pussy. Maybe next time you can return the favor. Think about it. Mature white lady with a young black chick. That’ll make some serious cash right there.”

“At this point, you never know.”

“How do you know Dylan, anyway? I was honestly shocked when he brought you in.”

“Dylan is my eldest son.”

Julie is still laying there. At this point, it’s more mental than physical. Her body can move, she just doesn’t want to. The shock of being a porn star mother is a whirlwind in her mind, but she’s still wet between the legs. She can’t remember the last time her pussy has been so wet, so stimulated.

“You serious?” Shantel asks.

“If you think about it, Dylan and I have similar facial features. Our personalities also match. We’re both analytical thinkers. I work with numbers, he works with tech.”

“Damn, that’s wild. Now I get why he pumped that much cum in your pussy.”

“Why is that?”

“Haven’t you heard? The mom/son content is the highest seller. For a reason. It’s every stud’s fantasy to fuck his mom. You two should advertise that on the next show. You’d both make a fortune.”

“This isn’t about money. It’s about building his confidence. I think I succeeded.”

“Whatever pays the bills, sister.”

While laying there, Julie gets kissed on the mouth, and she accepts the kiss, even kissing the woman back. Their tongues swap. Wetness and flavor are exchanged. For the third day in a row, Julie is tasting and swallowing her son’s cum. Fluids from her own orgasm are present as well. A family cum cocktail, served on a sex worker’s tongue.

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Shantel leaves the room while still putting on her top. Julie gets up then wipes the saliva between her legs using a tissue. She doesn’t bother wiping her mouth, she can do that in the bathroom. Plus she likes the taste, it means something to her, it’s sentimental. As she puts on her clothes, she thinks about the contrast. A porn star mother, reverting back to an office worker. She looks in the mirror and fixes her blouse and pants.

Now she’s back to the woman she’s meant to be. Prim and proper. But why can’t she be both? Julie stands there and looks at her reflection. Her face is blushing. That post-orgasmic glow. She opens her mouth and sees the remnants of clear fluids, which she rolls around with her tongue.

The End

Written by
Illustrated by

Additional notes:
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Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
well done...though imo that second F/F part wasnt necessary at all.
better to have more M/S action, either with on or off camera:p


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Very nice. Good quality writing, good images. With more images it would be easy to turn that into a KN.


Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
Very nice. Good quality writing, good images. With more images it would be easy to turn that into a KN.
and with a few choices and a few more images it would be easy to turn that into a VN.


Feb 18, 2020
Nice story, maybe little more resistance from mom would have been more realistic, but still great , exciting story. I think you should have made few more images (first time she got naked, first time son seeing her pussy, first time he's entered her and so on...) . This mom is just beautiful, incredibly sexy (and yeah, making her mother of "four" was unnecessary..just too much i think..). All in all, very good stuff.
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