Unity - Pornstar Battle II [v2.0.1] [LewdMonkey]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Over 2 years on here, never left a review before, but this one needs it. My brother in christ, there's no pass turn button. I play one card and immediately get hard-locked out of going further. I can't play a card because 'a card has already been played this turn,' and I can't attack because I need at least two cards on the field to do so.

    edit: fair's fair, I was wrong. There is a 'pass turn' mechanic, it's discarding. At time of writing, the game mechanics aren't immediately intuitive, but otherwise I like what I see, now that I'm actually past the first turn of the tutorial lol

    edit 2: I've encountered a vexing bug: when an attack is resolved, the turn always passes to cpu, even if it was an attack from the cpu
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I like where this is going! You fixed a lot of issues from the first version. I have a few suggestions I think will improve gameplay further:
    - Turn order is broken. No matter if you win or lose apart from the first turn at random the CPU goes first ( I think the reason is that it shows "player turn" when the cpu attacks, so it's always CPU turn next)
    - Failed attacks should not clear the board. Its annoying when you set up good cards then get attacked and start from scratch. If it's an AI issue that the computer always attacks when possible, why not reduce defense by the attack value if it's lower
    - Dual cards are pretty pointless now - they take so much time to set up and as soon as you get attacks all is gone anway. At least show the second girls action vid as well
    - You should be able to REPLACE played cards instead of discarding them first, ending our turn with your pants down
    - If you discard an action card and play a new one you don't get a video
    - finishers are pointless atm (you probably have plans for those, just wanted to mention it)
    - I think it would work better if the clips played when you attack, not when you put them down (Also please also show enemies vids (without unlocking the gallery)
    - I think you should add videos you can only get if the girl wins the attack. That would incentivise you more to try out different girls

    Quality of life suggestions:
    - Sell cards on the booster screen without going to your inventory browsing for the crap you just got
    - Sorting your cards by porn stars to make it easier to see if you have a higher rarity then what you are using
    - some Info about what videos are still unlocked for the ps cards would be nice (also missing videos)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Literally broken. I can't play a single match without something malfunctioning. I can't play cards in their slots without being told either I already played this round to an empty board, or that I can't attack because the thing I can't play isn't actually played. I tried three times, absolutely none of them worked.

    I'm looking forward to checking the game out and re-reviewing it when it actually functions.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    [Based on version v1.0.1 which is more like v0.1.1]
    I'll admit first of all I'm not one for deck/card based games as I usually find them to be to lacking in action. However this took my eye since it said it puts forward that it had video clips in the 600 hundreds amount.....wait what 600 hundreds? (Ruh Roh Shaggy that's a bad start)

    Anyway the game feels to me like it's an slow moving click and drag "Who's got the biggest single (Linkable) card" game rather than anything really strategic. Since there's no way to attack in less than 3 turns if you don't end up with none of an specific card type being drawn. (Which felt silly as I only had one of each type in my deck) But it also felt slow with how the CPU turn seemed to take a few seconds and didn't have any feedback sounds to say it was done, nor could you queue up your next move as you always have to discard to end your turn.
    You also can't discard more than one card per turn it seems too so if your hand is just all one type you can't just re-draw your hand.
    Now the video clips are uh....spotty and depend upon what pornstar you have slotted and the action cards but the clip choice feels limited. Which is no wonder since it has 50 pornstars but most have less than 16 clips. The few pornstars that go to 16 clips are only an handful....though fans of Angela White, Adriana Chechik and Emily Willis rejoice as they hit the 20's....well Angela is 43. But uh first you have to draw them an get an action card other than teasing (good luck) otherwise they're locked on the collection/gallery screen. BTW it seems that only action cards unlock clips as I did get an different finisher but that did nothing nor did the starting one. (BTW pornstars seem have 3 different card rarity options so it's very possible to struggle to complete one pornstar set since packs only give 10 cards)

    Oh there is a story for this game but uh.....yeah it's the standard not really interesting sort since it's an Witch that has stolen pornstar's looks to look better (she just goes nude) and the Goddess sends a 1 day old Angel and the most depraved person they see first (yourself) to reverse it. It's all done in an VN style format though the character art is 3D based.
    Story battles seem to give an increasing amount of money from each win, starting at $10 while doing an "Grind" battle at the God difficulty nets you $150 though the AI is always drawing Epic power cards so you need an 80 power link-able pornstar to win.

    The game looks flashy and nice which is really the biggest positive point (alongside not requiring 40 cards in your deck unlike the last game) but the balance, speed, quantity over quality of this initial release (Bugs are work-around-able) makes me drop this instantly since it's not fun nor fappable. An better way to release this I feel would have been to have an much smaller pornstar pool (10 at most) but they have the same amount of clips as Angela roughly with story tossed to the side so the core mechanics of the game can be experienced and refined. The store needs packs that are specialised if it's not going to give you all action and finisher cards since it's the pornstars that are the collectible aspect of this. Additionally I would improve the AI as they attacked when it was clear as day they didn't have the firepower to win the round.
    Until improvements are made I struggle to see how this is much of an better game over the previous apart from that it's working. (I couldn't even make and deck in that one to see how it was though it had the cards have skills and effects which is missing here)
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Even If I don't count the "sticky cards" bug. The game design itself is AWFUL. I think the developer has not played many card games, because you can't create this quantity of cards and ONLY give values of attack and defence. The characters SHOULD have skills, so then you can really create a REAL pool of cards and not only 4 or 5 useful because the rest suck. Also, really bad idea the rare and common cards being just weaker versions of the epic is an awful idea. And the plot in the story mode is simply stupid, so sorry but it is what it is, it has ZERO connection with the cards in terms of aesthetic or setting.

    It's sad because the UI aesthetic is really good, and also the idea, but the implementation and the card game itself are REALLY BAD.
    If you want some tips to change completely the card system, DM me and I would help you, but, right now, it is totally pointless.

    PS: Still think that this game, with a serious rework, specially in the card fights and some QoL changes, can be a 5 out of 5...
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Would like to give this a real review but in its current state it doesn't play with out breaking. I havent been able to complete a match because the cards will randomly no longer be select-able until i have a hand full of cards i can not do anything with and thus cant continue the game

    on a second note I would love to see a windowed option for this instead of just full screen.

    I hope I can update this review one day when the game play functions better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    high lhkuj

    cool, but maybe сan make a fight like in the 1st part? they are faster and easier. The idea with action, finish and video is good.
    all rest is fine.
    i think bugs repaired soon .
    thanks to the author and inspiration to create
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    im sorry but i went into this expecting an experience similar to that of the old Helfire Girls games back on DMM and Nutaku. the bones of a decent game are there but right out of the gate i was having issues that made my experience with this one rather frustrating! so we'll start from the top!

    first issue! the annoying music! durring the game the music is tolerable but in the menus i was quickly searching for the volume slider or the mute button as the music is so loud in my headphones i almost had to take em off! the other thing that was bothersome about the music was the fact that if you leave that screen or menu it unmutes itself and starts playing all over again when you enter a new menu! to fix this there should probably be a universal volume control so the player can decide how loud they want the music or if the want it muted. music volume and the sound of the character voices in story mode or the sound in the adult clips can be adjusted separately for the best experience!

    second issue! the free starter pack that was mentioned to be given to all new players in the first pop up window that appears when the game opens for the first time... where was it? i could never find it! does every player get the same cards from this pack when they start? is the starter pack the handful of common cards you get to play with at the start? if this is the case, it would have been nice to get to open the pack and see what cards we got even if it is a pack of common cards for newbies!

    third issue! deck building! deck building was lame! there really seemed to be no point but to force the player to go into the deck builder just to throw all of his new common cards over to the other side of the menu screen! at least if your gonna do something like that give us an optimize button that will give us a deck built with the best cards we currently have available! (for newbies this will save them the 5 minutes it takes dragging every card to the other side of the screen)

    fourth issue! the actual game play! maybe this is a bug but as you play and want to look at your cards (especially for new players who dont know what each cards values are yet) the cards lock into place after picking them up and putting them back into the hand! if you did some kind of rollover where the card showed up in a zoomed in picture on the screen or something like that to show the card to the player or keep it as is but allow us to drag the card out of the hand to look at it but not be punished by locking it into the hand if we do so! as i was playing the game would lock the cards in the hand and i would have to start the match over because i couldn't touch any of my cards to discard before ending my turn! that was another complaint i had too but we will get to that!

    fifth issue! discarding at the end of your turn! i can see where using a discard function at the end of your turn could be a good idea if you kept your cards in the play area like you do in yu-gi-oh or magic the gathering but if you just lose all the cards in the play area after combat then why make us lose more cards by discarding? personally i think an end turn button would be better and only force the player to discard if they have a hand greater than 7 at the end of a turn!

    anyway, those were a few issues i had with the game while playing it and unfortunately i had to stop playing because i couldnt even finish the first match! after some tweaks this might be fun. the skeleton of a good game is there but it needs fixing up and unfortunately i had to give it a rating based off of what i experienced when i played it! hopefully i can edit this score in the future as i feel there needs to be more good adult card games out there! keep workin on it dev! youre almost there!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This one has tons of potential - but I'd suggest waiting until the bugs are ironed out.

    Gameplay: (+) The porn elements and gameplay are quite fun, but it does however, need some refinement which I see happening when new cards get added. The card design, is also really well done and it easily the best part of the game. The gacha elements are also incredibly fun.

    (-) Items are pretty useless mid-late game and not worth the extra turn, except for coffee which is one of the best cards in the game that is somehow only a common. Items could be more creative, eg dildos and toys instead of generic stuff.

    Design: (+) Pornstars and card design is very well done, each has their own accompanying videos based on the cards used.

    (-) Finishers looks boring and don't really do anything different.

    Story: (-) looked silly and didn't fit, I just skipped it.

    Sound: (-) It's better than nothing I suppose, the music is quite generic but will be better once the volume issue is fixed

    In closing: There are many issues; including a super annoying bug that freezes cards in your hand. preventing you from playing unless you play super optimally (play, draw, discard) - the bug seems to happen whenever one plays out of turn or out of order. There are exploits with regards to reselling cards and cards disappearing if you open a pack and exit without revealing anything.

    Sound is also wonky. for some reason each menu has it's own sound bar that resets whenever moving to a new stage. The UI design has both strong and weak points; the card battle stage needs more work (perhaps a mouse over effect), your hand/card fan isn't visible enough - cards need a design element at the top to be more recognisable too, not being able to see what cards you have also needs to be fixed. Items are boring can be more spicy ie, dildos instead of coffee etc etc.

    The UX needs work as it's a bit janky - esp with regards to card sorting

    Nitpicks: Would've preferred vids/pics of stars in their prime rather than their new stuff, eg Kali Roses, Riley Reid, Mia Malkova have some great content but her new stuff doesn't look as good.

    This can easily be 5/5 with the bugs fixed and more content, keeping an eye on this one for sure
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Seems fun, i like the idea but it's pretty broken: cards easily get unselectable leading to unplayable hands and forcing surrender. I ll go try pornstarbattle 1 and I'll keep an eye on this one, when fixed it might be good fun.
    updated +1star : if you are very carefull where you drag and drop you can mostly avoid the bugs. i enjoy the concept but much quality of life improvement is needed (selling duplicates, selling all commons, etc.)