HTML - PornStars Blackjack [v1.05] [Dextersmith]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    So... the game is as boring as it gets: you can click "hit" or "stand" and leave it to luck how long it will take you to unlock the few non-patreon-locked scenes.

    I was thinking of giving it 1 star, but I mean, that's what blackjack comes down to - it'd be unfair to download a blackjack game and then give it 1 star for being blackjack.

    I found it terribly boring, but if somebody likes blackjack, I guess this is an option with some sexy women as a bonus.
    Likes: TANG0
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I stuck with it for a few updates, currently 1.04, but it is time to move on and not waste any more time on this one. A 2-star rating is being generous, mainly for the effort of the dev to try and address the issues that users brought up, basically not following common blackjack dealer rules. Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, while improved from the initial release, those issues were never fully resolved and the most recent additional content isn't really for me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    It perfectly serves the purpose it was created for; it's not trying to be something it's not.

    The Dev seems to have taken all the feedback from the thread into account, fixed all the bugs, and as far as I can tell, I haven't seen any issues with the mechanics.

    Even the art has been improved a bit (I'm talking about the game's name being incorporated into the background image's chips and on the back of the cards).

    Now Ace & 17 rules works well, and the sums match the cards shown.

    The game is a blackjack where you play against different girls. If you take all their money, they'll fuck you to get it back.

    It's elegant, simple, and relaxing, with a good atmosphere and good music.

    If you're looking for a Fortnite, this isn't for you. :ROFLMAO:
  4. 1.00 star(s)



    so, the art is basically ripped assets from other websites so no rendering. updates should be massive and fast to produce, yet i suspect they will be slow like all other HTML games using real porn.

    no plot/story or anything really that i see. straight to game no messing around with writing

    game design is shoddy to look at and the blackjack game is broken. an Ace and a 4 and an 8 does not equal 23 in any blackjack game/casino anywhere i have seen. never. 13 yes, 23 no.
    also, every time i got 19 or above the dealer hit 21. everytime. without fail.
    so the mechanics of this simple game are also broken or also cut and paste over from another game which is also broken.

    open the image folder should you want to look at porn...or ya know, go to a porn site, as this (very loose term incoming) game needs work just to work