VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Primal Ecstasy [Ch. 3] [Imfamus]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Fake choices, unavoidable content, your choices and points don't carry on to the next chapter. If your choices mattered and you could avoid certain content and you could carry your progress over to next chapter it might would be a 4 star game but it doesn't. Renders look nice. Some of the women look good but some are ugly. The Dev needs to go back and fix all this i just mentioned before going forward.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know what all the criticism was about, the writer is actually talented building & fleshing out the characters. I personally prefer a story driven narrative than just straight to the action you can actually enjoy the story of the game which is rare these days, hopefully they keep the same story driven narrative for future updates
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I see that a lot of people are giving this VN a low score. While I agree with some of their points, IMO this VN deserves more support.
    The renders are great, the models are great, not a bad story, different body types, okay animations, and decent English. I know the MC is not the best one but the story and art makes up for it I believe.
    It is a porn game and it delivers what it is supposed to.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am loving this Visual Novel. Its ticking all the right boxes in my book. The characters are awesome and beautifully rendered, the innuendo and story developing is in my opinion amazing. I am very much looking forward to the next chapters and I'll be throwing in my support for the creator/creators. Keep up the great work.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, this will be a short one...


    - decent renders (yeah decent, not good, look around, there are tons of games with much better renders)

    - kinda interesting setup of the story... for the start... (and only at the start)


    - pretty much everything else
    - Choices dont matter at all and will be ignored all together in the next chapter, so why are there even choices?
    - Animations are meh, would be better without them
    - story is pretty much out of the window in an instant
    - every girl is throwing herself at the MC
    - The MC griefing soooooooooooo much on his lost early on and is now searching for real love again (a little sarcasm here) bangs just every girl he can get a hand on... and you cant decide which one. yeah thats how real love works

    At least the english is ok.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    review based on chapter 3:
    After a really good start, which would end in giving 4 stars, unfortunately the game went downhill.

    PRO: the girls are basically nice, even they fit in the usual "big-tits" fraction, which i personally don't like. I would prefer a more natural look. Also positive is that some of the girls are a bit more "curvy" than usual (like library girl).

    CON: Choices which are not even choices. Why bother the player to click on "yes" when there's no "No" at all?. Also choices don't really make that much sense, as each chapter is a standalone and no savegames are carried over. On top of that, in previous chapters a customer ordered a picture and within a short sentence he told you "make me that and that painting". NOW you have to remember exactly what he told you to get a good review. The same goes for the psychologist. You think players still remember what exactly she had told you in every detail?
    REALLY ???? You make the player to remember such details after months of waiting for the next update? Well - If that's your "gameplay" take your 2 stars - it's not worth more than that.
    Another negative point: you are forced to fuck the french lady. Why even make choices at all if you force player to either have no choice or giving choices with just ONE answer (that senseless sentence is intended - either no choice, or just 1 option - i know it's the same - just saying - sarcasm).

    could have been a good game - but it's messing up more and more with every update.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This seemed like a very promising game, but its shortcomings really drag down what could be an enjoyable VN experience.

    The renders are solid, the LIs are mostly quite attractive, and the story premise is interesting.

    However, the writing is pretty mediocre. There are few, if any, typos or grammar mistakes, which is always a big plus in my book. However, the conversations are often awkward and unnatural. Right from the start of the game, the interactions between characters are pretty weird. Although the story is being told from the MC's perspective, you are constantly reading the thoughts of every single character, which can be off-putting. When you are introduced the to first new character (Julie) in the game, the MC is already saying to himself she is one of the nicest people he's ever met in his life, despite them having exchanged approximately 4 sentences, all of which are basic introductions.

    The only sexual scenes early in the game are masturbation scenes, which aside from being unnecessary, have pretty poor-quality animations. I can't imagine many players want to watch the MC repeatedly jerking off in his bed.

    As many have pointed out, this game being released in standalone chapters is indefensible. It ensures that any choices a player has made in the previous chapter are completely meaningless. I would hope the dev has plans to fix this issue, because it is a massive flaw in the game that completely destroys any immersion or continuity.

    However, for me, the game's biggest issue is the MC. Within 30 minutes of playing, I found myself absolutely despising him. He is a complete moron with no social skills or awareness, and his constant inner monologue ranges from childish and naive to creepy and incel-like. From the start, he is constantly thinking about how much he hates his sexy neighbors' husband/father, despite not having met the guy or heard a single negative thing about him. His thoughts regarding his interest in pursuing various LIs are either completely cluelessly naive or creepily sexually aggressive, with virtually no middle ground. I simply cannot find myself identifying with or relating to the MC in any way, which obviously detracts from the entire VN experience for me.

    The only reason my rating isn't lower is that the rendering and characters are quite good, and aren't just obvious recycles of characters I've seen in other games.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Story is good (I've lowered my standards a bit lately)
    You meet girls and game asks you if you want to compliment them, gets old really fast.
    I got two, in my opinion ofc, retarded game overs. First one some girl asks you to kiss her after you talked to her for 5 minutes and if say no the game says: "You don't want to fuck this girl then this game is not for you. Game over"; second one the game asks you if you want to give money to a girl you jjust met because she is having problems and if you don't, you guessed it, game over.
    The game forces the MC to have sexual relations without the player consent which for me is a no go. If in a porn game the player can't decide who the MC has sex with...
    The MC thinks a lot which is fine if it's about the situation he is in, but not ok imo if it's about girls like "this girl is gorgeous" or "I think I'm attracted to her" or something like that. I can decide as the player which girls I like... I find that annoying and breaks immersion for me.
    The girls are good enough although Julie is is too big for me.
    Animations are Ok.

    I constantly had the feeling that the game is pushing the player to get involved with every girls you just meet. It felt rushed and CHEAP.

    Thank you and the best of luck.

    Version 0.1 as 0.2 I skipped most it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 207916

    Chapter 1 4/5

    Now Ch1 really felt like it's the story about MC who had a tragic loss and strugle with life, the expiriance and pain he had so he needs to move on. New place, new oportunities right. He meets new girls, he tries to conect with some of the (players choice) and it really felt good that this is no case scenario where MC have a boner, random girl notice and she jumps in to offer help. Big no, cause in Ch1 choices did had impact. Only things i disliked is the fact that in certain situations MC (player) needed to sucumb. Yvette's kiss or helping Julie with money issue. Wrong choice and it's game over.

    Chapter 2 2/5

    Now this is the one that bothers me. After playing Ch1, Ch2 feels rushed. Choices from previous Ch1 doesn't matter, save files not working on Ch2 (from Ch1 obvius), there's no slow progress and build up but instead grab 'em all. You like/dislike certain girl, no matter you'll end up with her.

    Overall it's not a bad game. Story element is a bit darker which i like. I would recommend Ch1 if the save isn't bugged on Ch2 and as for Ch2 only play it if you don't care about choices or you don't care at all. I do hpe dev improve from this little mistake made on Ch2 and perhaps repair on future release.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good renders. Story is so so but ok .
    Some renders like cumshots could definetly be better.

    Pity the chapters are standalone and actually not ok if you work with a point system that is needed to get or not get some actions.

    Music in chapter 2 is less then chapter 1.

    Still curious to see what's next.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a great start but the second episode is a disappointment. Still the girls are very pretty, the story is interesting, but it is not so well written as I previously thought. All these beautiful girls seem to be almost obsessed with the MC even not even knowing him, a girl starts kissing him after first encounter and talk, I can't say no to Yvette (no that I would like to but I want to have a choice) and I don't like the cougar neighbour but I have not choice but to be attracted to her.

    It seems that decisions in chapter 1 had any impact on chapter 2 and the choices doesn't seem to be very meaningful so far (even if they are going to be in chapter 3 they shouldn't impact just seeing a scene or not but should impact other characters behaviour as well). I hope chapter 3 will be improved.

    Overall Rating:
    per 1000Very Good
    1. Graphic
    1.1 Faces
    1.2 Bodies
    1.3 Background, details
    2. Female characters
    2.1. Attractive girlfriend (or best option)
    2.2. Attractive Female Characters (AVG)
    2.3. Many female characters to choose from
    2.4. Personality of female characters
    3. Plot
    3.1. MC personality (best option)
    3.2. Not boring
    3.3. Realistic
    3.4. Well written
    3.5. Non-sexual content
    4. Mechanics
    4.1. Large number of decisions
    4.2. Meaningful choices, separate story lines
    4.3. MC Character Building
    4.4. Can choose relationships & sex
    4.5. Relations building
    4.6. Smooth navigation ( no sandbox, puzzles, mini-games)
    4.7 Point of View
    5. Sex
    5.1. Preferable Content
    5.2 No Disgusting or Unwanted Content
    See my full ranking on
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So far chapter 1 is a great start, I love how each character has their own personality and they are not just run of the mill HIHI that is what I like to hear about characters. We get plenty of Lis to pick from and each one has a different feel to them.