VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Prince of Suburbia [v1.0 Beta] [ViM Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It does its fetishes well once it gets going. The screens on the OP don't do the updates justice; this was my first encounter with the game but some of the animations and screens are fantastic.

    It's pretty on rails, but I don't really see that as a downside; there are so many shitty sandbox type games on this site and most devs don't execute the concept well. Instead you are basically just getting pure content non-stop with no grinding, and the pacing is set up well enough that you're not waiting long but there's still some stories that take time to tease out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    At first I didn’t want to write review at all. As mentioned before, this is not a game, it is basically VN without choices with poor storyline.

    So why 3 star rating you ask? It is because of the newest art and animations. Holy shit are those animations impressive. If this art was combined with some serious fun sandbox gameplay it would be one of the most supported games imo. Really shame that talent is wasted on this game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's more of a straight up VN than a game - there's no option to mix things up, and you're as "on the rails" as you can get. I downloaded this previously, and was unimpressed. Gave it another go now that they're remastering the visuals though, and between the writing and the updated graphics, the game is now phenomenal, long as you don't mind VN's. Just wish they'd come out with updates at a quicker pace.

    Edit: Updating & dropping the review a bit. The "1.0" update hit, and it's incredibly obvious the finale was rushed through so the developer doesn't have to work on the game any more. Half a dozen "scenes" in it, each with barely a dozen lines of text and minimal animation. Shame - doesn't exactly fill me with the desire to pick up their next one.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    visuals are nice (at least the remade ones) and animations are pretty good too, but those are about the only positives i see in this "game" (to be fair, also humor is not absent, i did laugh a few times). of course, like others have pointed out, it's not really a game, even though it is in sandbox style. you just have to click on direction signs or objects and go through the story with zero say in anything or zero game play otherwise, like puzzles, mini-games, collectibles, stats building etc. the story is as silly and mediocre as they get in adult games. something miraculous happens to the MC and by implication, to all the females in his life, who are all in love with his big cock. the said MC is a stupid, spineless, unlikable prick. what killed this for me though, were the boring, predictable, repetitive, unnecessarily long dialogs and inner thoughts of the characters. it gets really tedious after a while. i have endured through to the last version but i'm this close to skipping the beach house part and delete the whole thing and quit for good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly, truly have no idea why this story isn't rated higher.

    Prince of Suburbia is true to it's own nature, it knows what it is, and it doesn't try to be anything else. And what it is... is porn. Straight black tar heroin, soul destroying porn, with breasts the size of beach balls and incest and impregnation content for days.

    Other stories may waste time on plot or characterization, Prince of Suburbia is lean and light, instead each encounter is building to the next sex hub, and it gets from fucking to fucking pretty quickly and well. No, this isn't going to be a story you read for 'plot', but neither are 90% of stories here and this one doesn't waste your time pretending to have some bullshit macguffin or supernatural conspiracy or chosen one cliche. It's just fuckin'.

    The MC fucks pretty much everything he sees, and isn't that what we're here for? Ride on, Dev, ride on.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Prince of Suburbia Rewrite (part 2 v0.9) is not a good game. Mostly because, rewrite or not, the story is very bad. It makes no sense, characters are uninteresting, there are no significative choices to be made (should have been a kinetic novel) nor any gameplay or puzzles or anything. So I just skipped through all of it because it was too bad, too predictable, too boring.

    The good side of the game is the reworked art which is quite nice. Characters are pretty well done and pretty decently animated during the numerous sex scenes, even though they are a bit short on the number of animations and positions and all that. Music has presence but it's kinda meh, and sound effects barely show up and add very little to the game. At least I faced no bugs while playing which is nice.

    So, all in all, the balance wasn't worth it for me. Is you don't care about stories and are looking for a quick fap, it can work for you.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Hongfire Survivor

    CGs are great and the animations are well done.

    Never a big fan of mega huge breasts, but since this KN has a metric ton of impregnation, lactation and good ol pregnancy, I can and did get over it.

    Story wise, it hits some tropes (the bratty sister, slutty neighbors etc.) but excels in moving at a great pace through the cast. No one overstays their welcome and their personalities get naughtier because of story reasons.

    The mom's writing stood out to me because she doesn't completely break and is constantly fighting temptations which is pretty damn hot.

    There is some cum inflation, but seems to be inconsistent which sucks as that is the distant (but hot) cousin of pregnancy in my opinion.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good little romp. Excellent art, story is good. Not much on choices but everything flows good and a very satisfying time.

    Milfs are hot, overly large boobs, but that works. Focus on MILFS and Impregnation, that works for me as well.

    No problems, engaging story. VN with some navigation. Very nice art and keeps me coming back. It doesn't take itself too serious, and thats cool its a good one.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5596698

    This vn will always have a place in my heart

    It starts off as any other typical incest story and uses imo a simple structure to get to where we need to get to sex wise, I wasn't a big fan of the early story initially but the second half that has come through has made me look back on it and appreciate the necessity of why things happened the way they did, the romances are finally taking shape now and its kind of slowing down from everything being about sex to the group finding in the mc someone they can truly be with, he started off as a typical horny kid to now becoming more mature and wising up to the situations ahead of him (hes still a fucking idiot who doesn't care about where he plants his seed but you know, who of us does :ROFLMAO:)

    the only thing id like to see more of is the story being more in depth and not about getting from scene A to B for the sex, those are the scenes I like the most, especially between Sarah and the mc mid game when she realizes she should let her guard down and let him take care of her and the aunt who in the beginning wanted a baby from him but now sees him as a man and is now wondering about things

    to end this

    Virgins :love: always a plus in my book, Fiona, Samantha and Sarah (I'm assuming dick virgin from how she talks but uhh, not a..... true virgin :cry:)

    no ntr or sharing

    actual maturing of characters and the story is pretty good
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Gonna bump this up to 5 stars because the good stuff is excellent even though there are some issues with the game.
    First off if you are into lactation or impregnation this is an absolute must play, tons of good content for those kinks and some really well done lactation animations. The animations and art is excellent overall though there is still some of the older art here and there that i'm assuming the dev will get around to replacing eventually.
    The writing is capable too and seems to be done by someone who has a good grasp of English. The narrative itself is pretty cliche not a huge minus for me, but some may have more problems with it. The dev does try to at least scratch the surface of the psychological effect the MCs actions have on everyone around him and while it's commendable that the dev tries it's not really a deep psychological dive. Additionally, while there is some drama and tension you never get the feeling it's going to get in the way of the fucking or the MC's harem.
    The structure/mechanics of the game are needlessly complex as well, there is ostensibly a kind of sandbox you can roam around in but there aren't really any meaningful choices and the whole thing is very linear.
    Again not a big minus in my eyes but people looking for meaningful choices won't really find that here and it would likely be a more enjoyable experience if it were just a straight VN.
    Overall an really great looking 2d incest harem game with a ton of lactation and impregnation content. There isn't a super compelling or novel narrative here, but it is competently written and at least tries to inject a bit of depth.
    Recommended for anyone who is into incest, harem, lactation and/or impregnation.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: 4.5/5 - Version: 0.8

    For a "beta" this game has quite a bit of content, and good content at that. Often times I dl a game from f95 that doesn't even have enough content to warrant a rating.

    What I liked:

    -Models are sexy
    -Art style is not my preferred type yet I still really enjoyed it
    -Graphics don't blow you away but the animations are strong
    -A lot of MILF and busty women content if you're into that (who's not?)

    What could be improved:

    -There's not a lot of model variance.
    -There's a lot of lactating even in models who aren't or have never been pregnant, which is odd
    -It would be nice if there were angles and speeds during sex scenes
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2148951

    After rewrite this game is so much better. In the early version of the game I would give this game 2/5 rating, but now it has much better story and even better scenes than before.

    If you are a fan adult webtoon art style , you will love this.

    Definitely worth your time, highly recommend!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.8

    Knows its demographic and hits it well.
    Interesting plot setup.

    Linear VM with the appearance of choices.
    Not the best dialogue.
    Shallow characters.
    Poor execution of story.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Its Linear VN/Almost kinetic. Perfect for fap no ingame economics/phone bullshits.
    Animations are awesome especially lactation.
    WHole game is within 4-5 rooms, so you can play around.

    Its like Harem Fantasy, whole family is horny, no good plot for the characters. All are horny. Story wise not good.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Prince of Suburbia Part 2 - v0.95:

    I don't exactly know when I started playing Prince of Suburbia, but I've played updates for about 2 years and thought it was finally time to write a review.

    Artwork and Renders: 4/5 -The artwork is fantastic. The girls are pretty. The only downside of the artwork is that I find the unrealistically oversized breasts to be a bit of a turnoff. I can't give it 5 stars because there are several scenes where there are 4 or 5 screens of dialogue the players have to click-through and they have a black screen. These usually occur at the lead-in to the scene. I assume this is just missing renders/artwork, but if it's intentional, that's even worse. The artwork is also inconsistent with later scenes seemingly switching between 2D and 3D artwork.

    Animations: 4/5 - Animations are generally smooth and well-executed. There are occasionally problems trying to skip them after they've started.

    Story: 3/5 - It's a relatively cookie-cutter harem incest recipe where the MC has some unusual way to attract women. Looks like this recipe will also have a generous amount of pregnancy, too. Not my fetish, but I don't dislike it.

    Writing: 3/5 - It's not going to win any prizes, but it's fine. It's not full of distracting "Engrish" and it's not cringy. However, it does have a lot of the clichés of a cookie-cutter incest story.

    Gameplay: 1/5 - Here's where the game is a let-down. The sandbox is superfluous. For each and every scene, one of the last dialogues in that scene says where the MC should go next. Going anywhere else is either prohibited or empty, so the only thing players can do is go to the location from the dialogue. There are two things that are a little different and they are going to the bathroom and looking out the window, but they don't affect the story at all and neither are available most of the game. Why bother even having a sandbox to move around the house/world when there's no real choice on where to go? So much development resources wasted on maintaining the state machine of a sandbox that serves no purpose in the game.

    Content: 2/5 - The content in the game is fine and there's definitely enough to make it worth the time to play. The lewd scenes are frequent and generally erotic. However, I give it a low rating because the game has been in development for over 5 years and this game does not have 5 years' worth of content.

    Other: I wish I could understand the versioning and the changelog. I'm guessing that the game has been completed up to v0.8 and the "v0.55 Part 1-2 Rewrite" means the re-writing and re-working has been completed through v0.55 of the original content. I wonder if this kind of disorganization is the reason why the game isn't already finished after 5 years. Also, in the v0.95 update, there were just way too many scenes that used the same render for way too long (like 30 dialogues), and there were more that just moved the sprites around and occasionally change the lips a little. The artwork was the best part of the game and it feels like it's been abandoned.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    [v0.8 Beta]
    Let me preface this review with the single most important aspect of this game:
    This is NOT a game.
    There's no gameplay, at all. No "sandbox" or "dating sim", no game mechanics, no choices, no stats, no secrets, not unlockables, nothing whatsoever that would make it a game.
    The ONE thing you can do is trigger the scenes in an order already set for you. You're not "playing" it, you're watching it.
    So if I have to rate this "game", because it simply isn't one, it gets a 1/5 by default.

    This is a kinetic visual novel.

    Now, as to whether you should "watch" this VN or not?

    The art is pretty good. Animations come in two forms: 2-4 rather different frames playing on loop, which are honestly a headache inducing eyesore (I'm assuming they will be replaced eventually), and "animated images", which aren't very detailed (animation-wise) but fluid, a good experience especially over the alternative. Fortunately this is the more common style used, by far. There's also a very noticeable climb in terms of animation quality which is a plus.
    Character designs are decent but it's rather uniform, almost entirely featuring big tiddy women, it's good if that's your thing, not so much if you like variety.

    Sounds are...there, kinda. Generic background music, for sure, and moaning for scenes which were decent I guess, but I'm biased here because I always find it more distracting than "hot" so I disabled it right off the bat. Other than that, no sound effects for random shit.

    The story is your basic incest harem fantasy which hops into the action pretty much immediately.
    To spice that up, I suppose, there's a bit of plot, an explanation as to why everyone's so addicted to the MC's dick, not that the rules of it are written in stone, they seem to be subject to change to fit the respective scenes.
    Other than that, not much is happening, it all revolves around MC('s cock) with the greatest development probably being MC breaking both his arms (at least it's not carpal tunnel syndrome again).
    But besides that, it's just a lot of fucking around.
    Both literally and figuratively speaking.
    Really, the plot is more of a premise and the story is pretty much directionless.

    Since there is not much going on in terms of story, the characters are driving (me insane). But unless you're a sucker for shallow porn-logic spiced up with melodrama, this isn't going to be a positive point for you.
    Let me outline a couple of them:
    --The "player" MC is a horny teen who pretty much only thinks of sex and will happily do anything to get some, including being controlled and manipulated. He's a doormat with a backbone as solid as a gummy worm, problem is, he really doesn't need to be, he just is, because.
    --"Landlady" totally-not-mom is a jealous hypocrite who says she wants to protect the MC from evil manipulative women trying to "take advantage of" (read, have consensual sex with) her little innocent totally-not-son...while she's manipulating him and taking advantage of him (read, fucking raping him) when he's most vulnerable, in his sleep. To which he remains totally oblivious because porn logic dictates that a character doesn't wake up when a lactating boob is shoved down his throat because it's hot or something.
    Over 40% of her screentime will be of her bitching and fighting other characters shamelessly, usually followed up by the other 40% of her making up excuses to justify her actions, leaving a whooping 20% (or less) for anything remotely enjoyable. It got really fucking old really fucking fast.
    --"Roommate" totally-not-sister doesn't talk to MC or give a shit about MC for no reason other than generating more melodrama, so how does she end up on the MC's dick?
    Well you see she had a girlfriend of sorts who had the hots for the player too and ended up seducing him but then he was also seduced by this girlfriend's mother and fucked her too and he ended up knocking both of them up so girlfriend convinced both totally-not-sister and the MC to participate in blindfolded sex with a "stranger" to get the MC to impregnate his totally-not-sister too as part of her evil plan of revenge! Muhahahaaa!
    So anyway she's okay with it now.

    There's also aunt and cousin who just happens to drop by and stay for good, hot neighbours and a hot researcher too, with more to come, probably.

    Overall it was very disappointing because of the total lack of gameplay, which wouldn't be so bad if characters weren't so insufferable and the story was more than just fighting over MC's dick. I couldn't choose for the player to not be such a pussy and slap some sense into whoever was stirring shit at the time, nor simply ignore characters who were raising my blood pressure rather than my pants.

    But even IF I were to judge this "game" for what it actually is, as a kinetic visual novel, it'd still be subpar because the plot is bare-bones, the "story" is running on a porn logic diet and it is entirely reliant on shallow characters generating conflict just for the sake of it, they have no life outside of MC('s cock) at all.
    1/5 as a game,
    2/5 as a VN and only because of the art.
    I can't recommend either way, not unless you're just looking for some action to rub one out to regardless of context, but in that case I'd rather suggest extracting the images and animations or just visiting pornhub or something.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice little incest game with hand drawn art. It doesn't have the best scenes the genre has to offer, but they're above average, and the story could use a little more burn to it IMO since once it gets going you're basically fucking someone every few minutes in the story.

    The burn being gone from all the characters in the game relatively quickly and then you having a new sex scene with one every few minutes leads me to the one drawback I give the game, there aren't routes or anything to do between dialogue boxes. In my opinion routes are important since you can choose to chase certain characters as you please, and it's almost like starting the game over again every route. Get that burn, that setup, all over again. Big payoff, big reward. I can't name drop the big king of the genre here per the site's rules but you know what I'm talking about, that game is king for many reasons and routes are part of it.

    That all said definitely worth playing. Story's a little shark jumping, basically super horny pills launch the main character into turning everyone into cum addicted sluts accidentally, but it's still *almost* believable enough beyond that. Music's good, art's great. If you like the genre you should get quite a few fap sessions out of this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Straight up 5 stars from me.
    Love the art. All the characters are sexy and true MILF boiss
    The story is suprisingly good, coming not for it but it is interesting enough to follow.
    All and all, you really missing the goood stuff if skipping this game
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    What wat a great game
    I played this before but lost intrest
    Renders are good
    hot family
    loved the moaning
    I usally never play with sound But because moaning suddenly stopped I turned music on But still nothing
    no bugs
    The music is great hip hop beat music
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I've waited for some decent updates to become released, and that was worth waiting...

    The art is top-notch, renewed one is even better. Like, it's literally amazing.
    Simple but fairly good story, does its thing to keep this game together.

    Strange choice to sandbox a VN, but not gonna complaint about it, like, you just do a little extra of unnecessary clicks, would be better without them, but it's fine this way as well, like, I dunno how someone can get lost in 2-3 locations.

    All in all, it's a game of constant porn, so exactly what we are here for. Excellent choice if you want to just run it and have a really good time without tons of annoying/unnecessary preps.

    So, since I have not mentioned any flaws I can name significant, I assume I can rate this as 5*, like I've said, it's neverending lustful fun. What's more to ask. )