VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Prince of Suburbia [v1.0 Beta] [ViM Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The plot is absolutely bizarre and brainless, only done to get the MC laid so we can discard that and move on to what the game really does well: the sex scenes.

    Of course ScarlettAnn's art is great and it is what carries this game to what it is but we also have to give credit to how hot and different every girl on this game is (at least physically). Play this game if you want some good animated sex scenes and you like what you see on the previews, it won't dissapoint, but it is not much of a game nor it promises much aside.

    I hate the fact that this kind of games draw the MC as a teenager lookalike... I'll still be coming back for more tho.

    TL;DR: play it for the animated sex scenes and amazing art, everything else is meh.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game. Small size but good gameplay. Some scene missing animation or picture. When broke your arms you need help. Maybe think about fix this in game that you need every day pee, have shower,... Lovely game,hot and sexy girls.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    You may be looking at the review scores and wondering if this game is worth it. Having read some of the previous reviews, I think it's important to know what this game is and what it isn't to determine if, like me, this would be a 5 star game for you.

    Firstly, this is a fast-paced, single-path VN with a faux sandbox layer on top of it. You travel on a map but there is only ever one destination to go to progress the story. I actually like this element in games because it has more immersion and you feel like you're traveling around the in game world as opposed to your typical VN where it feels more like I'm reading a book. It also makes for a quick pace to the next scene, which let's be honest, that's what we're looking for some nights. Every day can't be a multi-hour slow jack day.

    Hand-drawn artwork is pretty good although I would personally appreciate a little more variety than just uber stacked mommy milkers for everyone. The scenes/setup/poses/angles are great IMO. The animations are the stretching kind you see in porn ads, for instance, which I actually like, when done well. There are a few scenes with just static images in an auto loop and I'm not sure if those are "placeholders" with intent to upgrade but they're also the exception and typically reserved for less important scenes.

    The story itself is pretty cliche and definitely revels in the silliness sometimes. A Pulitzer prize winner this is not but if you're like me and enjoy seeing the "Oh no "landlord", both my arms are broken" kind of scenes play out, then you're golden here.

    So, does this game have choices? No. Multiple simultaneous branches for all the characters that you can choose which to progress in? No. But I wouldn't dock the latest Halo a star for not having farming elements because I like that in my Stardew Valley. This game does a great job at doing what it sets out to do and as such, easily deserves all 5 stars.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game seems to have been ported from a former rpgm game into a ren'py VN, that's quite obvious.
    The animated scenes are good as long as they are animated- sometimes, poorly looped pics with ugly transitions take over, these are almost painfull to watch.
    The story is dumb and redundant, but that's ok with me thanks to the skip-button.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    - v0.55
    - Art style appealing, Animations satisfying
    - No choices whatsoever, simply a kinetic Novel with Sandbox
    - Useless Sandbox (seriously, why!?)
    - Misleading title

    I have absolutely no idea why the dev uses Sandbox-Elements. Everything you do is predetermined by the story. If you try to go anywhere you are not supposed to, the MC will straight up tell you that you are not supposed to do that now. If the dev simply went for a Kinetic-Novel (since here are aboslutely no choices whatsoever) this would be so much easier for him to produce... maybe he wouldn't have to put the developement off.

    I can not complain about the Art. The Character-Design is a question of taste, yes, but in the end they are all well drawn. Even the animations look nice (if you see them, some are just fade-in-outs of two images). But I can clearly see that someone put quite a lot of work into them.

    The story is nonsensical. One of those devs that said "It's porn, who cares about story!?". Well, I do. That's why I'm here and not on pornhub watching videos.
    He gets a plus-point for finally making a proper incest-story., which seems to be quite rare currently. But that doesn't help me over the biggest problem: For a game called "PRINCE of Suburbia", I would have expected the MC to not be a massive child. But here I am, playing this broke Virgin-MC, who has neither friends nor lovers and gets pushed around and used the whole time by EVERYONE else in this game.
    Drugged by his Mother to be used as a testsubject (and for her own pleasure), used by his neighbor to get pregnant, used by the Nurse and Doctor while being drugged into oblivion... I can see this putting off quite a few people.
    I mean, seriously, there are parts where the poor guy gets used for DAYS without cumming ONCE.

    The Aunt herself calls it turture, and I think she's quite right in that matter...
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    what a dumpster fire
    this game is awful

    all the backgrounds are eye hurtingly bad
    all the characters are inhuman ugly creatures
    story is so cliche and its just pieces of other good games put together and made a pile of nonsense
    dialogs are stupidly written most dont even makes sense
    sandbox doesnt serve anything, just there to make you play longer

    Waste of time
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    OVERALL 9/10 - fantastic overall and feels inspired. if you're looking at the screenshots and thinking it doesn't look that good. this is one of those games are a lot better than the first impression.

    VISUALS 6.5/10 - visually a lot of the images aren't that great but they get the job done. there's also a lot of inconsistency where some of the images are actually pretty good, maybe even an 8/10 overall (the rendering of the bodies are really good, even fantastic like a 9/10 but the faces are often not the best). it does kinda feel like it's the more important images that are rendered to a higher quality which also does help.

    DESIGNS 9.8/10 - the designs are fantastic. all i could really ask for is maybe a more erotic/lewd/attractive looking dick, like more "erect" and "juicy" looking. and i personally would like to see a blonde/blue eyed character or maybe a redhead or something but the current cast of women is fantastic.

    STORY/WRITING 9/10 - all the characters have distinct personalities. their designs match them well. all the different dynamics are really hot in different ways. it's really good. my only critique is not in the core ideas themselves but sometimes how they're approached like i would've liked to see some small/short dedicated scene to the reveal of when the other girl is lactating too instead of it happening during the blindfold scene or like when the blindfolds are taken off for the dialogue to have gone down more erotically (it just kinda felt like meh with the current reveal scene) but maybe it's more personal preference. overall excellent.

    DIALOGUE 7/10 - dialogue has it's hot moments but feels kinda bloated overall and kinda drags down the experience a bit

    PACING 8.5/10 - in terms of the content progression and scene order, it's really good. i would've liked to see some tweaks like maybe more gloryhole scenes with erotic dialogue about them complimenting each other on their eagerness/taste etc. maybe having vaginal sex and only moving it to blindfolded without the gloryhole after his arms healed. also would've liked to maybe see the initial doctor visit just introduce them and when coming back begin sexual content with the doctor/nurse. the way it is currently, the whole doctor/nurse/cop part felt like filler content to me or like the porn equivalent of a forgettable one night stand or meaningless sex, like i feel like there's no build up like with the other character arcs which are so much more erotic.

    CONTENT IDEAS 9.5/10 - really some fantastic ideas

    **other notes: the dialogue box often gets in the way of covering up good parts of the visuals and with how much empty space above their heads there is in many inbetween scenes, i wish idk... maybe... the dialogue box at the top instead (that'd be a little weird) or for the images to be moved higher so that the dialogue box isn't covering up pussies and asses etc.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Refreshingly unique art style with a very simple gameplay that has absolutely no grind whatsoever. Animations are very good and the girls are extremely hot.

    I only worry that this game has been in development for 3,5 years now and still doesnt have that much content. Lets just hope that the dev picks up the pace.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    (reviewing v0.55)

    Arrgh, this game is incredibly frustrating: so close to greatness but also so retarded!

    With the fine services of the amazing ScarlettAnn, the graphics are packed with amazingly juicy MILFs and all around hot girls. This version also includes many many new animations (looks like webm's of Live2D animation), which range from cool to **super hot**.

    :mad::mad::mad: HOW-EVER! :mad::mad::mad::eek::cry:

    The game story and gameplay are completely terrible.

    Weird, disjointed dialogue, missing images and broken sequences.
    Sudden jumps in action or location, and apparently out-of-order events.
    Family members going from zero to sexual intimacy over just a few days.

    Virtually nothing to do except click on bedroom then click on kitchen table, and the story magically advances step by step, on rails with no choices that make a difference to anything.

    Honestly, it seems like the creator has a bunch of money and is paying for lots of great image content from the illustrator, but has no idea how to put together a game that makes sense.

    I'd could almost imagine the images were stolen from another game and pushed together into a series of random scenes, with a very loose plot around them.

    The ingredients for making a TRUELY GREAT PORNOGAME CAKE are here, but the developer is just throwing them all in the microwave and hitting the 100% power button. And we are left with a mess.

    I really really REALLY hope the dev can get the story and gameplay sorted out, because otherwise the talent is all wasted. Praying for you, dev!

    5/5 because hot busty hand-drawn animated MILFs and SILFs.
    1/5 story and gameplay.

    Final score: 3/5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    + Game have scarlettann's art which is amazing to see and interact from start to end.

    + Game gives you the option to opt in or out from incest with filter.

    + You can name the characters at your own will or leave the space at blank and by default the characters will be named by their original character name which is pretty neat.

    + Decent storyline and plot on each of the female chars with the MC.

    + Seems to have potential for kinks and fetishes but that's up to the devs.

    - Variation female characters like the cousin which have a different bust size it lacks in the game. most of the females have huge boobs which is totally ok coming from the lead artists but it could be nice to have variety on that area. which once again its up to the devs to add or not.

    + Game still in progress but could be nice to see some seasonal events like valentine's day, halloween, x-mas or whatever event with the girls wearing a costume & outfit in that specific event.

    + Would be nice to have other places to explore like a convenience store, sex shop, public pool, library etc... to either meet new girls or interact with current girls to have an specific activity at an specific place.

    Edit: - Game doesn't have a gallery mode to replay the scenes of current version.

    Suggestion: Even tho engine its Ren'Py its for sure that gallery mode can be added to re-watch the scenes of current version and future ones.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game splendid and very entertaining about the size of the best breasts I always enjoy a good game with huge tits since it is boring to see small or normal tits if some of us really like the size of the tits then go see a porn movie Hundred that this game is too good for people with the likes of table-breasted women
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Like the art, its what got me to try the game in the first place. But the story needs major polishing. Also this game basically has 0 choices for the player to make, I kept waiting and waiting for the game to start letting me make choices but still up to the point where I am in the game you make none that effect the game, and without that it just feels like I'm playing a kinetic novel with some extra clicking.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review done from 0.5)
    Okay i`m going to keep this review short and just to clarify i`m not a game developer or a writer this is just my basic bi*** review
    so first the pros: the characters are well made, good clean animation, not much grind at all.
    so now the cons: the game story is just there its sub par at best with the first 5 minutes being interesting and the rest the story goes out of the window, no grind makes this feel like just pressing skip buttons to watch the scenes and some might find that good but because the story is so lack luster any other things in the game are just brought down by it. Also some minor bugs and missing scenes but can be forgiven as its W.I.P

    Any recommendations that I should keep to myself: redo/rewrite the story just make it so its engaging so people just don`t skip and would want to invest time, but with the images and animations the game has potential from being average to great nothing ground breaking but not everything has to be.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, good artwork and a fun little story, looking forward to see where this goes and for the next update. If I had any complaint it is that hopefully the update speed picks up, but it is still worth 5 stars
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    really enjoy the premise, game is progressing nicely love the art work, classic. (only request would be aunt needs better hair option) an option or two would be nice as well Looking forward to the next update.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


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  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1891271

    So far it's pretty good. Great art, decent writing, good pacing. Probably one of the best incest themed ones I've played on here. It's still a tad early in development, I'd wait a few months before starting it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Now this is a proper incest game!

    No mindless wandering around an empty sandbox, no wasting time. No creeping around on sleeping relatives, cumming on them for a month before you get some action. Mutual lust, good writing, great character development.

    There's only two check-boxes you need to hit to know if you should play this game:
    • Is the art-style okay? You don't have to love it, just not hate it.
    • Do you like incest games?
    If you answer yes to both, you have to play this game.

    Unless, for some reason, you absolutely do enjoy wasting time in a pointless sandbox and can't climax without a good hour of pointlessly clicking on direction markers.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Since the game's first release this game's art style, texture quality, and animations were getting some improvements, so DEV was always working and it was one of the reasons why I'm playing this game and especially with v0.6 and now with 0.8 this game became literally best looking 2D adult game you can ever see.
    + We have hot-looking girls/women.
    + Renders/Drawings look pretty good.
    + Animations are well made, their quality is top notch and they have great animation physics as well. Especially the ones we got after v0.6 was great. (V0.6 kissing scene was dope AF)
    + Story and plot were feeling empty but with v0.6 I can say we got at least a decent amount of information about a couple of things. It could have been better than this but still it's better than nothing.
    + After all, things happened MC became and start acting more adult than anyone in this game and start trying to fix problems he caused, which I should say was pretty good character development he got. Especially the moment he told Naomi, Heather, and Catherine: ''We should stop acting like children, we need to step up and be adults. Face with consequences of things we did.'' he is genuinely thinking about his children and other girls carriying while nobody thinking about them and acting all selfish was pretty good and logical AF.

    Bad Points
    - The most annoying thing about this game is Catherine (MC's mother) and her act. She is like an annoying brat, since the game's first release she constantly talking about someone taking advantage of him... With v0.8 even Naomi and Heather said they are sorry for the things they did but she still acts like they are the only wrong ones and take advantage of MC while she has done the same and even literally the biggest reason why all those women are pregnant from MC or why MC couldn't stop himself with all of his hormones raging. And with v0.8 after having sex with MC for a week (which is literally skipped without showing any scene about their 1 week of sex life!) she became pregnant, and when the whole family is about to go beach trip she just locked herself in her room while thinking how wrong was becoming pregnant from MC... I really don't know what's DEV's plan about her but she is really annoying and needs some serious development ASAP...
    - Some sex scenes like v0.8 Sonia and Sarah scene have only one position/angle and animation and that only position/angle looks pretty bad and does not even show what's happening.
    - We have too much text and a pretty less amount of pictures for scenes. Like when MC and one girl talk you keep seeing the same image, at least they could add a few different pictures showing they do move some body parts, take a little bit different position, or don't know maybe little eye blink animation or something. For now, they do look too bland, to be honest.
    - I lost count of how many times we lost our saves and I need to start the game from the beginning again and again... One time? Annoying but if it's for making the game better understandable. Second time? Annoying AF and literally mod killer but still acceptable 3rd or more just makes me hate even the games I love most... Well at least with v0.8 we got the option to start from the latest version, so I guess it's something.

    For The End
    Well, what can I say? The art style is dope, the texture quality is amazing, animations are great: the whole visual part of this game is nearly perfect. And not just visual parts we got some improvements for the plot and some other stuff as well and some characters like MC's sister got developments too and DEV's path to coming across this quality from the first version of the game was a hell of a journey, so congrats mate.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent story, good graphics, i think it can be better than summertime someday if the dev continue the work like this and this game may be one of the best if you are a lactation fetish, as i am i love this game and the story of it.