
RPGM - Princess & Conquest [v0.22.01] [Towerfag]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just kind of... boring and feels like it purposely wastes time.

    Loading screens can take several seconds sometimes, going from North to South or vice versa over and over is extremely annoying, the skip text feature is awful since you can suddenly reengage conversation if you hit Z/Enter too many times while holding Ctrl, and it feels like the interface is designed to waste your time, like for example, the meaningless sorting of categories upon categories to use an item.

    Story wise it's yadda yadda yadda I don't care. It feels as shallow as the princesses who will love you if you burn a bunch of candy for them and whom go to war with each other for little reason.

    I like the combat a little and the art/animations are nice but that's about it. It's a bunch of good animations/art attached to a bloated whale of a game. This game has a lot wrong with it mechanically I feel, as it continued to test my patience and not in a good way.

    Update a year later:
    None of these issues have been fixed. Going north to south is still a 5 minute chore you do repeatedly. Dialogue skipping is still trash. There is still a lot of mechanical time wasters that get in the way of the fun. This developer has never heard the term QoL and it tanks the replay value.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games of this type I've EVER played.

    Start of the story is simple. You went to help Kobold Princess, stuff happened and angry Dragon Princess destroyed the entire Kobold domain, leaving you with a lonely princess without a castle... The world is yours.

    When I say the world is yours, it's pretty much is. After the intro you're thrown into a big world - that constantly grows and changes with updates - and you can basically decide it's fate.

    There's a ton of princesses to choose from already and a few that are still on the way. Every princess is diffrent - and I don't mean only species - and interesting. You're the knight in this story but you don't have to be a good guy. During sieges - when the army of one princess is besiege the castle of the other - you can go in and KILL the princess of besieged castle if you really hate her or want that kind of role play.

    Aside from the basic princesses you know about as leaders of their respectful reigns there are a few others hidden across the land that you can recruit. You can easily get lost in this world but in a good way. It provides many, many hours of gameplay!

    Some people complain about the gameplay mechanics in form of fighting and that tutorial gives you too little... Well, if your IQ is higher than your body temperature I can assure you that in a matter of an hour you will understand it easily.

    There's an entire Wikia for you! How to recruit princess, get their outfits, recruitable companions and pets among a few others things. Go there and you're golden, no problem with in-game quests at all.

    You can have sex with random NPCs on the street. What's more to it? Well, the scenes aren't boring and weak CGs, they're fully animated. The slightly pixel-like look of the game is amazing. Animated scenes looks very nice so no need to worry about quality here. Lacks a bit in quantity of scenes but that will probably change.

    Routes! A few of the current Princesses have their own routes that you can follow to reach the end of the game. For example, you can help your cute little Kobold Princess rebuild her kingdom and become her king and lover. Heck, you can romance a Skeleton Princess and her route makes you suicide and revive so you'll be together forever. That's just two of a few others.

    There's also a conquest end where you just up and join one of the Princesses on a path to glory and domination by paving the way with skulls of other races.

    You can raise kingdom lewdness so more and more people will want to have sex with knight!

    And, as I'm saying it - quite a few times already - there's still more and more that I HONESTLY and WHOLEHEARTEDLY suggest that YOU try it out yourself and immersed in what is waiting for you in this world.

    I was so happy with this game that I went out of my way and bought it on Steam to support the creator. Amazing game and give the highest rating without a regret about it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like gameplay and story, one of the games I really enjoy playing for something other than sex scenes. There are already a lot of story to explore and princesses to seduce, but there is also pontencial for a lot more, really hope they keep doing a good work
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✓ Gorgeous pixel art and superb animations.
    ✓ Amazing art-style.
    ✓ Vast amounts of monster girls to choose.
    ✓ Different routes and endings, making your decisions count.
    ✓ The dev seems to care a lot, constantly improving the game and even waging an arduous legal dispute to keep up the development of this title.
    ✓ Lots of fappable content, it's not lacking in this aspect.
    ✓ Solid game-play mechanics.
    ✓ Great world-building.
    ✓/✗ This game requires a solid amount of investment or cheating to be fappable, but in my opinion it's absolutely worth the engagement. I recommend the cheating, tho.

    ✗ It needs more CG scenes, the ones that are already in are top-notch.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the biggest waste of times I've ever experienced. The concept and the art is so good I spent 5 hours wading through the worst, most unfun game design I've ever experienced. It's clunky as all hell, it takes 10 seconds to load the main map that you're going to be entering and exiting like crazy (im on a good computer btw), the spacing between areas and quests are excrutiatingly far away and repetitive, and it takes so damn long to get to anything good. This game is utter garbage which sucks, because it has the potential to be absolutely amazing if not for the worst game design decisions of all time.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd definitely say that this game is worth the money (though I didn't buy it because I'm a cheap dude). It offers quite a bit of replay ability seeing as I've spent like 20 hours on one save file redoing NG+'s to get all the high stat items I can. And seeing as there's many paths to take in each run, I still find myself discovering new things even though I've followed this game's development for awhile. High up there in my favorite NSFW games. though the combat is a bit lacking, but I don't have many gripes with that because of how little I actually focus on the fights as a source of entertainment and rather just a means to get to the game's rewards.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game takes the player and puts them into the body of a knight who that goes around the land helping princess's. Sounds simple but they have a complex story and freedom through different items that allows the play to achieve some pretty wicked things. This can become a kingdom builder with politics or just a run around and fuck game. The choice is yours.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    please can some one ask the developer of dis game to add custom player character the game is super cool but i think a lot of people would like to play as their custom character thanks.
    This is all i can think about right now and what is your favorite race my is cat, mice andbunny(but deep inside i like all of them except fish they are little too DOMINANT for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the top two or three I've found on here (f95zone) and I have become a Patrion as a result. Its the right blend of fun, sex, funny, serious, combat and management. There is a surprising amount of content and while it's not finished yet it's a huge amount of fun.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok this is amazing game so far
    +Amazing art (althou i prefered old sex scenes graphic)
    +Love the idea
    +Dev clearly dont give up even after that "Legal issue"
    +Kinda Frequent updates

    -Bug bug and once again bugs
    -scripts tend to squeeze out last juices out of cpu and gpu
    -repetitive quest (?)

    (BIG + )Community that always support game, when bugs are found, so this plus is for You.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The amount of content in this is quite staggering tbh, this is quite good for a hentai game, has some interesting mechanics such as inciting war with other kingdoms to capture princesses in sieges and (with the revamp of monster combat) the combat is fun too.
    Game has some great animations and really really good cgs, can't wait to see what's coming next.
    (If you just wanna see the animations you can put the animation cheat code in the crystal to the side of the human kingdom and go to the map below mouse kingdom and find babs house in the forest and you can watch them all there.)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    + Animations are fantastic and diverse.
    + Decent gameplay mechanics without being overbearing and prioritized over sex scenes.
    - Can't be played one-handed
    - Finding specific features such as the gallery and certain outfits require some digging
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I lost faith in the RPG Maker game market, but this game has me actually playing RPGMaker games again. Dev did an amazing job, art is good, story is good, tons of little tweaks such as changing how long day cycles are, and you can use cheats at will with out having to be a patron or anything fancy.

    Granted you lose achievements if you cheat not a big deal for most.But its also on Steam where I bought it to support so I kind of want to get them all now lol
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is fun. There are some signs that it needs updating here and there, but they're not enough to take the fun away.

    There are times the games kinda reminds me of Adventure Time. Almost all the key characters you speak with are a princess of some kind. The only difference is you not only gain/lose influence but you can romance them and get them pregnant.

    It's easy to move around, take on quests and take part in the wars between the princesses. The only issue is combat and getting enough one on one time with the princess to get her in the sack.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty good quality pixel-art animation, decent amount of content. The problems for me mainly lie with how the game plays. Getting money/leveling up is super grindy, and I couldn't play the game without cheats. The game is pretty buggy, and I ran into a few game breaking bugs throughout my play. It's also pretty difficult to get anything done without the help of a walkthrough. If the problem areas were improved I'd probably give it a 4.5-5. Overall I'd say if you play with cheats, it's worth playing, otherwise probably not.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun game with an interesting premise that is marred by performance issues and lack of polish.

    The idea of influencing the political landscape of a fantasy realm with the power of the D is really compelling in concept, and there really aren’t many other games like it. It kind of reminds me of a sexy Mount and Blade minus the army combat. Which is a shame, because the action rpg combat the game uses instead is a little lacking.

    The first time a princess declared war on another reign, I immediately rushed over to the weaker kingdom to buff it's defenses. I spent the next few days fighting battles on the map and pressed on to the aggressor’s capital. But before the city could be taken, I used my political influence to persuade the princess of the winning reign to declare peace, thus maintaining peace and harmony throughout the land.

    This was a really cool experience, even though I learned later that I missed an opportunity to rescue the enemy princess and potentially have her join my party, it felt like my actions had prevented one reign from growing too powerful. I felt like I had influence over the world.

    But, that didn’t really last.

    The narrative makes the Knight out as a great peacekeeper, maintaining stability across an inherently chaotic and warlike realm. However, after that one experience, I never witnessed anything like that again in my playthrough. Now that the Dragon Queen has fucked off, the reigns are supposedly in a constant state of war. But, in my game, no other wars have been declared.

    Despite the fact that NPCs actively travel the map and princesses allegedly have their own machinations, it feels like not much gets done without you. I even went to the fortune teller in the desert festival, and she said that the princesses were going to declare war on each other but they never did. Kind of a bummer.

    Other than the political stuff, the combat mechanics are clunky, the game lags really hard on the overland map, and I often feel directionless. A lot of the time I have to sit there and think: “Ok, now WTF am I supposed to do?”

    Plus, the H content is kind of lacking. The animations are great, and I dig the chibi art style, but it feels like an afterthought. There are some BF mechanics in the game, and the overall experience might be better if they got rid of the action-rpg style combat and just made the game a BF. Though, that may be a lot harder to do.

    At the writing of this review, I have entered the Kobold route, and there seems like there’s a ton of story content already in the game for the other princesses, but I kind of wish the warfare stuff was more fleshed out. I haven’t finished any routes yet, so maybe they will blow me away. Who knows?

    So yeah, the core concept is really cool and I had a lot of fun so far, but it seems like there's still a lot of room to grow. The game is constantly being worked on, and I don’t know much about the dev but he seems to put out updates pretty frequently. It has a lot of potential, so I am curious to see where it will end up.

    V 16.13
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Bug ridden, painful slow and grindy, while filled with bad game design choices. The battle system is just terrible clunky. While the artwork and the writing is pretty good, it doesn't does enough to make this game recommendable by me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations are pretty good and the story is the best part. You are able to build a team of whatever variety of girls you want and you are able to sex them during night time at camp. The combat system is unique and can be a bit frustrating at times. What sold me is that the girls can sex attack to defeat their enemies.
  19. S
    1.00 star(s)


    Bugs, bugs, bugs and bugs, meh music, uninteresting characters, bad dialogues, little guidance as to the hows and whys, lots of running interrupted by entering random places unintentionally, long seconds of loading which is amplified by the previous problem, combat is extremely clunky and the sandbox setup makes it dull, nothing else.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Altough this is an under development build (v0.13.4); this is by far the best H-RPG game I've ever played.

    It has a pretty good character design, that really stands out even with the game's cartoon-ish art style. The characters are a mix between cuteness and sensualness, making a really good combination.
    The music could be better, but it does its thing by giving the game a retro ambient that goes with the maps pixel-art style.
    The gameplay itself, features an ABS battle system; bringing a fairly fun experience when battling, or even when grinding! The quests are simply awesome, as they are not monotone at all and even come with some minigames.
    Also, there is a "progenysm" system that lets you have children with princesses, with an IVs system that would bring back some memories of Pokémon games. Did I mention that there's more than 60 possible custom features for each children you can have? That number varies with each race, but yeah, 60 is the minimum.

    There are some other details about the game, like random bugs or the boring travels from a region to another, but those things don't really ruin the game experience. And since this is a game in development, things like that can be fixed on further versions.

    Towergirls Kingdom: Conquest is a really ambitious project that has been carried out with great care and affection, and I hope that it will stay like that.