Unity - Completed - Princess Party [Final] [Laplace]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun but short game. Right from the start you are able to train the girls. Its a minigame that takes a little bit to figure out but once you get the hang of it it is pretty intuitive. Choices of girls are Charo (already pretty slutty), Flora the knight who just wants to save her country (Medium), and Azure who has another lover and doesn't want to do anything (Hard). You corrupt the girls and then have a choice of endings available.

    If you have the stats to unlock the ending where all are corrupted you are able to easily choose from any ending you want and save right before which is nice.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not as good as prev one with Ogre girl, but is also really good. Simple plot, simple mechanics, three different girls - unfortunately quite similar bodies, but different characters, you break them through constant fucking. Mechanics are quite easy, game is simple, animations are smooth, girls are moaning nicely, you have uncensored patch and you have hard mode if you thing game is too hard. Also you can unlock gallery or use cheats if you just want quick fap.

    Native English is a big plus (it's not MTL as I saw few typos, lol)

    btw NTR that everyone cries about is twice - First is redhead who already has boyfriend but fuck this loser, she's mine now (and that's not ntr imho). Second is one ending where you give your girls for public use but if you don't want it just don't click it, take them for yourself - NTR ending has the same requirements as harem ending so there is no way you'll be forced into it.

    And the best thing: you fuck their asses right from start.