Ren'Py - Abandoned - Princess Tower [v0.12.public.3] [Euphemismus]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    another one of these really weird no segs beds games i should have been paying more attention but i thought it was kind of a given though i did have one really nice ejaculation after playing the entire game with my dick in my hand all in all great foreplay 3/5 game
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Story is fun, art is very nice. Not too many games out there where Female Chastity is a core mechanic, and Trainers tend to be my favorite game type when it comes to adult material. I'll be monitoring the Patreon and Discords in case development ever starts again.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Princess Tower [v.012.3]

    This, sadly abandoned, trainer game was the best I played since Witch Trainer. It would deserve to get updated again in the future and turn into a full game one day. It is a true hidden gem!

    Art [8/10]: Even while not beeing without its flaws the art of this game is certainly unique and very nice to look at. For sure one of a kind!

    Gameplay [9/10]: On first look it is just your standart trainer style game but it excells at the H-Scenes. Most trainer style games just give you scenes but this one lets you interact with them in a simple yet awesome way.

    Story [7/10]: It uses the "princess in a tower" story temlpate and does nothign really surprising in its current form but it is still a good setup for this kind of game.

    Sound [0/10]: There is no sound at all wich is probably caused by it beeing a early version. I am pretty sure if the Dev would come back to this there would be sound at some point in its future but for now sound is just completly missing sadly.

    H-Scenes [8/10]: There are not a lot of them but the ones the game has are great if you enjoy them to be a little interactive and also progressing from scene to scene slwoly getting more lewd. Would love to see what else this game would get with future updates!

    Overall [8/10]: In its current state it proves to have amazing potential becomming one of the best games of this genre. Sadly so far the Dev left it abandoned. I would still recommend playing it if you enjoy trainer style games it still gave me a nice time experiencing it. For now lets hope the Dev might come back to this one of a kind hidden gem.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I think there is too much effort put into the lore of the story, and often found myself skimming through because of the sheer density of what I found to be irrelevant plot points. Maybe if you spent time exploring the world it'd be fine, but you are instead seemingly confined to just one location, which creates a stale experience.

    I think some of the dialogue is a bit too on the nose when it comes to how easy it is to make the Princess turn submissive, and at times felt like she didn't feel a like a realistic character. There is certainly an approach to display the relationship between her and the protagonist as somewhat realistic, to be fair, but it's once again a bit too streamlined for it to be anything particularly noteworthy.

    There is also a noticeable lack of any audio what so ever, and in a game that has a large focus on playing with pain, through means such as spanking and using hot wax, it's very disappointing.

    On top of that, the protagonist has, what I find to be, an unappealing visual design to him, and feels a lot like what you would expect from a self insert in personality. The Princess is certainly cute though, and has appealing expressions to her design.

    Lastly, the gameplay is disappointing. The systems in play are actually fairly complex when you consider the amount of different parts that exist, but they always turn into the game telling you explicitly what to do next to progress the story. There is no room for improvization or creativity from your part, as the game will always hold your hand.

    There is effort and care put into the creation of this game, but unfortunately I think there are some large, inherent flaws to its design that drag it down.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing & scenes & dialogue are just top notch. You can literally feel the relationship developing as Ari goes through the events. "Coukd you not talk about other women in front of me" was such a genius subtlety.
    Pity this got abandoned. Absolutely top tier for what it is.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier writing that really delves into the emotions and psychology of your typical trainer game.

    Mechanically, this is a pretty straightforward, even minimalist trainer. Visual novel style dialog, a handful of interactive scenes where you punish or stimulate, which earn you points to spend unlocking more content. The art is fine, kinda weird and not overly sexy.

    But that actually ties into this game's greatest strength. It takes the parts that other trainers would skim over - things you might consider filler, or mere foreplay - and makes them surprisingly hot and engaging. On their own, the graphics are only kinda sexy. But they way they're used makes them so much more effective. Same with the gameplay. The game never even reaches the point of penetrative sex, yet every little interaction - spanking, groping, teasing - ties so heavily into the characterization and narrative that they're infused with hot, heavy meaning.

    The characters are refreshingly well realized versions of the basic archetypes. The player character is still a vulgar lech who sexually and emotionally dominates a vulnerable young woman. But he's polite, reasonable, honest, never needlessly cruel or misogynistic. And the girl is neither a total pushover nor some haughty brat who needs to "learn her place" - training her is more about helping her learn about herself, and earning her co-operation. Their relationship - learning about each other, learning how far they can push each other - is the core of the narrative.

    It's a shame the game will likely never be finished. But there's still more than enough content to be worthwhile.

    Overall, fantastic writing which takes the basic building blocks of a trainer and makes them hotter and more narratively involved. Just don't expect immediate titillation or conveniently easy girls to "conquer".
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Princess Tower is an outstanding work. I played the entire thing in one sitting and came away extremely pleased.

    The story is interesting and the setting is well-chosen. The game takes place in a limited, manageable context; at the same time it gives the feeling of being placed in an intriguing larger world.

    Both main characters are wonderfully well-written. They are smart, funny, and behave in ways that fit their situation. Ari's internal conflict, and her dialogue presenting it, rings true.

    A dominant / submissive dynamic appears between the characters immediately and builds up through the game. Spanking and controlling Ari is great fun. I delight in watching her begin to accept submission.

    It becomes clear that chastity and orgasm denial will be a central focus of Ari's development into a slave. This is my favorite part of the game. There's not much that's hotter than teasing a sexy girl and keeping her from relief.

    The art is uniformly appealing. I especially like the frontal views of both characters' faces, particularly their vivid expressions. I wish Ari's hips and rear were fuller, and I think some of the one-off images deserve rework.

    Technically, and with regard to interface, this game is a cut above almost every other H-game I have played. The menus are beautifully seamless. The punishment and sex scenes really do feel interactive.

    Best of luck to Euphemismus: he's done great work and I look forward to the next installment with excitement. Already it's the finest game in the trainer genre, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in BDSM romance.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice game and lovely art. Would give 4 stars if it wasn't because it hasn't been updated in forever. Also could use some animations. A game like this would benefit a lot just from some simple animations.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game with interesting characters and good animation, can't wait for new content upgrades! Unlock all scenes, and passed to the end. Big thanks to the developer, if I can, I will be supporting this game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A perfect mix of:

    - Good interactive sex scenes
    - Hot character
    - Great believable writing

    The only downside is that the game isn't done yet, but what's here as a base is amazing. Can't wait to fuck the princess
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with slow sex progression that feels natural. Most games operate on a sex ladder system that makes no sense, this one doesn't have this problem. It manages to disguise the sex ladder with good writing and compelling, logical psychological wordplay.

    It is a realistic grooming simulator.

    That being said, I have quite a few nitpicks.

    • This game is pretty focused on a single interaction with a girl and hence the plot and world-building are fairly poor. It's missing any sort of plot motivation or tension, the "main quest" of getting the girl to surrender her title or whatever is largely underused to motivate the player, the sex is really the only thing going for it here. It could've easily had both elements with a bit more effort.
    • The dialogue is quite unimmersive. The characters simply sound too American, they talk like a bunch of BDSM aficionados on tumblr. Though they are nominally medieval fantasy characters they really don't sound like it. They sound like a bunch of people roleplaying.
    • The main character is kinda unlikable, but maybe that's just me. I like villains but this guy just has a sort of annoying smarminess about him.
    • Can't self insert into the main character without being able to choose your own name.
    • Hate the minigames, the dragging to drip candle is the worst. REALLY hard to do on mobile.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    i love this game! is a perfect combo of lust and hotness, the story is amazing, is almost impossible to skip the text because is wrote too well!
    i love the design and the animation style, i hope in a lot of content in the future
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Superb writing. I would recommed it to everyone in like six more years considering current tempo of development. There are only two scenes -one for each route so if you have not played and you're reading this - wait.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Hmm, where do I start. This game ticks a lot of boxes for me - power dynamics, female orgasm denial (fucking hard to find games for this), bdsm overtones, training, intelligent characters - so bear in mind that I'm definitely biased as write this.

    First off, the quality of writing is staggeringly good. The world-building, the characters' bantering, the witty struggles for the upper hand in a debate - all of it is top-notch, 10/10. The mental image of the world is seamless, aided by constant side references to events and kingdoms that are evolved as we progress through the game. The main character is charismatically irreverent and the princess is aggressively innocent, making for a truly beautiful dynamic. I am in turns rooting for my character and the princess herself - which is the mark of a good story.

    The art is also quite good, and the outfit changes were a nice touch. I adore the waifish-but-feisty-as-fuck trope, and the main heroine matches that to a T. I also adore the roguishly-handsome-and-capable trope, which accurately describes the MC hedge wizard. I have no complaints in this regard.

    Gameplay wise, this game is packed. It wastes no time whatsoever getting to the meat of the matter (smexy slave management), yet manages to construct a compelling storyline while doing so. There is no grind, or, at the least, no more than one would expect in a typical trainer game (the main girl must be guided down a pathway of depravity, rather than all options being available at the start).

    All in all, game gets a 10/10 from me, and I'll definitely be following this creator with interest. Great work.

    [Reviewing v0.12 Public]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game. One of the best trainer games out there and I'm looking forward to more content from this dev. The art style is also a big plus.
    Overall a really good fun time which is not too dificult but isn't reailroady.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR This game has learned greatly from Witch Trainer and Princess Trainer and is improving upon the format

    I'm not sure why this game isn't higher on the radar right now, but if the quality of the game continues (and I suspect it will), it's destined to be high profile eventually. Princess Tower takes the same format as Witch Trainer and Princess Trainer but has learned greatly from those games and made improvements. The actual gameplay benefits from a love and punishment system, while the writing has a better understanding of a dom/sub relationship.

    It's going to take its time to get there, but when this game starts hitting its stride, it's really going to be something. I eagerly await the content to come.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played my fair share of trainers and other games within the adult gaming category and I can safely put this game into my top 3 without hesitation (and in its current state).

    I think what brought this game to the top for me is the writing. It doesn't take much observational skill to realize that the writing has been worked on and cared for. Characters are believable, their positions at the time period where we see them are understandable, they have affirmations, hopes, fears and all of these are carefully woven into the story. I will put this note however, as of now, the game is not finished and story is halted at a certain developmental point.

    Art is really good, I personally like portraits and art that has its own unique style. They are not overly realistic or completely overblown, there is a certain taste of style you can get from this game.

    Mechanics wise, this game also outdoes many others in its genre and category. There is no grind, progression is guess-free (meaning you don't need to check every single option after a milestone to see whether anything changed or not), punishment and over-night stat plannings are my favorite however as they deepen the game a lot. They are intuitive and you don't need to search around to figure out how to progress. I've experienced a crash inducing bug, however it seems like I was not the only one experiencing that bug and it may already be fixed in latest patreon release.

    I hope this game gets a wider release once it finishes, as it is a brilliant example of this genre and category of games and it would set a really high standard.

    It would be a crime if I did not give this game a provisional 10/10, pending further updates. It ticks almost every box that I look in an adult game and then some. Well done.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, good art, decent story. The girl has a very skinny body which is nice and not a body type we usually find in games. Game updatesa bit too slow tho, sadly, but I can't complain about that since I'm not even a patron.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice. The early versions were a little light on content, but now that there are a few more things to do, this is turning into one to watch.

    The writing is good, the humour is nicely understated, and the dialogue is believable. The art is good, the scenes are fun, and if the format owes a debbt to Akabur's Witch Trainer, it still manages to do its own thing.

    Good stuff all round!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Gerardo Reddit

    Pretty nice game, a little grindy, but noy a lot, the art is very nice, the scenes as mentioned before a little grindy but it pays off, and the the dialog is actually pretty nice too, 100% recommended hope too see more content soon.