RPGM - Completed - Princesses Never Lose [v1.04] [AVANTGARDE/Kagura Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I really expected more from this game by looking just at the tags, but this was very boring and there were many contradictions, like, instead of a progression to being more and more lewd, you are just given the choice to go all the way and that's it. And how she lays an egg after being preg from a human, and why there are no MP potions in the stores or any way to recover MP? Maybe there is more in later gameplay. I just don't care. The art is the average kagura game and, in my opinion, they feel very plain and how the heck ther are just a few scenes with the game being 1.7gb.

    Overall, it is a waste of time , if you looking for a great art, story or H-scenes.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It’s a decent game overall.

    The parts it gets right are genuinely enjoyable, with interesting mechanics and some really good H scenes.

    The downside is that it feels a bit lacking in content, especially for a game of this size. Whether it’s due to being rushed or just laziness, there are many half baked points in this game.

    Still, I would say it's among the good ones on this site so, don't miss this one.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I personally had a very fun experience playing through this game a couple summers back. The story is nothing too special but I find it executed in a good way where it is engaging and fun to follow.

    The 'main' system of event battles and the lasting consequences I also quite enjoy. It makes me wish there were genuinely challenging adult RPGM games that utilize that idea and make it an interesting way to handle how your herocharacter looks at the end of their journey after the trials and tribulations they've endured.

    Sadly it is machine translated, or feels like it and often it's not super clear what they're talking about with different words being used to describe the same thing in an odd fashion. (Make use of the 'hint hut' for a smoother experience in that case.)
    There is also a big gamebreaking bug which stopped me right in my tracks and was able to be resolved through tinkering with files as is described on the forum pages, but it left a bitter aftertaste in an otherwise really fun experience.
    (another nitpick would be that 'pregnancy' always results in the same kind of egg being laid. Which is understandable to save time making different cg... but alas.)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game with a lot of content and good scenes. This is definitely one of the better RPGMaker games. I can't really think of anything I would complain about for this game other then that I felt it was lacking content for the side characters. There was a lot of content for the main blonde haired girl but there wasn't much in terms of content when it came to the other two.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This feels like a much lazier Kagura game than most of the rest.

    It seems rushed, and doesn't quite have the polish, thoughtfulness and unique elements that some of the other games. There must have been some ambition here, but it got rushed.

    There are almost no choices and no side quests. You're literally just going to the next spot where you are supposed to go. The supposed choice between fighting and a sex scene is pretty much all you have going here.

    There is a synthesis system, but it also is just linear.

    I made it to the 3rd city (4th including the home city) and just got bored.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    cute girls, choices how to proceed, simple story, lack of immersion.
    it could definitely be improved, but...compared to plenty of other games I've played. this tries to respect a players time. I recommend this.

    has new game+ (able to unlock all CG from home "castle" here)

    able to finish the game without having sex.

    can go through the game fighting or skipping boss battles with sex.

    the art style!

    the fortune teller (gives you a hint on what to do next)

    CG recollection (main menu)

    synthesis system (except combining by materials...)

    skill instructor. will charge you for skills you already learned.

    during the rebellion the music didn't change to something more fitting, and you had NPCs walking around like nothing was happening...

    the high lights for menus is a bad color. blends in with background

    being party leader doesn't always change how people react to you. its actually quite rare that's the case...even fails at times when you know the character knows the character you're using...
    like the elf library is an absurd situation where one will insult someone they care about while they are in the lead of your party...

    NPCs don't always respond to you or act in a logical manner.
    in the city of Milavis as an example. there is a noble who at the end of his conversation will threaten to throw you into jail...now...does this make sense when you are the greatest authority in the city? or even higher than that?
    there might be a rebellion going on and some of them just walk around and act normal while, what we are led to believe is a massive battle is going on around them show no signs of acknowledging it...

    same with re visiting previous areas, it doesn't really feel like what you are doing matters...there is little change. and you have no authority or anything of value despite your position.

    battles do not give enough abilty points...no matter how powerful an enemy is it still only give 5.
    you need these if you want to level up your "class" yet the number never get better to make it faster.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked this one, the characters at least move around at a good pace, and the maps are better detailed than most, story is convoluted, and ending is sort of wacky, but it plays well... Be sure to track down in this thread some place the 1.05 update, some people have had a bug of some kind going into act 5.

    I have no idea if the patch helps on that, but I never saw the bug.

    The characters talk way to fricking much, I found my self not wanting to even read all the dialogue, but first time to weed out the things you need to do it may be a good idea.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    One would look at the good visual style, interesting premise and other favorable ratings and think you'd be set with something good for a few hours, but damn was I wrong.

    I'm sure this game may (and do) appeal to some people and what it bothers me may not be bothersome for others, but the main issue with the game is that it lacks any sort of subtlety, the characters and dialogues are all very bland and devoid of any personality, there's no nuance, no build-up, no...well, nothing.

    I've played through a few not-so subtle games where you parade as a sex-addict bimbo or one that turns into one overnight, but damn, those at least pretended something happened or at least placed a script device like a curse or hypnosis or blackmail or ...anything at all. Not this game tho, not this game. You are supposed to play this virginal warrior princess that gets riddled with difficult decisions like battling or whoring her way out except there's no thought or plot feedback to your decisions. The battles are easy, so there's no conflict there, and just as easy she can decide to sex it up like she's deciding what to eat for breakfast.

    Frankly, I stopped playing this game very early, so it's possibly (though remotely) that it could get better. But the breakpoint for me was at what I guess was still the begginning: You liberate this fortress by beating this super easy captain boss or by tit-jobbing him, then you can go back to the fortress and there's this nameless soldier that you can interact and he says(verbatin): "it's too late to escape by ship, but I don't wanna fight anymore, please! ... Won't you give me a blowjob in the name of our newfound friendship?" Then you can answer: "(a) refuse or (b) Friendship? I can't say no." Then you, this supposedly virgin princess, proceed to service the entire fortress just because a soldier asked... a princess. What. the. actual. fuck. How old is the person that wrote this game's script? I mean, wtf, there's even a sex stat section in the menu that states: "virgin princess that even hates the thought of sex" or something like that. But oh, it's ok to join a bukkake orgy to make a few grunts happy. And you'd think she'd at least have a few thoughts after the deed like "oh no what have I done, etc etc", but no, it just happened. No, there's no morale system, reinforcment or popularity points, no war effort, it was just a virgin sex-hating princess pleasing some soldiers in her newly acquired fortress lobby just because apparently that's a thing that seems plausible for the developer. Seriously, it's like whomever made this game has absolutely no remote idea of how a human being is supposed to behave, much less a woman/princess. I mean, i've played a few games made by robot nerds that think things like rape is super chill like a casual friday where the fem protag just go "oh no I was raped, oh well, best it doesn't happen again" completely foregoing all -or any- psychological issues or -god-forbid- any plot development that may stem from that, but boy, does this game takes the prize.

    I'm not one to judge a person's fetishes but what's the point in playing a game like this? If you'd want instant mindless gratification you'd check pornhub or something. The grindy combat system is serviceable but it's not the point while playing a game like this without a story to follow, so you're better off playing any of the thousand awesome games on steam or something. The game sells this idea that you'd have some though choices but its all very binary. There's 0 thought put on them, even the english is brutally simple, it's either an easy fight or an easy sex scene just because, and apparently there aren't that many.

    So, what's the point? Why play this and not something , nay: anything else? That's something i'd like to know aswell.

    By the way, what's the deal with the furry ears? It's completely random. Or maybe it's explained somewhere that I don't seem to care.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    So i've finished this game after 5-6 hour straight ( sorry, i have nothing to do during this quarantine time)
    This game might be 3,5-4 star depending on your solving puzzle skill.

    STORY: This game is based on Italian's history but with some Japanese Beam and Hentai Option (This is hentai game, not true history). The game is a combination of Fantasy, real life and steam-punk ? ? Okay, you will play as a princess trying to save her country. Your choice is really important (This game did a really good job). Either you can solve your problems with good old fist and violence, or you can use Hentai option to reach the goal. The game has a really standard story (base on Italian history) and some plot twists. However most of them are really normal and boring. I'LL rate it 5-7/10 (depending on your choice and taste)

    CG: I must say that i'm disappointed at this game because how few the hentai scenes are... despite this game is 1,7GB. However, they are really good and beautiful. 50% of them are lose to see, some are seduce events... so you got the point. They are well-drawn but still can't deny the fact that... most of them are recycled for many events. Fun fact: You need to finish the game and after the credit, save a file. That save file(NG+), go to your castle, there will be a chest, click it and it will unlock all Gallery. 8/10

    Music: Some how i really hate the music, it's so annoy. Must be because most of the time i need to figure out what to do, where to go, who to find (after hearing hint from the old man) and the music of that area keep repeat.... 5/10

    Fighting: You can choose EASY-NORMAL-HARD and i suggest you should choose what suit you best.
    EASY: you can one or two hit everything except the final boss (it took me 6 turns). Choose if you just want the hentai scene and story but not the grind or fighting scene. ( It can make the game boring because it's really easy)
    NORMAL: Typical MRPG game.
    HARD: You have nothing to do during this quarantine and just want to feel the challenge.
    This game has Fighting scene and losing clothes so.. that's nice. Also you can choose class and skill and... so on.... 8/10

    MAP DESIGN: It's normal, not really unique or not. Some maps are made for a certain character's skill and that's cool but overall it's just OK. Like i said, the map is a combination of Fantasy, Real life and Steam-punk, so it's not new. JUST OK. 6,5/10

    PUZZLE: Yes this part. This game is all about solving puzzle and "Finding Nemo" . You need to find this guy, find that way, find that place, ..... and the hint is 1 line (one freaking line).... Okay i maybe hard but when you have to solve what to find next but the area's music keep repeating.... AWWW *insert wrying pic* . Here is a tip: read the conversation carefully, don't skip or you will have to listen to that endless area's music. 5/10

    Before playing this game I suggest you find (even you have to find thing in order to play this game.... damn) the missing patch if you download the v1.03. The patch is on page 11, Thank you Zippix.

    Conclusion: It Look like Kagura has lost their Flawless and Beauty. This game is not that good but rather pretty normal. The game itself is normal, have nothing good except quality CG and art. However, i must say this game is still better than other games during the Machine translated MRPG flood. So if you're looking for a H - game to play during this quarantine, i recommend this game. Also pornhub is free premium, that's also an option.

  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Finished the game,
    Way too few CG and interactions (considering the size of the game I thought there would be way more CG and some possibilities of jobs/works, side quest but this game is just linear to the end).
    This is not a "bad" game but not deserving the notes it got (at least to my eyes)
  11. B
    5.00 star(s)


    Like many turn based system RPGmaker games, each opponents have different strength or weakness based on elements. You could increase obtain new skills and improve your stats by leveling up your characters, In order to gain new weapons and armors, you need the ingredient for crafting these such as theoliths. These items are limited by days but you could reset it by resting in the inn. Other materials can be obtain through shops, ore deposit, etc.
    It also includes branching storylines.
    The User interface looks neat. It also features voice acting for the some characters. CGs seem generic but are in high quality, There are few typo but localization itself good.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    So, let's talk about the game that is currently selling well...And by that, I mean not that alone, but the entire game itself; I've completed it, and just like 1 person in discussion pointed it out, it's not that "perfect and flawless" and "Kagura always makes masterpieces" thing that I'd have to break to because of my general experience with crap games, since I've played a good amount of them due to...false advertising, but that's not only what I hate them for, due to their common exploitation of genres like memes or sex to sell for money. At no effort.

    But putting that aside, it's time to talk about the game itself...Shall we begin with world elements first? From what I've seen and heard about, it's about Italian wars of 18th ceuntry or something, which reminds me of that steampunk vs magic RPG, but in much worse way, and this product is well, reinterpretation of that period, expect unlike that game with technology vs magic attitude, its more of tech vs no tech and rich vs poor, and let's be honest, this version of real life history is rather...schizo, because of how cannons can fit indoors, like castles, let alone firing cannonballs at floor...Then you have dragons that act like taxis with policemen checking their speed traffic, along with dragons having car engines...Which is strange, because logical people would have them being riders, but here they are like cars, but have no doors or something to house people in first place...even though you could reach that well on foot because of how small the "vehicle place" is. Taxis are normally used for transporting over large distances, only sometimes short ones, buses count as well. I could say more about those weird things that could synergize with fantasy, but I've seen only failures, due to nonsensical dialogue, such as characters who say gameplay mechanics without being in-universe to be forgiven for 4th wall breaking.

    As for plot, it's a weird mix of fantasy and steampunk modern, expect you play as fox princess who wants to liberate the world from an empire to bring peace...You can do it the forceful way, like any rational person would do in times of war, or use ahem...sexual way, which is more peaceful, but humiliates you as a warrior and a leader. Or use a nun you get later to skip some battles if you really want that. There's plot twists there and there, but all felt more like shortcomings, due to fact they are trying to be shown as failures...expect a solution appears next after.

    So, as I've tried to be spoiler-free as possible, the story of this game is rather insulting to real life due to showing expy of real life war as sex heaven, like those unplayable commander women with naked armor-less outfits and large breasts, yet magically powerful, and other things that would be disservice to historians, let alone people who want to know truth. It's full of logic gaps there and there, fantasy apocalypse devices, as well other stuff that don't exist in real life doesn't help either.

    Now for gameplay, and that well, is better than most generic RPGM games, but for most part, it wasn't special; you try to equip the most powerful items whenever possible, explore good amount of map to get a head start, scavenge for items, e.t.c. The notable things were harvesting/crafting system, skill learning/equip system, and money bank one, however, neither of those felt particularly special; the crafting items are just stat upgrades with no specials that you really want or need, due to limit in skills you try to take the most powerful ones and abandon the rest, and depending on difficulty and how you play the game, the bank option appears more as an afterthought; losing takes away half of you current money, but large amounts of it(50k+)is already too high for the entire game, aside from consumables on higher difficulties.

    As for sexual parts, in case of combat, just status effects that reduce your armor(tearing)or cover you in white liquid that does nothing, but embarrass. And that's it, no more interactions in combat. Pretty bland.

    For event based sex, its either lose and be raped, trigger certain events like peaceful options, or certain boss defeats...of which there are too few. Most of them involve men that humiliate the main character. Also note to people who don't like surprises, there's a shemale boss at later stages of the game. And do note, completing the game doesn't unlock events/CGs, you have to trigger them in a save to have them for recollection, which means you HAVE to do things in order to get them all. Which is even more disappointing, since many people dislike rape on defeat aspect, due to fact it breaks the flow of gameplay, unless defeat is supposed to advance the story.

    Now, on technical side of things, well, this game is full of them. As expected of a localization company that does no quality check/control, let alone assurance. From Americanized dialogue(mostly not an issue, but depends on how you make the dialogue feel right, here it feels too hoorah and so on), to skill that literally reads "Three Strike(four, due to translation from Italian, but changed to 3 due to in-game effect)", which shows how "careful" they were during the process. And remember, many people couldn't get past chapter 5 till patch because of that! I've also seen some bugs and glitches here and there, but most of them were visual ones, which is an issue, but whatever.

    For art, its rather normal for anime artist made games, but considering what the art IS about, well, it did shown gross things that should be in places dedicated for that, like swimsuit military general having sex with soldiers...Which is offensive to real life military as it dehumanizes and washes history for the uneducated part.

    Maps themselves are linear for most part, with deviation rewards being weapons/armor from chests that can be upgraded and only found there, to items that mostly you want rather to sell than to keep, and a gimmick that makes certain characters have special abilities, like opening locked doors, or jumping over gaps...but you have to switch to said character via formation, which in combat, may be not as desirable because of battle order system. And annoying to switch to character to character to do just 1 thing.

    I've took 6-7 hours to beat this game from start to end, and while it certainly wasn't that short, some of time was wasted finding out things that fortuneteller wasn't able to give accurate descriptions/locations of. On higher difficulties, you probably have to grind. Which doesn't help for strategy department. The fact my reward for completing it was...more gameplay with no changes other than keeping my stats, not even a full gallery, it means I have to waste more time doing something that designers should've fixed in the first place.

    In conclusion, this game would've an mediocre and not much disappointment if I was merciful enough, but those issues make it worse. And you should know what is quality and what is called polished crap.
    Please play good games. Not ones made to exploit tropes, especially if it tries to ruin real life history. Not the worst, but you should think twice before mindlessly praising or mindlessly hating.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    good H game
    you have the choice to solve thing in sex or combat
    and not just lose to get H it's by choice
    I'm not sure how good combat is because I go easy mode
    and use H choice to clear unnecessary enemy
    but look at how many mechanic they put in
    if you feeling for play rpg there are plenty for you to go and have fun?

    in term of H scene
    art is great
    build up is good
    a bit long but someone prefers long
    variety of scene is large with difference character is a plus
    And lasting Isabella and Sofia is dope!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game. No forced sex scenes (unless you lose), likable enough protagonist and supporting cast. Nothing too special, but at least it's not the usual RPGM shovelware. Overall, well made and a good enough game even without the porn.

    More important than anything: translated well.