VN - Others - Completed - Prison Academia [v7] [Anime Lilith]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best anime Lilith Kangoku Senkan series.
    This should be called the 4th installment in the series.
    I have to say, with the updated graphics and 2 hot woman with huge tits. It's fulfilling my fetish for mind control quite a bit.
    Hoping for a sequel on this 1.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Huge dissapointment, I love the Prison Battleship series but this is the weakest entry yet. This was the first time where I had a hard time chosing a girl, not because they were both so hot, but because they were both really uninteresting.
    There isn't even a reason to take revenge on the girls this time, maybe against Eliza because she killed your dad but that's what happens in war so I couldn't really blame her. They didn't know about the later war crimes their side commited and when they first learned about it they were willing to help punish those responsible, so there goes the revenge fantasy aspect these games usually have.

    The sex scenes are really weak too, in most of them they only do 1 thing and it's over, like you only finger a girl in public and that's it, it never escalates or a girl gets spanked in class while teaching and that's it for the entire ~20 minute scene. It takes a really long time to finally get to actual sex (apart from the first night where they both get fucked for a really long time lasting multiple scenes, as is tradition in these games). And even when they finally get there sometimes the guy completely covers up the girl while on top of her so all you can see is the guy's ass back back and maybe some boobs.

    The training also doesn't have lasting effects. Doesn't matter that a girl broke one night and got slutty the next night / scene she's back to being rigid and pretending she doesn't like it, it gets really boring. I had to restart the game halfway through because Julia was so boring I couldn't take it anymore. I ended up liking Eliza a lot more, at least with her it was exciting to dominate a dominant girl.
    In the end this truned out to be a mistake because the game doesn't have individual epilogues for the girls, so if you keep chossing the one girl you like you'll never get to see her get pregnant and become your "wife". You have to do a mix of both of them and get the harem ending for it.

    The game also doesn't utilize the academy setting and schoolgirls will never be involved in any scene. That one sample image really got my hopes up but that's from one of the endings and none of the girls get touched in it they just stand there lined up. Also I've never heard pig bitch so many times in one game before, it lost all it's weight since they kept throwing it out multiple times in every scene from the start.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    First Kangoku Senkan spin-off, it's been a while since we have a new entry in this universe, wich imo, is a shame.

    As a Kangoku game this one is really good. Sian did a fantastic job, the two main heroine are really interesting, art style, voice cover and animation are just perfect.

    My only concern is the villain, depicted as a discount Boghan, he didn't have any charisma or unique mindset. He was described as smart and cunning, but ended up being just lucky.

    Not gonna spoil much, but out of the 2 main routes, the good (and shorter) ending is probably the best, because all characters act depending on their personality and the scenario goes smoothly, although it's the only one logical ending here.
    Every other ending are forced and rest on coincidence and chance to happen, so it really kill the mood here...

    So overall, a great game, with amazing art, voice actress and new heroine, an average story, enough to develop a nice plot, but a really underwhelming villain and shortcuted bad ending...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say? It's a Lilith game. It's a bit perplexing to me why these games never get much attention on F95zone.

    Lilith does one thing better than anybody else. Showing perfectly paced corruption arcs where strong women fall and become "pig-bitches." That's essentially the theme of all their popular games and this is no exception.

    Keep in mind that you will definitely not find an original plot here if you have played any of the Prison Battleship games. All 3 of them, and this one as well, follow essentially the same major plot points. However, the little details in the execution lets us enjoy the results, as predictable as they are at this point. I felt like the formula was getting a little bit stale after playing Prison Battleship 3, but for some reason, this one never felt dull even though it uses the same formula. The concepts for some of the scenes were pretty creative.

    On the subject of characters, I rather liked Julia's personality. Think of her as an "Ingrid" type, with a low toned voice and a serious demeanor, always on top of things and never showing weakness. These are the best types to bring down imo. Eliza is the lively and fiery one who seems hotheaded, but is rather calculating and composed when it matters. You know the type. The standout was the MC though. Our anti-hero, Albert Payne, is even more conniving and intelligent than our old friend Donny Bogan. He actually has quite a good justification here for holding a grudge against our heroines, so maybe it's easier to root for him. But who really needs justification, amirite?

    I am a huge Kagami fangay, but sian really gives him a run for his money here. The art is top notch. The obscene ahegao faces are captured very nicely.

    Finally, our own Sarcia has done an exceptional job with the translation. You will find the occasional typos, but those are being patched out at a steady rate. The level of English as a whole is fantastic. Thanks for the hard work.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great VN with good translations. The two main females look incredible and the voice actors for them are great. Not an incredibly long game but with the animated scenes it's really quite enjoyable to experience. Probably one of the best VNs from Lilith. If you like anything from Lilith such as Taimanin, you'll love this one.