Tool Ren'Py Program to help you save space if you have a collection of VN's but limited space


Feb 2, 2019
Hello, I thought it was time to give back to the site, after the site has given me so much.

This is a tool i made to help me save hard-drive space but still keep my save history for each of the VNs i play.

here is what you do:
You make a bat file and you paste this code into it

@echo off
pushd "%CD%" || exit /B 1
for /D %%D in ("*") do (
    if /I not "%%~nxD"=="game" rd /S /Q "%%~D"
for %%F in ("*") do (
    if /I not "%%~nxF"=="cleanup.bat" del "%%~F"
pushd "%CD%\game" || exit /B 1
for /D %%D in ("*") do (
    if /I not "%%~nxD"=="saves" rd /S /Q "%%~D"
    if /I not "%%~nxD"=="persistent" rd /S /Q "%%~D"
for %%F in ("*") do (
    del "%%~F"
What this script does is, it goes and deletes every single file and folder except the saves

then you copy that file into where you renpy exe file is. and you run it when youve completed the VN. so you keep your save and persistent file for easy copy when the dev releases a new version in 2989


New Member
Aug 16, 2017
1. Don't make it delete itself (or at least let me choose")
2. It didn't empty the "game" folder