[S>Programmer] Unpaid Programmer looking for a fun game project


New Member
Jan 5, 2019

I'm an American software developer looking for projects to work on in my spare time. I have a full-time dev job doing boring code monkey stuff, and it's killing my love for programming, so I'm just looking for some fun stuff to do in my offtime so I actually enjoy it again. I also just enjoy doing game dev, and I'd like to participate in the adult games community since I enjoy its productions.

- Unity
- Game Maker Studio
- Phaser.js
- C#
- C++
- Python
- JS (along with frameworks, Node, React, Vue, Angular, etc.)

Preferred method of contact:
- You can DM me here. I have discord and other forms of contact, but I'm not looking to give it out on a public post.

Employment Type & Rates:
- Free. I'd consider doing revenue share for larger projects, but I'm mostly doing this out of interest in having a hobby and don't want to complicate it with financial interest.

- Part time hours most days; since I generally am not looking for paid work, I'll likely be putting in hours at a time whenever I feel like it.

Work Samples:
- I have code samples up on github, and several SFW games I've created by myself (in the above frameworks) on itch, and I can DM you those. Not looking to connect my accounts like that on a public post.

Additional comments:
- I'd really enjoy working on whatever, but I want to make more games in Unity and / or web games with frameworks like Phaser or straight front-end frameworks like React.
- I think it'd be really cool to work on a team as well; I'm absolutely fine making a duo, but larger scale development is more fun to me.
- Send me some samples of the work done so far, whether that's art, writing, code, design doc, etc when you DM me if it's not hard. I'm not super selective, but I'm not trying to join someone who just has a cool idea and hasn't executed on it at all.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon!


May 14, 2017
Hey, I started a thread recently asking about doing a f95 community game initiative. Check out the thread if you're interested, would love to get some more programmers involved:

Everything's purely in just theoretical discussion mode now so, nothing to commit to or anything! Just looking to see if any people would be interested.

Beyond that, you mention you like using Unity - what sort of games do you enjoy making? DM me samples of your games if that's ok? I'd be interested in seeing them. Thanks!


New Member
Oct 11, 2018
If you are still looking for a project, send me a message. I am a programmer as well, and two heads are better than one.


New Member
Nov 17, 2020
Hi, I don't know if yhou are still intrested, but I am making a game called Breedathon, a mix between the Adult game Breeding Season and Pokemon, I am looking for help with programming. I am willing to share earnings or pay if reasonable. I have been using Fungus and Unity, so please be familiar with these programs. If you are interested or have questions, please comment, or email me @jhilikeyah@gmail.com, or chat with me on discord, my username is jhilikeyeh#8493.


Jun 14, 2020
Hi, if you are still interested in taking on a project I am currently looking for a developer to help build my game. I posted a thread about it in this forum looking for people to join my team. I will link the thread here if you want to take a look at it. But it is essentially an old-school, dark fantasy RPG, with a lot of deep characters and writing. If you are interested feel free to contact me on here, or through my discord YAMU#6529. I appreciate your consideration.
