[S>Programmer] Paid Share Unpaid Programmer looking for a project


New Member
Aug 16, 2023
Hey! I'm ShingerX and I'm looking to work on a project.
I've been programming for years now, creating and participating in many projects.
I mainly work with C# and unity, but also a lot of ren'py and python.

- Unity
- Ren'Py
- Unreal (C++/BP)
- Custom(C++)

I'm open to any type of project, so don't hesitate to tell me about your projects!

Preferred method of contact:
- Here

And just in case, I'm working on prototypes right now, so if people are looking for a team and want to create one, don't hesitate to contact me too.
- A vn rpg with a Darkest Dungeon-style combat and effects system
- A totally abstract way to represent life and story using cards
- A puzzle game

Thanks for looking at my post!
Have a good day.


Crummy Classroom's Developer
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2020
hello, your prototypes sound interesting and are kind of align with that I'm trying to create, can we talk about the project further through discord? my name's the same


New Member
Feb 4, 2025
I just created an account on f95 to reply to this.
I'm currently looking for a team, if you happen to need assistance with game design, story, 3D renders/ videos (I use blender), etc.

I've also got a project I'm working on, using Ren'py (I'm most familiar with python), with the realization that I won't be able to get a demo out anytime soon if it's a one person job for everything.