Unreal Engine Project Maiden: Tactics and Dating sim (Public Release!!!) [Development Thread]

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
I've begin working with an artist to create 2d icons for abilities and characters, they're beginning to come out really well!
I've been talking about finalizing writing for weeks, but in truth, I've had a nasty case of writers block, which has finally cleared recently, resulting in the completed drafts for the conqueror's events for levels 0 and 1!
In addition, expression animations are being finalized for the third character.

Next week will focus on finalizing the writing for the conqueror's level 2 scenes, as well as adding sfx to bond scenes!

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
progress is coming along nicely for all of the 2d assets, and while progress on writing the conqueror's scenes has been slower than expected, they will be finished within the week. On a better note, the third character's expressions have been fully imported into the game! There are some minor issues to fix, but as a whole, it looks incredible.

Next week will focus on writing + SFX design.

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
My sincerest apologies for the late post, but I promise that it'll be worth the wait.
The system for sex scene sound effects has been fully designed and implemented on all scenes, including voice acting! I'm extremely excited to post a teaser of things to come.
With sound effects done, the final focus will be to work on gameplay polish for the rest of the month.

Next month will focus on packaging/optimization, and hopefully, September will have the game's initial release!

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
Technically still on time!!!

lots of work was done to finalize the enemy AI in targeting non-player objects in order to create more varied objectives during combat that aren't just "kill all enemies"
In addition, the quest tooltip system has been added, allowing for the player to clearly and easily track their next mission, as well as see the results of completing previous missions.

The rest of the week will be dedicated to patching up combat, as well as testing some new layouts for more maps
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SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023

The truth is, I've been purposely cagey about sharing the adult content of the game. However, it's finally reached the point where I feel as if I've got something really special to show.
Take a look!

Note that all sex scenes will be viewable with a free-cam mode as well, so you won't be limited just to these scripted angles.
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Reactions: Monke Cooke

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
Sorry for the late post!
as progress on the game is ramping up for the release of the vertical slice, I've been able to focus more on the appearance of the assets, and pretty-ing everything up. here are some preview pics of the ship and it's living spaces!
And finally, heres a preview pic of Irina's cabin!

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
The ship looks super cool from the outside! I hope we see it somewhat often during gameplay. Maybe as a loading screen, if nothing else.
TY! it's mostly kitbashed, but I'd love to hire a 3d artist for a more custom model in the future. It will be part of the terrain during the survival missions, and visible/walkable in all hub areas!
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Reactions: Monke Cooke

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
sorry for the late update, but i will likely be changing my update dates to mondays, wed/thur simply don't work very well.

Lots of exciting stuff to share! combat animations are being finalized, and gameplay ui systemshave been finished up, with ability descriptions that will dynamically display the correct effects by taking status effects/gear/levels into account. Unfortunately, the vertical slice will contain placeholder icons for the abilities.

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
Massive milestone today, the game has been successfully packaged with no issues, bringing the file size to roughly 3.3 gigs. Lots of progress was made over the week on UI and other player systems and bug fixing, it's really important to me that the vertical slice runs as smoothly as possible. I'm really looking forward to getting it in your hands!

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
All special abilities have had their animations imported from their contractors, Looking forward to implementing them!
currently dealing with an asset loading issue, but working on a fix!
A pause menu with settings and other options has been implemented!

Major tasks to finish before releasing this month:
1. level polish/testing
2. performance tests (this week)
3. Save/load system (this week)
4. quest/objective system (this week)
5. minor bug fixes
6. Currency balancing (this week)

As a thank you for following the game until now, here is a look at the game's splash art!
(no logo/title yet because I still haven't decided)
Maiden-1 - Copy.png

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
Still working on major tasks, as well as optimization, but more and more of the game is coming together!

Major tasks to finish before releasing this month:

(In Progress) level polish/testing
(In Progress) performance tests
(In Progress) Combat Polish
(In Progress) minor bug fixes
(Finished!) Save/load system
(Finished!) quest/objective system
(Finished!) Currency balancing
(To Do) UI testing

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
It's finally time! the game will be releasing next week!
I wasn't able to get every feature i wanted into the VS, but i'm extremely proud of what i've currently got
I've updated the initial post with Screenshots of the game, and am extremely excited to get it into your hands!

Monke Cooke

New Member
Feb 8, 2024
Very excited to play it! I'll try to give you some good feedback once I do. Would you prefer it be posted here, on some other channel or over DMs?

SpiteWorks - Cassian

Formerly 'SpiteWorks'
May 9, 2023
the release date has been locked in and will be released come hell or high water!
The build will be posted for FREE on patreon/substar and is estimated to be 3~4 gigabytes