VN - Ren'Py - Project «Mnemosyne» [v0.2.1] [Fint Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    English is definitely not the first language. Seems like it was translated via google or chatgpt. It's ROUGH lol.

    Granted, as I'm ignorant and cant speak the other native tongues I cant say the writing is good, as alot of the time it doesn't make sense. Typically would review harder based off that alone but I can tell theres a decent thing here.

    The attempted story is good though, I like the "conflict" and the environment its very interesting in that aspect. It's just tough with the english being so badly translated at alot of points. I like the characters, even with the rough translations you can get a good grasp on how each person is and what they are about.

    Mainly the best friend is written so perfectly but man, so far into the story and you painfully wait for that opportunity to have theMC to be like "I LOVE YOU PLEASE MARRY ME ALREADY" :KEK: She's perfect for any tomboy-esq enjoyer. Hard to find a better LI than Kristina especially with how open she is, outside her playing with others a bit too much, not great for possessive types. The other girls come & go but this is mainly centered around MC and his very abrasive, stubborn childhood bestfriend who is very clearly in-love with him and bends him at her will but just for whatever reason doesn't want to push for her own feelings as MC goes off and just falls into random holes, that didnt really take much to accomplish.

    Animations are pretty standard, nothing great or superb but any animations are always welcome so I'll never down a VN for that.

    There is minigames which I can appreciate, sometimes just going through a mostly kinetic novel (theres choices but they dont seem to be that substantial atleast at this point) just gives that little bit of extra factor to the story. There is a lot of times where a choice would be nice though. Helping certain people or deciding certain things against the players will is kind of annoying at times.

    But yeah 3/5, would rate 4/5 if english translation was a lot better but yeah, its decent for what its worth.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5: it's a mess
    Renders 3/5: okay. nothing special
    MC 1/5: he sucks in so many ways
    Characters 2/5: most are terribly dislikeable and annoying
    Choices 1/5 : rare and with very little impact

    For the final score I have prioritized after what I personally find to be of the highest importance, which is: The MC and choices being of he highest importance. Followed them by other characters and story and lastly renders.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all, this is the first time I have written a review, and this remains my opinion.

    Story: This would have been a good VN if the choices had an impact on the story, but unfortunately this is not the case.
    Tried with all the choices, the story remains the same (nothing changes, the same outcome).
    if there was the Kinetic Novel tag at least the players will know what to expect.

    Animations(and there aren't many) : average at best

    For me (and again, this is just my opinion), it had potential but was disappointing in the end.

    Best of luck for the dev in the future.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The only way I could like this game is if I had my NTR phase-mode on as we all someday have, since I wasn't expecting at all it it's all a big head-vein popper of a story, so frustrating and not for people looking for an easy light wholesome read, in part because of the over-par writting. I'll remember it well but it only made me cuss a lot.

    It's got a lot of potential in the looong and I mean long run though with all the girl characters and arcs, so there's that.
    So a total headscratcher full of frustrating stuff to read with from a great written and cohesive characters that makes them really alive by your regular van standard
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This story feels stupid stright from the start and once the intro to a story fails so big its close to impossible to pick it back up.

    Also a fair warning that you will see grils being with other dudes, MC will even dream about hes friend/girlfriend being raped by another dude, even though its a dream its just not something i want to see in any way or form dream or not.

    MC and hes Friend gets a phone call form their parrents and get told to pack up and take a cab to the airport, with 0 explanations as to why, but it sounds like something is very worng.

    The way MC acts is brainless, he dosent question anything, not even when they meet a weird dude on the airplain who also got them trown out of their college in their home town and hes more then happy to just follow him and go into the car of that weird dude for a 8-9 hours drive....without knowing the dude and without getting any kind of just dosent make sense, who in their right mind would be that stupid.

    Then they arrive at their new college and gets told they cant leave even if they wanted to and they cant tell them for how long they are forced to stay there, and they have to follow the rules given to them, so pretty much a prison, with plenty of guards to stop anyone from leaving.

    Also MC is already on a football team???? and he has a game the same day as they arrive to the prison???? what??? something MC is happy to accept, instend of trying to figure wtf is going on.....and MC then goes to play football after a long flight and a 8 hours car drive and still with 0 information to whats happening...its just to shitty a story.

    MC fully just accept all of it no questions asked....i just dont get it, why make MC brainless like this, it just dosent make any sense to how a normal person would react, Kristina MCs friend is the only one acting remotely like a normal person....but MC fuck hes so brainless that it hurts to put your self in hes place, hes even a pushover and just gets hes ass kicked in fights, it just makes game unplayable when MC is this bad.

    When MC finaly get hes mother on the phone he yet again gets no info and dosent even ask why hes been trown in a prison, just ask what the point is of what happened, and ofc she refuse to tell him anything.....feels idiotic since MC is already locked inside the prison so cant do shit no matter what she could tell him, MC just takes everything waaaaay to lightly and without a care in the world.

    As for the rest of the story its very vanilla and boring, and for some reson all the girls feels like lesbians or BI constantly touching one another, even MCs friend acts weird trying to get girls to hug with MC and her self....feels off.

    And apprently there is a rapist but MC being an idiot dosent take pictures of the act even with a phone in hes hand, and he dosent report it, and its gets even more idiotic how it progress with MC having to blackmail the rapist to stop it....instend of just getting the evidence and cops involved....
    MC is just 100% useless, and absolutly no fun playing.
    And on a side note, the girl MC saved from future rape gives him the reward of asking if he knows if hes girlfriend is into girls because she wants to be with her.....fuck me....seriously? lol

    Bit of a spoiler in next text, buts its just to stupid not to mention.

    Who comes up with this stuff, MC and hes girlfriend sees a murder happen, then get confronted by the headmaster about it and them keeping quiet, and MC has this bright idea to blackmail the people involved with the murders to be allowed to move him self and hes girlfriend into a secluded house where the two can be all alone.....i mean really....lets move away from all the potential vitnesses and safety and into a house all by them selfs while having one of the people involved with the murder live with them in the same house...... come on this got to be a bad joke.....

    The girls/LIs are mostly focused on big or huge tits build, so not much fun in that unless thats your fetish, and it has the same flaw as many games with the older LI the bigger tits like they grow forever....

    Animations: pretty rare and at best average.

    Music: is about average nothing special and not mood setting, and most of the game is just silent.

    Choices: there arent many of them and the few ive seen are just fake choices that have the same outcome, so no point in them being there if its just kinetic anyway.

    Very short review of the weird and shitty story:
    Look at the facts, MC gets a call that sounds like hes parrents and him self is in danger, hes forced to pack up and go on an airplain to then take a car ride with a unknown dude that MC apprently then find out hes been trown in a prison of some kind for an unknown amought of time.
    And MC question none of it and goes to play a football match???
    And when he goes to sleep he just thinks "Things arent too bad yet"

    Not too bad? lol Could it be any worse? ...
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A bit of a surprise.
    The graphics are unremarkable --- unlike the storyline. This has been written by someone with genuine narrative ability. There are many hints of 'more to come later' and this is definitely NOT a VN/game for those wanting a quick fix. Nonetheless, I found the story and characters to be engaging and I was always wanting to see what happened next.
    This is not 'War and Peace', but it is a decent effort that I'll be watching with interest..
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This VN is weird and poorly written. Or should i say Poorly structured.

    As some have mentioned before, MC is pretty much a pushover. There are irritating characters. The Main girl is around like 90% of the time. No option to ignore her or get away from her. And that results in MC getting cockblocked.
    Like i was interested in Diana, but nothing happens with her. Everytime you meet her, there just some dialogue and then nothing. And i am pretty sure that is happening because i have always kept my distance with the main LI.
    Anyways, i end up skipping most the game because its not interesting at all.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Pleasently Surprised.

    When going into this, I was expecting it to be one of those rendered games.
    Like the ones that you see on every page and are mostly just bad or cash grabs or someones first attempt.

    This on the other hand, seems to be quite promising.
    Worth a shot, especially in the future with more updates.

    The Renders/Art Style was typical to what you can imagine from these type of games.
    Some Characters are customized a bit and some feel more Asset Store.
    Definitely would love to see the characters be more their own Thing instead of falling into the most typical Stereotypes (Though Stereotypes can be fun too ;) ).

    The Scenes were at times ok, but mostly very empty.
    There definitely was an attempt at times to fill them out, but it's still quite typical 3D Scenes.

    The Menu isn't too bad but also not crazy.
    Would have loved to see more Information on the Gallery for how to unlock certain scenes.

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    All in all though, I feel there is quite a lot of substance to work with here.
    More Details would definitely be appreciated and if I understood the Authors vision for this, then I would definitely say that all of the stories need more breathing space.

    The Characters are promising but currently a bit lack luster since they all need more story and time which in a 0.1 release obviously won't be the case.
    Can't wait how some things will play out though.

    The Art definitely could be improved and focus more on creating a good consistent feel of the world through the whole game.
    Though, if that would come at the cost of Story Quality then I can easily do with this Style as it's the Story that sold me the most.

    I would generally recommend it but it definitely needs more updates and work to be able to represent that authors vision.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is very badly written and boring. Even for a porn game where you can have characters who are assholes for no reason or superficial reasons, this was too much. There are so many characters that are so annoying they ruin the game, and it's more than just the fact they are supposed to be your rival. The MC is also a spineless, stupid, pushover, pussy. He is constantly getting knocked out and ordered around by almost everyone. He thinks that standing up for yourself or speaking up is somehow the wrong thing to do. These other characters will just insult and argue with him and he'll basically just bend over and take it.
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    Look if you don't want to make a bad guy route or put in any dark content, that is fine. It's up to the dev to decide what he or she is comfortable with including. I just hate when a dev tries to include something like that and then pussies out. The attempt at something dark was so laughably bad. Afterwards, they even tried to make the MC and kristina act like he went so far and he was a really bad guy, when he actually is still just a pushover. As for Kristina, the main LI, she is ok. Sometimes she is annoying as fuck like when she is constantly making stupid plans like the one with lucas. Other times she is funny and strong, like when she stands up for herself against the bitchy girls (someone has to since bitch MC won't). Also the girl that tries the most to get your attention is the one girl that is shown to prostitute herself off the the most annoying character in the game. Every time she came on to me I was like fuck no. And the so called bets from the other two annoying guys was pointless, like why do I need to prove myself to such asshole people. It was like this whole game was written by a 13 or 14 year old who has that perspective on people. That middle school train of thought where you feel like you have to prove yourself to people who don't matter while at the same time not speaking up to defend yourself. The only reason why this isn't a one star review is because the girls look good and kristina was an alright character most of the time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written game so far. Good character depth and variety. There's a lot of potential here and I look forward to what the author decides to do with the story. So far, the characters are quite realistic and I like how the male characters are exist for more than just comic relief or villainy.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very surprised about this game. I didn't go into it with high expectations as the graphics aren't the best you've seen. But in principle it is also sufficient. Because the story is very exciting so far and especially the "best friend" is very likeable. There's a lot of flirting and the girls aren't as easy to get around as some other games are. I like it very much. I'm excited to see how the story of the two main characters continues. :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Captivating story that get you thrilled to see how it all will unfold.
    Cute girls to spend your time with
    Not sure if right but there seems to be a few paths, one to soften the red headed friend Kristina, a few offroads to meet different other girls and help with their problem and another path where you not soften your red headed friend as much.
    Overall the game is pretty well made and looks promising.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    My two cents to help this game, which I fear might be wrongfully downvoted by those heavily against other male characters being present in the story, having a functional penis and demonstrating even the slightest degree of agency. There's a difference between a badly made game and a game that does not suit one's preferences and kinks. This might be the latter but definitely is not the former.
    • A long exposure and build up, which I like a lot, though some may not
    • Thoughtful writing and well-rounded characters, each with their own backstory and secrets
    • Choices that matter
    • Some detective/mystery to solve along the way
    • Fine render quality, no irritating noise, no crappy lighting, artifacts etc; maybe not state of the art but nothing worth hating
    • A diverse set of love interests with a cheeky redhead to die for