Others - Project Realism [v0.2.1] [Mecha]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game with best visual transformations, with many tags: Height, muscle, tits, ass, pregnancy ETC. Cool gameplay, love amount of choices. Hope the game will keep developing. The visuals of both Interface and game CGIs are next level. Hope developer will add sounds soon.
    Likes: Mecha3D
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 0.2.1
    SUMMARY: Interesting story, strange UI, slightly BS writing and character interaction

    1. Very interesting story, not just the usual BS, some actual thought went into the story, dialogue, writing and pacing.
    2. Pretty good looking models (female), MC looks a bit scrawny and young.
    3. Some weird kinks, which is always good,
    4. Game mechanics take some getting use to, the interface and UI. Its not bad, its actually another way of playing VN's other than the Renply ones we use to. It is a bit more interactive.
    1. No rollback option, this is a bit shitty for me, as I may sometimes want to read something again or change a choice before.
    2. Writing is generally good/fine, however some of the script is just not right, perhaps language barrier, but you don't write things like "with all your might you turn it back to its original position" You would write maybe "using a fair amount of effort/strength you flip the chair back over" ...
    3. Also while the MC seems to be a nice person and Jade also seems to be a nice person, the event during their first interaction is just a bit to unrealistic, at least where I am from I would not trust a stranger just like that, especially a woman trusting a strange man under such circumstances, id call the cops or someone and treat the guy as a suspect or accomplice.
    4. Not overly happy about the interface and way game mechanics work, its different but a bit frustrating, but not totally bad, different for sure, but navigating is a chore and tedious.
    5. Kinks are good but I do feel it goes a bit overboard, like the inflation stuff going as far as it does, it is just total BS and looses any kink or erotic appeal for me.
    6. Game-play pacing is different because of the 2d method the player needs to interface with. It slows the game down with senseless arrow button mashing where a simple left click could have sufficed. This does mean less design for the developer when it comes to building a game world, so I understand why, but I prefer the world tbh.
    TLDR: The game world or map is set and clearly some effort went into the design of the game. The models are very nice and the plot/premise and storyline, albeit a bit confusing is interesting, almost combining mysticism and technology with some noir vibes going on makes for an interesting game. Content in terms of lewd is not really much but the stage is set for a lot more and potentially good content. While there is room for improvement, I will keep my eye on this one.
    Likes: Mecha3D
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story telling, great visuals, great graphics, love the concept.
    Honestly even without the fetish content I think this game has potential, but the fact it also includes a lot of niche fetishes that are hard to find in good games is a big bonus.

    the only negatives I have is some minor bugs and a soft lock. Which I guess is to be expected in a 0.2.X game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Well this is probably the best new game in a while. It starts off great. The devs are pretty much flexing.
    Everything went smooth, navigating the map and events is a breeze (with one single bug that is if you speak to Artemis in dreamland the convo loops and you can't seem to get out of it other than by loading a save/quitting).
    The art is some of the best as far as 3D renders go, with some AI art sprinkled in for non-essential characters without a lot of content to their name (as of now).
    The transformations are currently central to the H aspect of it. As of 0.2.1 it has one real H scene, and a couple of minor transformation scenes, but the main scene has over a dozen variations, and it's really darn impressive.
    I do hope you will also have the ability to keep the transformations toned down or entirely not engage in them for the future, I was kinda' hoping I could leave Jade as she was, but atm that is not an option.
    They're focusing the rendering effort for the H and transformation scenes and sprinkling some stills throughout the more plot-oriented moments, which is a pretty great way to go IMO.
    This game is ambitious and I really hope it keeps going.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has some serious potential, especially for lovers of expansion fetishes. Good demo of what's to come is available at the moment. I'm eagerly awaiting new releases and content development. Hopefully this doesn't get abandoned or only sees updates once a year.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Top quality visuals with incredible potential. The girls are all incredibly beautiful and do not fall into the uncanny valley apparent in so many 3d games. Very ambitious in its intent to cover multiple forms of transformation including height growth, weight gain, breast expansion and ass expansion while giving the player control over which transformations occur. Also JADE IS BEST GIRL
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly one of a kind.
    Not once I have seen a game mixing:
    • any transformation under the sun (the only thing missing is futa)
    • 3D renders for each and every one of them (and *very* good at that)
    • not just choices here and there, but legitimate sandbox elements
    Mind you, at least for the moment the body mods are still preponderantly concentrated in a single section (with the main characters only catching some at the end of current version) but still, I'll tell you they are very very compelling.