Unity - Completed - Project: Sword Art [Final] [430Games, BOA]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    not a good game at all. About 26ish levels beat and only unlocked 6 pictures. their version of animation is those stills "squished and expanded" to mimic movement. the match 3 game is also bad. tedious, like most match 3 with the added difficulty of some levels have 2 tables you have to clear. So after beating it and thinking you did well with 9 turns left, you find out you have to complete another table. I understand theres a lot of RNG in match 3 but come on
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a wasted potential because it lacks the quality of content it awards the players from 15 Candy Crush levels and if it wasn't for the full gallery save I am very disappointed that my time is wasted for a 3 sec gif.

    No foreplay, speed up/slow down, change positions, interactable sex, and stuff you expect in a porn game for people to fap.

    Art 9/10
    Hscenes 2/10
    Audio 8/10
    Gameplay 3/10
    Story 1/10
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    For a gemstone-shuffle game it's very average like any other game.
    as a porn game it's way too boring. The sexy pictures are okay but the "animated" versions are just an insult. It's not even real animation just the regular pictures streched and sqished back and forth. it actually looks ridiculous... not worth the try in my opinion