Unity - ProjectR [v0.3.1.4] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    ProjectR (Version, ~12 hours played) by Team-Apple Pie is an engaging game where you must survive waves of women and sister nuns attacking your base. You manage a goblin/shortstack-based army that you breed and develop to handle increasingly difficult waves. Since your units are relatively weak, frequent replenishment is necessary. The game is still in development.

    The gameplay is straightforward, aided by well-designed tutorials. While the game’s simplicity is appealing, managing a growing number of units can become tedious. The art and animations are beautiful, adding to the overall experience. Although the game is still in its developmental stages and may feel repetitive at times, the constant waves and the evolving challenge make base development enjoyable, even at this early stage.

    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/nb1C8HZ
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much that you can do in v0.3.1.4, but it is very reminiscent of team-apple pie's previous game: Monster Black Market.

    As of right now, the map is much smaller than the previous game. I'm optimistic if this is the direction that they are planning, as late game Monster Black Market always became busy.

    It will not particularly benefit you, but you can toggle the language to English if you go into the menus in this version
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    WARNING: 4 stars because this game is basically just a ALPHA/DEMOSTRATION so expect to be clunky and unfinished. there's only about a hour or so of playtime currently. If you've played Team Apple Pie's past game you know this game has alot of potential. Seems like it's going to be a tower defense game with a good gameplay loop (capturing defeated enemies and using them to breed your own soldiers with higher stats) there's also plans to be able to invade other countries to capture their queens so you can breed even stronger soldiers with unique skills if MBM is anything to go by. There's also female variants of monsters instead of all the babies magically being male like the past game. (E.X Female variant of Orcs now called Oni's and female Goblins) If you're into Tower defense games and creating a army you should bookmark this game even if it isn't playable right now.
    Likes: mc247
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Game good, graphic good, but too early for play.

    For example gameplay too difficult after some wave, u can't uprage tower, u can't good protect door if someone already next to door, need monster who defence door outside and inside. Need functional to lvl up your monsters, because enemy to powerful!

    Need ability to delete slave or monsters.
    And that only few improvements what need game, i am glad that dev fix pregnant bug, that good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good-quality project in early stage of development. If traits will become more interesting and gameplay more diverse, that can become excellent breeding and tower defence game. Current state of project is too repetative and can be played ~15 minutes, so perfect rating in advance.
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    Yep, that widely beloved Monster Black Market. The devs are back and they're trying something new this time around.

    Instead of a managing an Inn.

    This time around, they're appearing to go the tower defense route. Quite the interesting turn of events. We'll see how this plays out, considering this game is in alpha v0.3.1.0.

    The models in this alpha appear to be re-designed versions of existing characters or characters that already existed in Monster Black Market. Only time will tell if we get some more interesting characters.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Guys, Please, before you rate this 1 or 2 stars, know that this game is in alpha

    And it's nowhere near the complete version

    So far, so good

    I didn't expect a tower defense simulator that actually contains sex as a strategy, not a compensation for winning

    Not gonna say about graphics since it's great

    Yeah, it's still lacks a lot of stuff but

    I have high hopes since their team made such a banger (Black Monster Market)

    Cheers to the dev team
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful, Best, Ultra Max Top
    this is all my feeling while playing, I look forward to games from this author like the new year, probably even more than the new year because his games touch on such wonderful genres
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very early into development but it has a solid basic gameplay loop and a lot of potental. At this stage in development there isn't a ton to do but it is still enjoyable. I look forward to future versions of this game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Currently reviewing the 0.3.0 version. Will drop another review much further into development.

    Aside from the limited amount of content to be expected from an early demo, the game's fundamentals are all there and function great. Breed monsters and humans, hand babies over to milking stations, create monsters, station monsters around the base and collect your spoils from battles won.

    Pros: Straight-foward gameplay loop, breeding mechanics altering stats, allied and enemy units which cover the basic fundamentals for a 2D tower defense/RTS hybrid. Also like the previous game Apple Pie put out it has some much needed shortstack representation. It all gives you a good taste of what's there and what's likely to follow.

    Cons: Not a lot. You can't really do very much with the Main Character, no upgrades to boost monster numbers at the towers, and Shortstack units feel very overpriced (4 vs 2) compared to generic Goblin archers while not doing a whole lot different to them. Waves are always cranking up in number while you're stuck with the same old 10 per tower population cap. Also being able to use slave units in your army like healers and such is considered a bug, and will be removed in further versions of the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a tower defense game with legit porn in it, you use goblins to impregnate imprisoned women, you breed more goblins and then you fight to defend your hideout, the gameplay is not finished yet, it's all a demo thus far, there's a LOT of clicking and unit management you need to deal with one by one, I can predict that once this game is finished it will be a masterpiece just like the previous game from these devs. 5/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.2.2.0] [Team-Apple Pie]

    A new game from famous Team-Apple Pie, whose created management masterpiece Monster Black Market, it's a tech demo, but the gameplay is already feeling great, like in previous game, you'll have to manage a goblin "factory", but the goal is completely different, now instead of time limit, you'll need to defend your house from raids, raids can be by human side or by side of hostile goblins as well.

    Since it's tech demo - execution of some actions isn't golden, i've experienced problems with dragging my units around the facility, also "start birth" button seems to live it's life without opinion of others, sometimes it glitches and doesn't work entirely.

    Some animations glitches as well, but i doubt it'll be left in next updates.

    Right now game doesn't have huge variety of units as well as their looks, but i think it's understandable, after all, game is almost a newborn.

    My overall rate is 5/5, i'm satisfied with this tech demo and waiting for future updates.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Very fun to play but as Fap materis its no so good but is fine.

    The gameplay is simple but fun and it has good aniimations.
    afther that its pretty much nothing to do or say 7/10

    (Sorry for my bad english)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite convenient gameplay, although it was a little unclear and the tutorial didn’t really help, probably due to my lack of knowledge of the language. Giving it 5 stars for great justice as long as it stays open for modding like that.
    I can't wait for the game to release!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Torao Chadabe

    If monster black market is anything to go by, this game has no reason not to become an S-Tier contender.

    Already looks promising. Looks like it's going to be a mix between the base building of mbm and a new tower defense and conquering mode, presumably to get more teritory or "recourses".
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Has some cool gameplay mechanics and the art is pretty good. I do kind of enjoy the tower defense feel of the game but i do wish there was a little more to the mechanic of it other than just put gobs in at the tower. If there is anything i missed mechanic wise i wouldnt know cause there is little to no explanation of the game and what you do. Although it is self explanatory for the most part. Overall good game Im hoping for more content
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting game. Quite convenient gameplay, although it was a little unclear and the tutorial didn’t really help, probably due to my lack of knowledge of the language. It goes through quite quickly, one might say that it is very casual.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, their last game surprised me a lot, I actually really liked it, to be honest. And this one seems to be following the same path.
    With the beta we have now, the game is already interesting, and there are still many more new mechanics and characters to be added, which makes me more and more eager for the game to be released.
    I can't wait for the game to release!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Their last game was so good that people have put a before alpha version of their new game here. If you follow their ci-en this game is going to be a real time defence game in which you "produce" soldiers from defeated enemy soldiers and Champs.

    It's gonna be awesome but maybe a bit too early for this game to have a form. The name is probably going to change too since as I said this is before alpha.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    [v. REVIEW]

    The bare bones to make the game loop is there, along with the appeal it can bring

    I only have two critiques (minor gripes really) right now:
    1) some of the controls arent intuitive to understand, and they don't close when you click on something else. This is very true in the formation section and gui.

    2) the way the offspring are born then need to be milked isnt super smooth, unlike in their previous game where there was a rhythm you can get in to of get pregnant to birthing room-> put baby in nursery & put mother in milking. Here I have to end my turn once the hting is pregnant, wait for the animation to end, put the new born on the feeding room, then end turn again to get the new monster. the whole thing isnt as smooth as it was, and if it gets to the levels of the previous game where at minimum I have 20 things happening in the end game at once, it might be too cumbersome for the player

    Still it is a good tech demo and Im looking forward to updates