VN - Ren'Py - Projekt: Passion [v0.11] [Classy Lemon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Two things stand out in this game.

    Humor: Extremely funny, and the best thing is that it's smart humor, unlike cringe humor that's so easy to fall into. I've laughed many time at this

    Animations: Might be the best you'll see when it comes to these games. It doesn't only have animated sex scenes, but animated SFW cutscenes as well. And they're voiced! What other game can provide that?

    Renders are really good too, the dev takes both lighting and coloring into consideration which is nice
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Decent renders, nothing to write Mom about. The story is recycled bland and boring. Something you can get for one of any thousand games on this site.

    This game just fell flat for me, I found it very ordinary and there's just not a whole lot of passion in the story telling. I'd like to say YMMV, but anyone who wants something that isn't recycled from one of many games is not going to find it here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed in v0.3]

    Excellent stuff thus far! The sci-fi setting is done very well, locations and characters are all extremely enjoyable to look at. The sense of humor in this game is fantastic, nearly every scene has a good laugh waiting in store. This includdes the occasional "game over" death scene which feel like a deliberate call back to old Sierra adventure games like Space Quest; very much appreciated. The variety of visual design of the girls is especially delightful, and I am very much looking forward to getting to know all these characters more.

    I do have to mention a couple very minor nit-picks. MC hasn't really shown himself to be very effectual at anything yet, despite having at least a couple chances to do so. It feels like missed opportunities, and slightly reduce my respect for the character we're playing. Hopefully that will change. Also, a couple of the sex scenes feel a bit ham-fisted into the story. I can completely understand that this is a necessary evil in a project that requires regular updates. So while they feel out of place in the moment, the need for their placement is plain as day.

    I cannot understand why this game doesn't have far more attention. Hopefully this review can help change that. Can't wait for more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good days
    Classy Lemon

    Keep up your good work, you've captivated a lot of people, keep it up with this beautiful story that I want to discover the end... congratulations on your excellent work.
    P.S. this is a personal opinion but I think that in many parts of the story you could remove our player's mask.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Without hesitation, I can call it the best virtual novel I've read in a long time. It was really good, it was fun and it's obvious that a lot of effort was put into it. Please continue without breaking your line guys. Improve, but don't break your line. But, a little advice from me, you can make the font more prominent. Good job and good work, thanks!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome, the setting is great, the plot setup is great, the protag is great, the models are great, the scenes are expertly voiced and beatifully animated. Classy Lemon has really developed with their newest game. Projekt: Passion has the same goofiness that After the Inferno has, but without the heavy backdrop of war. I personally can't wait for each chapter Classy Lemon puts out. You're doing a great job! Keep up the great work!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What a beautiful game! Engaging characters, beautiful renders, the music fit the mood of the game perfectly. While playing this game you 'll watch some of best voiced cutscenes you can find in this site. The sex scenes have smooth animations, with multi angle camera. Despite being an AVN, there are several hilarious scenes that you probably wouldn't expect if you don't know the developer, so expect many laughs between the action and the sexy time.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't really find anything to complain about for this game. It has really good renders, outstanding animations, an interesting story with good characters. The humor is really good too, not too over the top and not too tame either.

    The little things are also worth mentioning. For example when infiltrating a base, the character guarding the door notes all attempts the MC has made so far, and her lines change depending on the order you choose what to say. It's a self awareness that I don't notice in most games. Small things like that really make the game better.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Previously played his first game, After the Inferno, and really liked it, so I had to give this a chance. Pretty much everything is improved upon. Animations are top tier as expected, renders are nice to look at, sound and music improves the experience. Oh and the humor is great too Really recommended.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Aimless plot with good images. I expected a lot more from this, but I was extremely disappointed.

    The game really doesn't go anywhere, the story is not a unique idea, and it's not executed very well at that in my opinion.

    I wanted to like this when I read the overview, I just find very few redeeming qualities in the game, other than decent visuals.

    Would not recommend, your time is better spent elsewhere.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has everything I've been looking for. I wasn't familiar with After the Inferno but figured I'd take a shot at Classy Lemon's latest title.

    This game was a breath of fresh air for me. The writing is superb. A lot of the scenes can be hilarious. The humor is right up my alley. The renders are unique and the animations are great! I'm just left wanting more!

    I'll 100% be following this game throughout development and will be looking forward to each update. Thanks for sharing this with us, you've earned a Patron.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of the jokes a very corny. But in a pleasant surprise, they are the good kind of corny. The writing is overall excellent for this kind of game. I was expecting the same goofy jokes you see in a Honey Select style game but I extremely underestimated it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Why is this game so underrated? It has more passion than any I've seen on this site.

    Animations 10/10
    Graphics 9/10
    Characters 10/10 so far
    It's top humor too, laughed out loud many times

    Give the game a chance it deserves it
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I have nothing bad to say about this game. It leaves a really great impression after only the first few minutes due to the intro scene. And it keeps that quality.

    Humor is great, animations are top tier, and it's not just sex scenes, there are sfw cutscenes too with voice acting. The girls are good they both look good and they have interesting personalities.

    I hope this game really takes off. This site is in need of some actual quality and passion
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    As of the current version I will say that this is a pretty good VN.

    Story is about betrayal and revenge. I won't go into details because I don't want to spoil anything.
    Characters are diverse and have depth. Each one is unique and the development feels like they will get better as time passes.

    I believe that this could be one of the better VNs out there. The plot has direction, and the characters are well developed as of now.
    I hope that the dev(s) don't get burned out like so many others.
    I recommend this VN because the story and characters are pretty developed so far. I'll keep an eye out for future updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I was not expecting much when I saw this. To date, most sci-fi VNs in this Adult Genre have not been very good... at least IMO, but this one is great. It doesn't take itself too seriously and is well written.

    My only problem with it, really, is the harem aspect. I would have liked to see less LIs or maybe throw in another dude to keep things interesting. The good news is, there is NO INCEST! (unlike every other game on this site). I also could do without the speaking cut scenes, but they are not a show stopper and are short enough.

    Regardless, the dev is super talented and the whole production looks pretty amazing. They also go all in on the story and the humor and it works really well. Each character has some depth and they are all different and bring different things to each encounter. It's rare when I laugh out loud with these VNs but when the robot found the SAS base, I could not stop myself.

    I rarely give out five stars, but this one is deserving IMO. It is fresh, high quality production and lots of solid content with a cogent story running underneath. It is really refreshing to see some originality and this dev needs all our support.

    Nicely done!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Gotta give props to the Dev for creating such an entertaining AVN.
    Visually it's quite gorgeous from the amazing animations to those beautiful renders.
    What I loved the most is the humor as it's insanely funny especially the cold war between androids was so entertaining.

    This definitely has 'Firefly' vibe in it from its rag tag team to the happy go lucky captain with sprinkles of 'mass effect' to give an extra flavour.Almost forgot to mention finding that it also was voiced was a welcome surprise.
    Now my only gripe is the lack of a serious plotline i mean the premise is interesting & all but nothing serious happens so as to keep me engaged as a result i do get the tendency to skip texts cuz i get the feeling in the end everything is gonna be alright
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Its only been v0.2 and this is easily one of the best sci fi VN game I have played from here. Besides the obvious good renders, the features of animated and voiced cutscenes just makes this game so unique and well made. Love the subtle moving and panning of static renders as well it just makes the game ever so slightly more alive and immersive. Lastly, the humour and overall casual tone of this game is just top notch and I am really loving every second of this game. Good luck classy lemon on the project!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Excellent game; good writing, good humor and timing, good story so far, good models and renders, nice and attractive LIs, MC is fine (even if a bit silly and looking like Dr McNinja, and may seem a bit of a pushover if you are very much into alpha MCs)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is BY FAR the most I've enjoyed a game so early in development. The humor is spot on, as is the voice acting, LOVE the little animated cutscenes. The crew is all likable as well so far, getting a bit of a Visas Marr vibe from the blue gal. Very much looking forward to where the game goes from here!