Prototyping a "Batman" game and sharing my character workflow

May 27, 2024
I've been working on my potentially 1st game.

Main char based on Batman, but with superpowers + out of shape, a bit older + more evil and egotistical.
Batgirl inspired main female lover but she has superpowers and was born from a very rich and influential family.

Thoughts so far:
Gamedev is very addictive and very hard, also quite time-consuming.

Understand and get good at the gamedev workflow to eventually develop a game (whether this one or another)

Character workflow:
- Start with Genesis 9 on Daz
- 2 routes, either export unmorphed to Blender (most of the time you want this) or add morphs on Daz then export
- Morph character on Blender to get the exact look I want
- CONSIDERATIONS: clothes, hair, sexual parts (because I render in Blender this doesn't matter for me, otherwise make sure it all exports to and works in Daz)
- Make hair and clothes in Blender
- Use morph loader to import Blender morphs to Daz (settings depends on the 2 routes I mentioned above)

For Animations:
- Export final character to Cascadeur, import result in Daz
- Apply clothes and hair base mesh (the base where the curve/particle hair goes) in Daz
- Re-import everything into Blender, re-attach materials, duplicate and re-attach hair to animated hair mesh, re-touch animation if needed

I'm still testing this workflow ATM, particularly when to add the dick

Screenshot 2024-05-11 231702.png Screenshot 2024-05-11 231837.png Screenshot 2024-05-21 131007.png Screenshot 2024-05-12 211236.png Screenshot 2024-05-27 014635.png


Sep 7, 2022
The idea of shitty washed up Not!Batman "training" an idealistic young heroine has been bouncing around my brain for a long time. Suffice to say I am interested.
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