v1.09 Review:
It's like everything that should have, could have, and would have been learned from developing Grove was cast aside intentionally. This game is terrible as a normal game, and atrocious as a porn game. Amazing art and acceptable writing utterly butchered by some of the worst designed gameplay fathomable and, of course, punishing players for wanting porn.
And this is clearly a porn game. Porn. Game. Porn first, game second. Your cock is out the entire time. But what's worse is that it's a glorified walking sim with combat below the level of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I've SEEN, neigh, played decent action games in this engine...yet this isn't even akin to what I've seen literal teenagers make in Roblox.
You create an "extraction" type game, yet punish players for actually finding unique loot early on. You let them waste time, real world time that cannot be gotten back, to find an item their camp isn't ready for yet. Nothing given. Just wasted time. You make AOE attacks that one must dodge by running in a straight line in an engine that makes it impossible to dodge those if you have to heal, meaning a single one spells immediate death if your stamina is lacking. You give a stamina bar that is seemingly based on the real world endurance of whoever made this atrocity, leaving you unable to do anything but sit there like an louse until it finally decides to regen.
Why have all that amazing art that you punish players for wanting and discourage them from getting? Terrible game. I had hoped desperately it would become...something, anything better after the demo, but no. Atop a mountain of praise built upon the back of actual gooners, the path has been lost, the vision blurred, and the quality sullied.
Such a waste.
Initial demo review:
I love the art, and I really love the Dev's other game, but the engine they're using is just NOT cutout for an "extraction" game. The combat is passable, but that's the end of it. With how the combat is center stage in this game's progression, it's just really weak. It's clearly intended to be fun first, then have porn second, and that just does not work with such a horrendous, antiquated system of real time combat.
It's clunky, it's slow, and it's only slightly closer to fun than the traditional RPGM turn-based combat. Choosing to make an entire game focused around this is just so sad to see. If they would have gone with battle-fucking instead, this game could honestly be a ton of fun. Instead, it's the ever-tiresome system of losing to get scenes, which is even worse in this game since when you lose, you lose everything you've gained. Because extraction type gameplay. Seriously, how did they think this was a good idea for a porn game?