RPGM - Completed - Public Defense Corp [v1.02 DLC] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty good.
    RPG Maker based with mechas.

    - Good design.
    - Multiple endings.
    - And a lot.... A LOT of H-scenes. Very good point here.

    - Lacks on voices.
    - Battles are somewhat repetitive.

    Recomended. The plot is simple, but the game is eventful.
    I'm giving this one 4 solid stars.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So I really like this game. I've played it multiple times, most recently for the release of the uncensored version by Kagura. There are a few problems though that I will address:

    The combat is boring and is kinda a waste in my opinion. I still don't understand why porn game developers put combat and long stretches of time in between to pad out the time. Don't get me wrong, I like rpg maker because I can walk around and control the character, but that doesn't mean it has to be an RPG.

    I highly recommend using a save editor to give yourself the highest amount of money or fame then sleeping for a day, this will give you the strongest shield and gun. Also give your mech 99 bonus attack and defence, the red, blue, and green shards, and buy all the upgrades. you dont get anything for dying so make yourself invincible. Now you can run through the combat easier but it still takes up time.

    The H-scenes are great, drawn really well and the uncensored really makes it better. Only real complaint is they start off kinda unrealistic and eventually you just get a dick in you but otherwise i enjoyed them. If they had maybe 7 or 8 levels to the tv shootings rather than only 4 It would be more fleshed out and more believable but I still enjoyed them.

    The reason I would give this game a 5 rather than a 4 is because I feel that despite these annoyances its still better than most other games I've played on here. The art is great, the exposure is great. I would only tone down her boobs a little bit honestly but at least they aren't unrealistically big.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite developer who deliver completed games with plenty content and good quality art. In past art was censored. Another good game to play. The game, btw, was released a year or two years ago at dlsite. Probably, something new will be created next year.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1514239

    Strong technically, but falls short in story and game play.

    - Lots of content
    - Technically sound (has gallery, text advance, hide text, no bugs).
    - Gallery gives hints for missing scenes
    - Good to great art work
    - No grind / repetition with H-scenes (only in battle if you want to "build" your weapons / defense).

    - Censored
    - Story is forced. Never engaged with the characters. Varying between combat and H-scene activities takes the player out of the moment.
    - Pretty lame combat. Once you grind for enough upgrades, you're never in danger. Although some of the early missions were sort of interesting (e.g. catch the bad guy before it escapes, save your buddy).
    - Not fully translated in some places. (HINT: To get the Vagrant scenes you must
    - H-scenes use the same 6 or 7 poses / artwork over and over. So while the text is different, the images repeat.

    Bad / Disappointing:
    - More of a "check the boxes / find all the scenes" game than one in which you are immersed in the story or engaged by the characters.

    TL;DR: Not a BAD game, just not among the best. A good distraction, but you'll forget it within 48 hours.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice game. It's got generic turn-based fights but at least it has missions that isn't as generic. It's pretty grindy however, compared to CGL 1 but at least it didn't restrict you to a number of "turns" from the first game as far as I can tell. The number of H scenes are good as well as the quality and variety of it( for some reason, i fell in love with how good her tits look), but unfortunately, the game runs at a very tiny 480p resolution which is an injustice to the quality of the CGs. Would wish that H game devs would stop developing games at this resolution already.

    Nonetheless, it's a good game to spend a quickie with.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Normally I do not post ratings on games I have not finished yet, but as the ratings are that contrary to my own impressions I do it anyway:

    Am I missing something?
    How is this game fun or well written? 1-2 hours into the game is just a chore and the upgrade/grind system is just tedious... Doing the same stuff all year around, while waiting for stats to rise to see new scenes.
    If the battles where at least fun, but they are not.

    And the story/character development: I liked the beginning with the "Edge of tomorrow"-esque story, with the media propaganda war hero stuff. But did they blow that great foundation so hard.
    There is almost no content before the MC starts to participate in exibitionst and lewd stuff and no self relfection before and after. Where is the coercion by the president? Fondling the commander and saying "underground tv" will get us support - "If the commander endures this so should I"...

    The only pros are the art and the setting - so it is basically a pretty but empty shell of a game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    the amount of events/time is perfect not bombarded with them but not scarce either, the story is pretty simple but does it's job to add context, and in the end there are a lot of events in the "reminescence room"
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    What really did it for me with this one is the main character, which is one-track-mindedly determined to reach her goal of defeating the big baddy organization of the game and is willing to endure anything to reach that goal. I'm personally really into that kind of character-archetype and those traits fit very well into a corruption-scenario, which is what this game is btw. It also helps that her character design is hot as hell and the art is generally very on point throughout the game.
    The individual scenes all feature varying scenarios of escalating levels of lewdness, that are all very enjoyable. The h-scenes follow the typical corruption formula for the most part: At first the girl doesn't want to do anything lewd, but does it anyway out of a mix of self-sacrifice and coersion and gradually gets really into it. There's also a lot of exhibitionism going on, which is a big plus in my book and a lack of rape on defeat, which was heavily present in the game's predescessor, which is another plus in my book.
    The combat is standard, but functional, RPG-fare and totally adequate for an h-game, especially because there's barely any grinding required.
    If I had to point to a negative aspect it would be the "mini h-scenes" you can unlock, where you go around town once you've gone full slut, screwing random pedestrians. This, in concept, is totally fine and dandy, but unfortunately they reuse the same couple, not as good as usual, images for these scenes, which makes them much less satisfying than they could've been.
    Another criticism is the lack of plot-justification for the main character's corruption. The reason given is to secure advertising and funding, but this doesn't play any kind of part in the actual gameplay, the stats you acquire by sexing around playing no part whatsoever in actually aiding the civilian defense effort, which is what the plot hinges on, meaning our protagonist doesn't have a reason to even degrade herself like that in the first place, which is just kind of sad.
    Those two points only detract a teeny tiny bit from the overall good time I had with the game and I can still whole heartedly recommend it. 4/5
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoy it rather than “critical” rating. A.k.A more of a PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments gamelist entry

    +nice character design
    +art & artstyle
    +fairly easy gameplay to enjoy H element
    +post-game “cheatscreen”
    +some nice scenes n kinks

    -way too fast sluttification, making most scenes irrelevant and dull
    -sci’fi/mecha storyline not my cup of tea
    -underground TV felt a bit tad too stupid

    Well, as game it was simple enough. Getting all scenes ain’t hard and some of the scenes were quite hot. I did like the strong character plus she was fairly cute and sweet. But the speed of how fast she became corrupt/slut felt just too boring. It’s as she literally signed up to be a slut and in few days/weeks she reaches total conversion. (well, basically in a 1 week of game world time). Of course story I didn’t care about at all, as I am not into scifi/mechas/space overall, but the art n design was pretty neat. Having post-game “cheatscreen” to see all scenes instead of going through the whole game again plus “new game plus” is simply last mission. (to get different ending), which was very nice touch.

    If game would been slightly longer and corruption would be slower (but not too serious/slow as that would be simply depressing), I feel the H element, would be much better.

    In general in wasn’t a bad game, but a bit way off for my taste.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    AWESOME! You can choose to remain chaste and focused on your goal of defeating evil, and get a pure good ending - or slowly get corrupted and have sex with strangers for the bad ending!

    You can get pregnant if you aren't careful! There's a recollection room when you beat the game to unlock all scenes! The RPG elements are FANTASTIC! With the gundam mechs and leveling up, very very cool! Overall a fantastic game, my only complaint is that I wish it was longer!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, another classic Clymenia game that I can tuck away for repeated visits.

    If you enjoy public humiliation, forced exhibitionism, reluctant sex and "evil lesbian villainesses raped by men," than look no further friend. Stop whatever you're doing, drop trou, download the game (and the completed save if you're impatient) and go to town.

    I highly recommend purchasing the game on DLsite if you enjoyed it- a developer as talanted as Clymenia deserves our support so he can continue making games!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I Love this game the sistem good and art work too i can enjoy every moment ini this game , i hope ITS have new sequel lol , seriusly.
    Hmm 200 character i don't have any word to prove this game so good