What really did it for me with this one is the main character, which is one-track-mindedly determined to reach her goal of defeating the big baddy organization of the game and is willing to endure anything to reach that goal. I'm personally really into that kind of character-archetype and those traits fit very well into a corruption-scenario, which is what this game is btw. It also helps that her character design is hot as hell and the art is generally very on point throughout the game.
The individual scenes all feature varying scenarios of escalating levels of lewdness, that are all very enjoyable. The h-scenes follow the typical corruption formula for the most part: At first the girl doesn't want to do anything lewd, but does it anyway out of a mix of self-sacrifice and coersion and gradually gets really into it. There's also a lot of exhibitionism going on, which is a big plus in my book and a lack of rape on defeat, which was heavily present in the game's predescessor, which is another plus in my book.
The combat is standard, but functional, RPG-fare and totally adequate for an h-game, especially because there's barely any grinding required.
If I had to point to a negative aspect it would be the "mini h-scenes" you can unlock, where you go around town once you've gone full slut, screwing random pedestrians. This, in concept, is totally fine and dandy, but unfortunately they reuse the same couple, not as good as usual, images for these scenes, which makes them much less satisfying than they could've been.
Another criticism is the lack of plot-justification for the main character's corruption. The reason given is to secure advertising and funding, but this doesn't play any kind of part in the actual gameplay, the stats you acquire by sexing around playing no part whatsoever in actually aiding the civilian defense effort, which is what the plot hinges on, meaning our protagonist doesn't have a reason to even degrade herself like that in the first place, which is just kind of sad.
Those two points only detract a teeny tiny bit from the overall good time I had with the game and I can still whole heartedly recommend it. 4/5