Public service announcement for all game developers

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Active Member
May 8, 2018
a womans pussy or 'vagina' in english is not described as a 'sex' please stop using 'sex' to describe a womans genitalia your making your game sound retarded.

thank you for your time


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
Theres plenty of phrases that are only used in porn games/erotic lit and if taken seriously would result in retarded dialogue indeed. "puckered" for one.
You just have to normalize it in your mind as attempt at verbosity and not aiming at reality.


Active Member
May 6, 2017
I'm sorry but I cuoldn''tt resist HAHAj im lauhging whuke tyoping rit now HAHAHA is this tererad forreal/?haaHAHAHA .

EDIT: ah sorry about that... now, even though I'm not a game dev but I would appreciate if you used less insulting words in your post. I get it that you wanted to help in a way but you're not.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Didn't we have this exact thread recently?

Groin crotch pussy cooter sex vagina cunt crack hole


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I've seen the phrase "beef curtains" used, which about the unsexiest description imaginable.
What's sexy to one person can be cringe-inducing or outright off-putting to another. Tastes in erotic writing, like most writing, are highly subjective and can vary wildly. I feel that's why a lot of creators choose to stay as bland and mainstream as possible when it comes to what fetishes they include in their games and how they write sex scenes. That's why a lot of adult games bore me to tears.

That all being said, sex is a valid synonym for genitals and this thread is stupid.


Active Member
May 8, 2018
you want to use your instead of you're or if you misspell hello as hallo or halo i dont care. these mistakes come and go but almost everytime i play a game i see a "i stick it in her sex" mistake over and over and i just want to put it out there "PLEASE STOP"

and i dont think my original post is all that insulting, im not calling non-native speakers retarted im warning them that when they use 'sex' instead of 'vagina' or pretty much any other term (heck i prefer 'meat curtains' at least thats funny) their game sounds retarded for that one moment. needless to say i like game developers since they make the game i play i just want them to stop with this one mistake in almost every single game


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
you want to use your instead of you're or if you misspell hello as hallo or halo i dont care. these mistakes come and go but almost everytime i play a game i see a "i stick it in her sex" mistake over and over and i just want to put it out there "PLEASE STOP"
It's not a "mistake" just because you don't like it. Maybe crack open a dictionary or a thesaurus once in a while.


Active Member
May 8, 2018
yes it is a mistake, in the same way as assuming that "i thumb my nose at you" is still an insult is a mistake. no one does that and no one calls calls somones genitalia a 'sex'

i swear if some developer thinks that "What, you egg?" is a proper sentence in 2019 imma stab him


Active Member
May 8, 2018
because i wasnt aware of that thread prior to making this post and considering the purpose of this website searching for 'sex' i was rather unlikely to have found that thread or that post in particular. if you would like i can go bump that old topic now? but i think doing so would be pointless considering ive said what i wanted to


Active Member
May 31, 2018
yes it is a mistake, in the same way as assuming that "i thumb my nose at you" is still an insult is a mistake. no one does that and no one calls calls somones genitalia a 'sex'

i swear if some developer thinks that "What, you egg?" is a proper sentence in 2019 imma stab him
I mean, there's a time and a place for almost every synonym that's reasonably setting-neutral. That's the magic of connotation. It doesn't have to be in active idiomatic use among the general population to be appropriate. "Sex" does, I think, have a dust in the lines on its face, so to speak, but I don't think it has lost its place yet.

(Now I don't guarantee that I can describe what the appropriate time and place for it would be. Sometimes when you're writing, it's tough to justify exactly why the word you used just tumbled out from your keyboard. I will say that I haven't used the "sex" synonym in memory, although I DO distinctly remember reaching for it on the metaphorical shelf and then deciding it wasn't the right time to dust it off. I also agree that "I stick it in her sex" would be a pretty shitty use in that one specific example. I further agree that it may be English-naive users who incline to it, and perhaps it may be overrepresented in the I-almost-said-literature. Still, that doesn't mean it's time to drop it.)


Active Member
May 8, 2018
I further agree that it may be English-naive users who incline to it, and perhaps it may be overrepresented in the I-almost-said-literature. Still, that doesn't mean it's time to drop it.
fair enough, but i feel your statement infers that its rarely used. but with the exception of japanese games translated to English almost every game i download off this site has done it incessantly to the point thats its starting to become a pet-peeve

i only hope that it will become more rare.
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