wanted to give it 2/5 but fk it. it does some base concepts right, like it has a storyline and lots of sex scenes... but there ends all positives lol.
sex scenes are basically 20minute videos broken up to 1minute scenes, and even that 1minute scene is broken down to 3 videos each. and all the whole 20minute sex scene does in the game is describe what is happening in the video. it gives some context but it's very boring. might as well open a porn site and watch the full vid.
it's extremely low effort game... but tbh i feel like it's fappable and this is a porn game site so i guess i valued the porn part more on the rating so i gave it 3/5 but imo it's a "play once for 30minute then delete it and never remember ever again" type of porn game/story. so many random videos all showing the same thing it's very very tiring. for example wrong choice early on gives way for an extremely fast paced corruption of your gf... but that corruption is prolonged for like 1h if you watch every video, even though in the first 3min she is fully corrupted... it made 0 sense and made no points whatsoever. i think the dev just couldn't decide what videos to use so he used all of those he bookmarked.
very barebones games tbh as well, but it's at least a bit unique with that storyline even though most conversations are really dumb and feels like coming from a person who was never in any relationship or idk.
anyway, there is 0% chance im gonna follow this game for further patches. but you can probably fap to it once idk.
EDIT: ok i had to deduct 1 point because the grind is insane after a while. extremely boring too. it's just not a good game.
wanted to give it 2/5 but fk it. it does some base concepts right, like it has a storyline and lots of sex scenes... but there ends all positives lol.
sex scenes are basically 20minute videos broken up to 1minute scenes, and even that 1minute scene is broken down to 3 videos each. and all the whole 20minute sex scene does in the game is describe what is happening in the video. it gives some context but it's very boring. might as well open a porn site and watch the full vid.
it's extremely low effort game... but tbh i feel like it's fappable and this is a porn game site so i guess i valued the porn part more on the rating so i gave it 3/5 but imo it's a "play once for 30minute then delete it and never remember ever again" type of porn game/story. so many random videos all showing the same thing it's very very tiring. for example wrong choice early on gives way for an extremely fast paced corruption of your gf... but that corruption is prolonged for like 1h if you watch every video, even though in the first 3min she is fully corrupted... it made 0 sense and made no points whatsoever. i think the dev just couldn't decide what videos to use so he used all of those he bookmarked.
very barebones games tbh as well, but it's at least a bit unique with that storyline even though most conversations are really dumb and feels like coming from a person who was never in any relationship or idk.
anyway, there is 0% chance im gonna follow this game for further patches. but you can probably fap to it once idk.
EDIT: ok i had to deduct 1 point because the grind is insane after a while. extremely boring too. it's just not a good game.